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Thread: Murrine Official Thread

  1. #581
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread


  2. #582
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    Hello everyone;

    I was wondering, I'm working on a very polished and crisp OS designed for older systems, and I have chosen to use murrine for the theming engine . I'm using a transparent panel in gnome, and would like to know how to utilize transparent pixmaps in murrine, or no image at all. Thank you!

  3. #583
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    i have installed murrine engine & a defualt theme from univ but how do i use this just like emerald/compiz?

    i can install the MurrineThemePack, and system tell me sucessfully, and browse to the ~/.themes, the themes file is there, but when i open the destop apprearence option, there's not any murrine themes in the list, what's the problem? do i need to restart ubuntu?
    Last edited by myfeing; August 1st, 2009 at 07:14 AM.

  4. #584
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Smile Re: Murrine Official Thread

    Anyone knows if it is possible to enable RGBA to have semi-transparent windows, like with the Murrine engine but with KDE 4?

    I found Bespin but I don't like that theme to much, for a day-to-day use.

    KWin can do this partially, like for menus, really not like Murrine, without making transparent important areas like text fields or so.
    Last edited by Götz; November 4th, 2009 at 04:24 AM.

  5. #585
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    must have transparency! argggg.... i have been seeing this pop up all over the place and want it so back, but don't understand enough of the distructions to make it work. is there a .deb or something to just click and bang work? arggg.... cimi..your work looks so good i can't wait to see this in finished form and what people do with it to make so many new themes. i am tired o f my buntu's looking like 1995. could maybe the scroll bars have some rounding to them?

    new years maybe? 2010 year of the murrina?
    Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04, Compaq Presario CQ60, AMD Sempron 64bit, NVIDIA Graphics and a bitchin' Toyota 4Runner!

  6. #586
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    No action for over a year, but it is the right thread, so: why is the separator in the toolbar drawn twice? It doesn't do that in other parts. Screenshot and gtkrc below, help appreciated. Sorry that the gtkrc has empty lines everywhere, I don't know why it does that when I paste it here.

    include "panel.rc"
    gtk-menu-drop-shadow = 0
    gtk-menu-shadow-delay = 0
    gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=16,16:panel=16,16:gtk-menu=16,16\
    gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#ffffff\nbg_color:#080808\nbase_color:#000000\ntext_color:#ffffff\nselected_bg_color:#000000\nselected_fg_color:#ffffff\ntooltip_bg_color:#313131\ntooltip_fg_color:#ffffff"
    style "default"
    GtkWidget::interior_focus			= 7 
    GtkWidget::focus_padding			= 0 # Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'.
    GtkButton::default_border			= {0,0,0,0}
    GtkButton::default_outside_border	= {0,0,0,0}
    GtkRange::trough-border = 1 # (1) space between bar and inner trough
    GtkRange::stepper-size = 14 # (14)
    GtkRange::trough-under-steppers = 0 # (1) include steppers in trough
    GtkRange::slider-width = 14 # (14)
    GtkScale::trough-side-details = 0
    GtkScale::slider-width = 14  # button width
    GtkScale::slider-length = 8 # button length
    GtkPaned::handle_size			= 6
    #GtkScrollbar::fixed-slider-length	= 12
    #GtkScrollbar::min_slider_length		= 12
    GtkScrollbar::activate-slider = 0
    GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 1
    GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1 
    GtkScrollbar::trough-border = 1 
    GtkScrollbar::slider-width = 10
    GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 2
    GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-within-bevel = 0
    GtkTreeView::enable-tree-lines		= TRUE
    GtkTreeView::enable-grid-lines		= GTK_TREE_VIEW_GRID_LINES_HORIZONTAL
    GtkCheckButton::indicator_size		= 12
    GtkCheckButton::indicator_spacing	= 3
    GtkMenuBar::internal_padding		= 1
    GtkOptionMenu::indicator_size		= {15,8}
    GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing	= {8,2,0,0}
    GtkToolbar::space-style			= GTK_TOOLBAR_SPACE_EMPTY # _EMPTY or _LINE
    GtkStatusbar::shadow_type 		= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    GtkSpinButton::shadow_type 		= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    GtkToolBar::shadow-type			= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    GtkMenuBar::shadow-type			= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
    xthickness	= 2  
    ythickness	= 2
    GtkEntry::cursor_color			= "#ffffff"
    GtkTextView::cursor_color		= "#ffffff"
    GtkTextView::secondary_cursor_color	= "#ffffff"
    GtkWidget::cursor_color			= "#ffffff"
    GtkWidget::secondary_cursor_color	= "#ffffff"
    font_name="Verdana 8"
    fg[NORMAL]		= @fg_color
    fg[PRELIGHT]		= @selected_fg_color
    fg[ACTIVE]		= @fg_color
    fg[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
    fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#909090"
    bg[NORMAL]		= @bg_color
    bg[PRELIGHT]		= @selected_bg_color
    bg[ACTIVE]		= @bg_color
    bg[SELECTED]		= @bg_color
    bg[INSENSITIVE] 	= "#3f3f3f"
    base[NORMAL]		= @base_color
    base[PRELIGHT]		= @tooltip_bg_color
    base[ACTIVE]		= "#632c00"
    base[SELECTED]		= "#b24f00"
    base[INSENSITIVE]	= shade ( 2.0, @base_color )
    text[NORMAL]		= @text_color
    text[PRELIGHT]		= @selected_fg_color
    text[ACTIVE]		= @text_color
    text[SELECTED]		= @selected_fg_color
    text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#606060"
    engine "murrine"
                    arrowstyle          = 0 # 0=^like 1=filled triangle 
    		border_colors	    = { "#3b3b3e", "#3b3b3e" } # "#fff600" "#fd7800" }
    		colorize_scrollbar = TRUE # use custom bg[SELECTED]
    		expanderstyle	    = 1 # 0=arrows, 1=circles with +/-, 2=buttons with =/-
    		focus_color	    = "orange"
    		focusstyle	    = 3 # eg for entries 0=disable, 1=dots, 2=small colored rectangle, 3=2 touching borders
    		glazestyle	    = 0 # eg for buttons 0=flat, 1=curved, 2=concave, 3=top curved, 4=beryl
    		glowstyle	    = 2 # 0=top, 1=bottom, 2=concave, 3=horizontal, 4=centered
    		lightborderstyle    = 0 
    		listviewheaderstyle = 0 # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = raised
    		menubarstyle        = 0
                    menustyle           = 0
    		progressbarstyle    = 2 # 0=flat 1=stripped diag 2=blocks
    		reliefstyle	    = 0 # 0=flat, 1=inset, 2=shadow, 3=gradient on shadow, 4=stronger shadow
                    rgba                = TRUE
    		separatorstyle	    = 1 # 0=solid line 1=smooth
                    scrollbarstyle	    = 2 # 0=nothing 1=circles 2=handles 3=diagonal stripes 4=diag. stripes + handles 5=horiz str 6=horiz str+handles
    		stepperstyle	    = 1 # 0=standard 1=integrated stepper handles
    		toolbarstyle        = 0
    		glow_shade	    = 1.0
    		lightborder_shade   = 1.0
    		highlight_shade     = 1.0 # this will make buttons and scrollbar look icky
    		prelight_shade	    = 1.2 # wtf does this do?
    		gradient_shades     = {1.2,1.0,1.0,1.2} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
    class "GtkWidget" style "default"
    style "button" = "default"
      bg[ACTIVE] = shade ( 0.80, @bg_color )
      bg[NORMAL] = shade ( 2.20, @bg_color )
      bg[PRELIGHT] = shade ( 1.80, @bg_color )
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange"
      fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
      fg[ACTIVE] = "orange"
      bg[INSENSITIVE] = shade ( 1.2, @bg_color )
      engine "murrine" {
    		rgba                    = FALSE
                    gradient_shades         = {2.0,2.0,2.0,1.0} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
                    highlight_shade         = 1.0  # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
                    lightborder_shade       = 1.0   # sets border brightness for buttons or widget
    style "checkradiobutton" = "button" 
    #  fg[PRELIGHT] = "#fd7800"
      bg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color # whole widget bg color prelight
      bg[SELECTED] = @bg_color # fill color when ticked
      bg[NORMAL] = @base_color # box + tick color insensitive
      text[NORMAL] = @fg_color # tick color
      text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color # tick color prelight
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange"# text prelight color
      fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color # text color if ticked
      base[SELECTED] = @bg_color # fill color when ticked
      base[NORMAL] = @bg_color # fill color normal
      base[PRELIGHT] = "orange"
    style "optionmenu" = "button"
      xthickness      = 3
      ythickness      = 3 
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange" # arrow prelight color
      text[PRELIGHT] = "orange" # text prelight color
      engine "murrine" {
                    rgba                    = FALSE
                    gradient_shades         = {2.0,2.0,2.0,1.0} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
                    highlight_shade         = 1.0  # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
                    lightborder_shade       = 1.0   # sets border brightness for buttons or widget
    style "entry" = "button"
      bg[SELECTED] = "red"
      xthickness = 3
      ythickness = 3
      GtkWidget::interior_focus = 1 
    style "spinbutton" = "entry"
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange" # this works, but not in preview, check with gcolor2
    style "scrollbar" = "default"
      bg[PRELIGHT] = "green"
      bg[SELECTED] = "orange" #scrollbar normal
      bg[ACTIVE] = "blue"
      bg[INSENSITIVE] = "white"
      bg[NORMAL] = "grey"
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange" # stepper prelight
      fg[ACTIVE] = "orange"
      fg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color #stepper insensitive 
      fg[NORMAL] = "white"
    style "progressbar" {
      font_name="Verdana Bold 8"
      fg[PRELIGHT] 	= @bg_color
      text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
      bg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
      bg[SELECTED] = "orange" #"orange" # progress bar color
      bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color # bg whole widget 
      xthickness 	= 2
      ythickness 	= 2
    style "range" = "default"
      bg[PRELIGHT] = "orange" # button prelight
      bg[SELECTED] = shade ( 5.8, @bg_color ) # trough
      bg[NORMAL] = "black" # button normal
    #  fg[ACTIVE] = "orange"
    #  fg[SELECTED] = "pink"
    #  fg[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color #stepper insensitive 
    style "toolbar" = "default"
      xthickness = 1
      ythickness = 0 # I changed this from 2 to 0 to make the dividing lines between tool bars disappear.
      engine "murrine"
        rgba = TRUE
      engine "pixmap"
          function        = BOX
          file            = "Toolbar/toolbar.png"
          border  = {0,0,0,0}
          stretch = TRUE
    #widget_class "*BonoboDockItem" style "toolbar"
    #class "*BonoboDockItem" style "toolbar"
    style "toolbuttons" = "default"
      xthickness = 1  
      ythickness = 1
      GtkWidget::focus_padding = 2
      bg[PRELIGHT] = shade ( 1.8, @bg_color )
      fg[ACTIVE] = "orange"
    style "menu" = "default"
      #bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "Menu-Menubar/menu-overlay.png"
      xthickness	= 1
      ythickness	= 1
      fg[PRELIGHT] = "orange"
      engine "murrine"
        rgba = TRUE
    style "menuitem" = "default" # this is for menubar items, not items in menu themselves
      xthickness		= 1
      fg[PRELIGHT] 	= "orange"
      #bg[PRELIGHT]    = "green"
      engine "murrine"
        rgba = TRUE
    style "tearoffmenuitem" = "menuitem"
    style "menubar" = "default"
    fg[NORMAL]		= "#ffffff"
    text[NORMAL]		= "#ffffff"
    fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#ffffff"
    fg[ACTIVE]		= "#ffffff"
    fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#909090"
    bg[INSENSITIVE]	= "#3f3f3f"
    text[PRELIGHT]		= "#ffffff"
    xthickness	= 0
    ythickness	= 0
    style "notebook" = "default"
      fg[ACTIVE] = shade ( 0.4, @fg_color )
      bg[NORMAL] = shade ( 5.80, @bg_color ) #active tab
      bg[ACTIVE] = "#000000" #shade ( 0.20, @bg_color ) #inactive tabs
      bg[SELECTED] = "#FD7800"
      xthickness = 2
      ythickness = 2
    style "tooltips"	= "default"
    bg[NORMAL]	= "#070707"
    style "ruler" = "default"
    engine "pixmap" {
    function	= BOX
    detail	= "vruler"
    file		= "Others/ruler.png"
    border	= {1,1,1,1}
    stretch	= TRUE
    function	= BOX
    detail	= "hruler"
    file		= "Others/ruler.png"
    border	= {1,1,1,1}
    stretch	= TRUE
    style "handlebox" = "default"
    style "list-header"
      ythickness = 3
      GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#222222"
      GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#000000"
    #  font_name = "Verdana Bold 8"
    style "treecol"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#000000"
    class "*Font*" 				style "optionmenu"
    class "GtkPaned" 			style "handlebox"
    widget_class "*HandleBox" 		style "toolbar"
    class "*HandleBox" 			style "toolbar"
    widget_class "*Toolbar*" 		style "toolbar"
    class "*Toolbar" 			style "toolbar"
    class "GtkMenuBar*" 		 	style "menubar"
    widget_class "*MenuBar.*" 		style "menubar"
    widget_class "*GtkNotebook*"		style "notebook"
    class "GtkNotebook"	 		style "notebook"
    class "GtkEntry" 			style "entry"
    class "GtkOldEditable" 			style "entry"
    widget_class "*GtkSpinButton*"		style "spinbutton"
    class "GtkSpinButton" 	 		style "spinbutton"
    class "GtkRuler" 			style "ruler"
    class "GtkScrollbar" 			style "scrollbar"
    class "GtkProgressBar" 			style "progressbar"
    class "GtkRange" 			style "range"
    widget_class "*GtkMenu*"		style "menu"
    class "GtkMenu" 			style "menu"
    widget_class "*GtkMenuItem*"		style "menuitem"
    class "GtkMenuItem"			style "menuitem"
    class "GtkTearoffMenuItem"		style "menuitem"
    #class "GtkToolbar" 			style "flat"
    class "GtkHandleBox" 			style "handlebox"
    #class "GtkEventBox" 			style "flat"
    #class "GtkLayout" 			style "layout"
    #class "SPButton" 			style "SPbutton"
    widget "gtk-tooltips" 			style "tooltips"
    class "GtkButton" 			style "button"
    widget_class "*GtkButton*"		style "button"
    widget_class "*Combo*" 			style "optionmenu"
    class "GtkCombo*" 			style "optionmenu"
    class "GtkOptionMenu" 			style "optionmenu"
    widget_class "*GtkToggleButton*" 	style "button"
    widget_class "*GtkFontButton*"		style "button"
    widget_class "*List*" 			style "list-header"
    class "GtkList"				style "list-header"
    widget_class "*GtkTree*" 		style "list-header"
    class "GtkTreeView"			style "list-header"
    widget_class "*GtkCList*"	 	style "list-header"
    widget_class "*Tree*" 			style "list-header"
    widget_class "*Tool*GtkButton" 		style "toolbuttons"
    widget_class "*Tool*GtkToggleButton" 	style "toolbuttons"
    class "GtkRadioMenuItem" 		style "checkradiobutton"
    class "GtkCheckMenuItem" 		style "checkradiobutton"
    widget_class "*GtkRadioButton*"		style "checkradiobutton"
    class "GtkRadioButton" 			style "checkradiobutton"
    widget_class "*GtkCheckButton*"		style "checkradiobutton"
    class "GtkCheckButton" 			style "checkradiobutton"
    style "separator" = "default" {
      xthickness = 0
      ythickness = 0
      bg[NORMAL] = @fg_color # "pink"
      engine "murrine" {
        rgba = TRUE
    widget_class "*Tool*Separator" style "separator"
    class "*GtkSeparator*" style:highest "separator"
    style "frame" {
      bg[NORMAL] = shade ( 0.3, @fg_color )#shade ( 5.8, @bg_color )
    #  fg[NORMAL] = "blue" # text color, will probably effect all widgets on it, move style definitions up if you need this
    widget_class "*GtkFrame*" style "frame"
    class "GtkFrame" style "frame"
    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #587
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Smile Re: Murrine Official Thread

    I haven't used GNOME in quite a while but I believe each separator is for a different toolbar on the same toolbar line.

    Ex. | Navigation toolbar | Edit toolbar | Other toolbar

  8. #588
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by 16777216 View Post
    I haven't used GNOME in quite a while but I believe each separator is for a different toolbar on the same toolbar line.

    Ex. | Navigation toolbar | Edit toolbar | Other toolbar
    That would only make sense if a toolbar isn't filled, resulting in two separators next to each other, like with your example: Nav Toolbar || Other Toolbar with two separators because Edit toolbar isn't used. This isn't the case though. Also I'm not sure if it's two separators or one separator with some kind of effect/shadow I don't know about. I tried more or less every setting I know about, no luck.
    Last edited by VCoolio; February 8th, 2011 at 12:39 AM.

  9. #589
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Kubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Smile Re: Murrine Official Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by VCoolio View Post
    That would only make sense if a toolbar isn't filled, resulting in two separators next to each other, like with your example: Nav Toolbar || Other Toolbar with two separators because Edit toolbar isn't used. This isn't the case though. Also I'm not sure if it's two separators or one separator with some kind of effect/shadow I don't know about. I tried more or less every setting I know about, no luck.
    I can't see what you are talking about. I see a single vertical line "|" a back/undo button labeled "tool button" a forward/redo button labeled "tool button" another single vertical line "|" and another cut button labeled tool button.

    I have zoomed the picture with and without interpolation and each are indeed a single line separated by tool buttons.

    After staring at the normal sized picture the lines do seem to blur a bit and look doubled at the tips. Are you using a CRT or have a screen resolution that is very high? If so it may be that.

  10. #590
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Murrine Official Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by 16777216 View Post
    After staring at the normal sized picture the lines do seem to blur a bit and look doubled at the tips. Are you using a CRT or have a screen resolution that is very high? If so it may be that.
    I may not have been clear: my problem is indeed the fact that the lines are doubled, or blurred, or shadowed or whatever it is. It's only the separators on the toolbar that do this; separator lines elsewhere are fine, eg. in menus or on combo buttons or on notebooks.

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