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Thread: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

  1. #19511
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    If someone could update Conky PitStop, then there is addition:

    <language id="conkyrc" _name=".conkyrc" version="2.0" _section="Others">
        <property name="mimetypes">application/x-conkyrc</property>
        <property name="globs">*conkyrc*</property>
        <property name="line-comment-start">#</property>
    and a mime-type
    Author:		dk75
    Date:		Sat Mar 31 15:24:28 CEST 2012
    Version:	1.0
    Comment:	If filename contains pattern 'conkyrc', or first line of file contains '#<conkyrc>', then the file is recognized as conky configuration file
    <mime-info xmlns=''>
        <mime-type type="application/x-conkyrc">
    	<sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
            <comment>Conky config file</comment>
            <magic priority="50">
                <match type="string" offset="0" value="#&lt;conkyrc&gt;"/>
            <glob pattern="*conkyrc*"/>
    Linux Debian Sid (Minted) x86_64/3.12.10, Conky 2.0_pre, Xorg 7.7/1.15.0, KDE 4.11.5, Lenovo T61, Intel X3100, HITACHI HTS722010K9SA00 100GB, WDC_WD5000BEVT 500GB
    Linux user No.: 483055 | My Conky Pitstop corner | One4All project

  2. #19512
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by ohnonot View Post
    thank you so much! have some popcorn!

  3. #19513
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    oh, this is a funny forum!

    but seriously, dk75 and stinkeye, you made my day nerdier!

  4. #19514
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    For all you lua there a way to change my wallpaper every day at midnight using 7 images I have created (1.png ... 7.png) each wallpaper has the day of the week rendered in blender.

    I want it to verify the day of the week and make the appropriate wallpaper change...

    Does this make sense what I more information required? Any help would be appreciated.

  5. #19515
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Why not... conky loads wallpaper.png and cron copy images to wallpaper.png 1 minute after midnight. Additional invoke in rc.local to check at boot and that's it.
    No lua involved ;P

    BASH code:
    CURRDAY=$(date +%d)
    [ -e "${FILEBASE}.png" ] && FILEDAY=$(date -d "$(stat --printf="%y" "${FILEBASE}.png")" +%d) || FILEDAY=$(date -d "-1 day" +%d)
    function wallpaper_update(){
    #	echo -e "File: ${FILEDAY}\tDate: ${CURRDAY}"
    cp "$(printf '%s-%02d.png' ${FILEBASE} ${CURRDAY})" "$(printf '%s.png' ${FILEBASE})"
    function wallpaper_help(){
    printf "\ [-h|--help] [-f|--force]\n"
    printf "\tscript updating wallpaper.png every day\n\n"
    printf "\t-f|--force\t- force update\n"
    printf "\t-h|--help\t- this help\n\n"
    case $1 in
    	-f|--force)	wallpaper_update;;
    	-h|--help)	wallpaper_help;;
    	*)		[ ${FILEDAY} -eq ${CURRDAY} ] && { echo -e "File: ${FILEDAY}\tDate: ${CURRDAY}\tNo update!" ; exit 0; } || wallpaper_update;;
    Your daily wallpaper should have names wallpaper-01.png, wallpaper-02.png and so on.

    CRONTAB invoke:
    1 0 * * * /home/YOURUSER/.conky/conkyparts/
    rc.local invoke:
    sudo -u YOURUSER /home/YOURUSER/.conky/conkyparts/ >/dev/null
    At a first run type that in terminal:
    ~/.conky/conkyparts/ -f
    Last edited by dk75; April 1st, 2012 at 12:05 PM.
    Linux Debian Sid (Minted) x86_64/3.12.10, Conky 2.0_pre, Xorg 7.7/1.15.0, KDE 4.11.5, Lenovo T61, Intel X3100, HITACHI HTS722010K9SA00 100GB, WDC_WD5000BEVT 500GB
    Linux user No.: 483055 | My Conky Pitstop corner | One4All project

  6. #19516
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    dk75, thank you for such a quick all seems to work well, but the wallpaper is not there some way to force a redraw of the wallpaper?

    Again, thank you for the crazy fast response!

  7. #19517
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Buenavista, ADN, Phils

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Here is my current Conky, no weather yet I still gota set all that mess back up.

    My code is a mess, to lazy to clean it up.
    I would like to make the Conk more narrow, but it wouldnt let me for some reason. I may have some work around to try again.

    # .conkyrc - for fourpot
    # --- Window Layout & Options --- #
    own_window yes
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    #own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_argb_value 128 #0 Translucent - 255 Opace
    double_buffer yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont DejaVu Sans:size=8
    xftalpha 1
    short_units yes
    maximum_width 1960
    if_up_strictness address
    # --- Colours, Sizes, Fonts & Margins --- #
    # Default colors and also border colors
    default_color gold #4a90eb #white
    default_shade_color black
    default_outline_color white
    own_window_color black #4a90eb #white
    color1 gold #4a90eb #white
    # Text / Layout alignment, other possible values are commented
    #alignment top_left
    #alignment top_right
    alignment bottom_left
    #alignment bottom_right
    # Gap between borders of screen and text
    # same thing as passing -x at command line
    gap_x 0 
    gap_y -20
    # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    no_buffers yes
    # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
    uppercase no
    # number of cpu samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    # number of net samples to average
    # set to 1 to disable averaging
    net_avg_samples 2
    # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale yes
    # Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer left
    ${image ~/.Conky/bg.png -p -8,0 -s 1930x200}${font Ubuntu:size=4}
    ${voffset 8}
    ${goto 20} ${color gold}${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}SYSTEM${font}${color white}
    ${goto 20}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}i${font}   Kernel: ${kernel}
    ${goto 20}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}q${font}   Uptime: ${uptime}
    ${goto 20}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}g${font}   RAM: $memperc% ${goto 170} ${color grey}${membar 8,60}${color white} 
    ${goto 50} ${mem} / ${memmax} 
    ${goto 20}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}j${font}   SWAP: $swapperc% ${goto 170} ${color grey}${swapbar 8,60}${color white} 
    ${goto 50} ${swap} / ${swapmax} 
    ${voffset -136}
    ${goto 320}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}   AMD Quad Core @ ${freq} MHz
    ${goto 320}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}   Core1: ${cpu cpu1}% ${goto 480} ${color grey}${cpubar cpu1 8,60}${color white}
    ${goto 320}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}   Core2: ${cpu cpu2}% ${goto 480} ${color grey}${cpubar cpu2 8,60}${color white}
    ${goto 320}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}   Core3: ${cpu cpu3}% ${goto 480} ${color grey}${cpubar cpu3 8,60}${color white}
    ${goto 320}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}A${font}   Core4: ${cpu cpu4}% ${goto 480} ${color grey}${cpubar cpu4 8,60}${color white}
    ${voffset -154}
    ${goto 680} ${color gold}${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}COOLING${font}${color white}
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}l${font}   AMD Phenom 9850 Temp:${platform f71882fg.1280 temp 3}°C
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}l${font}   nVidia 460GTX Temp: ${execi 30 nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep '):' | awk '{print $4}' | cut -c -2}°C
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}l${font}   MSI 770T-C45 Mobo Temp:${platform f71882fg.1280 temp 1}°C
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}h${font}   System Fan 1: ${platform f71882fg.1280 fan 1} RPMs
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}h${font}   System Fan 2: ${platform f71882fg.1280 fan 2} RPMs
    ${goto 680}   ${font StyleBats:size=16}h${font}   System Fan 3: ${platform f71882fg.1280 fan 3} RPMs
    ${voffset -162}
    ${goto 1020} ${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}${color gold}HD${font}${color white}
    ${goto 1020}   ${voffset 4}${font Pie charts for maps:size=14}7${font}   ${voffset -5}RAID System:
    ${goto 1020}  ${voffset 4}${fs_used /home} Used / ${fs_size /home} Total ${goto 1180}${color grey} ${fs_bar 8,60 /}${color white}
    ${goto 1020}   ${voffset 4}Disk IO Usage: ${goto 1180}${color grey} ${diskiograph 8,60 }${color white}
    ${goto 1020} ${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}${color gold}NETWORK${font}${color white}
    ${goto 1020}   ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font}   Up: ${upspeed eth0} ${goto 1180} ${color grey}${upspeedgraph eth0 8,60 000000 000000}${color white}
    ${goto 1020}   ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font}   Down: ${downspeed eth0} ${goto 1180}${color grey} ${downspeedgraph eth0 8,60 000000 000000}${color white}
    ${voffset -157}
    ${goto 1340} ${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}${color gold}PROCESSES${font}${color white}
    ${goto 1340}   ${color grey}NAME${goto 1490}PID${goto 1530}CPU${color white}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 1}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 1} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 1}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 2}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 2} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 2}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 3}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 3} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 3}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 4}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 4} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 4}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 5}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 5} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 5}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 6}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 6} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 6}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 7}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 7} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 7}
    ${goto 1340}   ${top name 8}  ${goto 1480}${top pid 8} ${goto 1520}${top cpu 8}
    ${voffset -153}
    ${goto 1660} ${font GpuTeks:style=Bold}${color gold}MEMOREY${font}${color white}
    ${goto 1660}   ${color grey}NAME ${goto 1820}AMOUNT${color white}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 1} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 1}                                           
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 2} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 2}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 3} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 3}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 4} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 4}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 5} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 5}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 6} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 6}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 7} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 7}
    ${goto 1660}   ${top_mem name 8} ${goto 1820}${top_mem mem 8}
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Mac Mini: OSX 10.9 Mavericks, i7-3720QM 2.6Ghz, 16GB RAM, 1.25TB Fusion Array, Intel HD4000 iGPU
    Photo Blog on Youtube:
    Linux User: 380654

  8. #19518
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by dk75 View Post
    Why not... conky loads wallpaper.png and cron copy images to wallpaper.png 1 minute after midnight. Additional invoke in rc.local to check at boot and that's it.
    No lua involved ;P
    Bummer.... I need a week with 2047 days?

  9. #19519
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by ejjenkins View Post
    dk75, thank you for such a quick all seems to work well, but the wallpaper is not there some way to force a redraw of the wallpaper?

    Again, thank you for the crazy fast response!
    As for the code - it was coincidence that I've done that code (very similar - for previous month, current month and next month) for my work schedule just 2 days before, so core code was ready ;P

    As for a redraw issue - it depends how do you draw it in your code.
    If it's by IMLIB image function, then you must set imlib_cache_flush_interval in config section (before TEXT clause) for 1 hour (3600s) or 1 minute (60s) or whatever you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sector11 View Post
    Bummer.... I need a week with 2047 days?
    Bummer or not, question was about pre rendered images.

    I will probably change my own code to LUA procedure, that will draw my schedule charts based on a text file with dates and shifts. But I need some free time for that and that will be a problem as i see at my Conky displayed work schedule ;P
    Last edited by dk75; April 2nd, 2012 at 01:22 AM.
    Linux Debian Sid (Minted) x86_64/3.12.10, Conky 2.0_pre, Xorg 7.7/1.15.0, KDE 4.11.5, Lenovo T61, Intel X3100, HITACHI HTS722010K9SA00 100GB, WDC_WD5000BEVT 500GB
    Linux user No.: 483055 | My Conky Pitstop corner | One4All project

  10. #19520
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Post your .conkyrc files w/ screenshots

    [QUOTE=dk75;11810853]As for the code - it was coincidence that I've done that code (very similar - for previous month, current month and next month) for my work schedule just 2 days before, so core code was ready ;P

    As for a redraw issue - it depends how do you draw it in your code.
    If it's by IMLIB image function, then you must set imlib_cache_flush_interval in config section (before TEXT clause) for 1 hour (3600s) or 1 minute (60s) or whatever you like.

    Woke up this morning, checked my wallpaper and it changed just like it should have, not sure when it happened, but it worked...I appreciate your code on this. Very Nice! When I get home from work, I will post a screenshot...again, thanks!

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