I havent use Reiser for some time, but when I did, I found it quite fast.
Back to the present:
On my home PC, I have 4 drives, with dual boot.
So I have on my 200GBS WD 10GB NTFS (primary), swap, boot (ext3), / on XFS (extended), home on XFS (extended).
Two drives with NTFS, and a 500GBs Seagate Sata2 with XFS.

Since I got my brand new 500GBs SATA, I've been moving files (BIG and small) between disks. Using Konqueror, I could see speeds of about 20-30 MB per second.
I always assumed it was because of the [slow] older drives.
After running several hdparm tests on both drives and partitions I've found out that XFS as quite slower on those tests then NTFS or ext3.
My PATA drives range between 30 and 40 MB/s and the SATA can reach 68 MB/s (working on an external PCI controller as SATA 1).
But the speed of the partitions is quite different.
With some of my friends, I tested there speed and found mix results, expecially on the SWAP partition getting very mix results.

If everyone here could also post there results for the next command, we might get some more reliable results.
Here it is

sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/fdisk.txt
## so we know the file system
sudo nice -n -20 hdparm -tTiT /dev/[h,s]d[a-z] > ~/Desktop/disks.txt
## Speed of the drives
sudo nice -n -20 hdparm -tT /dev/[h,s]d[a-z]? > ~/Desktop/part.txt
## Speed of the partitions

Please run test 2 and 3, 3 times or more and do an average, since the first two results tend to be very different.

Thanks so much.