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Thread: UART doesn't recieve

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Post UART doesn't recieve

    Hi there! I have a little problem with my UART. I'm ussing 2 UART (3 pins) with cross connecting TX-RX and GND.
    The test file file.txt has 776 bytes. I can send it in one direction TX-UART0->RX-UART1 perfectly. In reverse (TX-UART1->RX-UART0) I recieve an empty file.
    In debugging time with Hyperterminal I just can read garbage in UART1 TX pin.
    I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Please, help me.

    This is the C code:

    #include <errno.h>      // Error number definitions#include <stdint.h>     // C99 fixed data types
    #include <stdio.h>      // Standard input/output definitions
    #include <stdlib.h>     // C standard library
    #include <string.h>     // String function definitions
    #include <unistd.h>     // UNIX standard function definitions
    #include <fcntl.h>      // File control definitions
    #include <termios.h>    // POSIX terminal control definitions
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <arpa/inet.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #define TAM_MAX 800
    // Msg struct
    typedef struct{
        int Id;
        int Tam;
        struct timeval tiempo;
        char *Mensaje;
        double checksum;
    // Answer struct
    typedef struct{
        int Id;
        char c;
    // Open usb-serial port for reading & writing
    int open_port(const char *direccion){
        int fd;    // File descriptor for the port
        // configuration options
             // O_RDWR - we need read
             //     and write access
             // O_CTTY - prevent other
             //     input (like keyboard)      
             //     from affecting what we read
             // O_NDELAY - We don't care if     
             //     the other side is           
             //     connected (some devices
             //     don't explicitly connect) 
        fd = open(direccion, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
        if (fd == -1){
            fprintf(stderr, "Open_port: Unable to open %s %s\n",direccion, strerror(errno));
        return fd;
    int main(int argc, char **argv){
        int             pd0=0, pd1=0, fd0=0, fd1=0;     // File descriptor
        struct termios  options;    // Terminal options
        int             rc1, rc0;         // Return value
        int             j,leido,c,d;
        int             wordsRead,wordsWritten;
        double             cksum;
        char             buffer0[TAM_MAX], buffer1[TAM_MAX], prebuffer[255];
        char             *p;
        struct timeval     t_ant, t_act;
        Mensaje men0, men1;
        Respuesta res0, res1;
        pd0 = open_port("/dev/ttyS0");
        pd1 = open_port("/dev/ttyS1");
        // Get the current options for the ports
        if((rc0 = tcgetattr(pd0, &options)) < 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get attr: %d, %s\n", pd0, strerror(errno));
        // Set the baud rates
        cfsetispeed(&options, B115200);
        // Set the baud rates
        cfsetospeed(&options, B115200);
        // CLOCAL means don't allow
        // control of the port to be changed
        // CREAD says to enable the receiver
        options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);       // Enable the receiver and set local mode
        options.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;                // Bit de paridad deshabilitado
        options.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;                // 1 stop bit (habilitado son 2 bits)
        options.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;               // Disable hardware flow control
        options.c_cflag |= CS8;                    // Palabras de 8 bits
        options.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;
        options.c_cc[VTIME] = 2;
        // Set the new attributes
        if((rc0 = tcsetattr(pd0, TCSANOW, &options)) < 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to set attr: %d, %s\n", pd0, strerror(errno));
        // Set the new attributes
        if((rc1 = tcsetattr(pd1, TCSANOW, &options)) < 0){
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to set attr: %d, %s\n", pd1, strerror(errno));
        // Simple Read/Write Code Here//
            gettimeofday(&men0.tiempo, NULL);
            // STRUCT TO SEND
            p = buffer0;
            memcpy(p, &men0.Id, 4);
            p += 4;
            memcpy(p, &men0.Tam, 4);
            p += 4;
            memcpy(p, &men0.tiempo, 8);
            p += 8;
            fd0 = open("file.txt", O_RDONLY);
            leido = read(fd0, men0.Mensaje, men0.Tam);
            memcpy(p, &men0.Mensaje, men0.Tam);
            p += men0.Tam;
            for(j=0; j<(TAM_MAX-8); j++){
                men0.checksum += (unsigned int)buffer0[j];
            memcpy(p, &men0.checksum, 8);
            // TX UART 0
            wordsWritten = write(pd0, buffer0, TAM_MAX);
            // MANUAL DELAY
            for (c = 1 ; c <= 32767 ; c++ ){
               for (d = 1 ; d <= 256; d++ ){}
            // RX UART 1
            wordsRead = read(pd1, buffer1, TAM_MAX);
            // RECIEVE STRUCT
            p = buffer1;
            memcpy(&men1.Id, p, 4);
            p += 4;
            memcpy(&men1.Tam, p, 4);
            p += 4;
            memcpy(&men1.tiempo, p, 8);
            p += 8;    
            memcpy(&men1.Mensaje, p, men1.Tam);
            p += men1.Tam;
            memcpy(&men1.checksum, p, 8);
            for(j=0; j<(TAM_MAX-8); j++){
                cksum += (unsigned int)buffer1[j];
            // OPEN-CREATE FILE
            fd1 = open("file_TX0_RX1.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND);
            if (fd1==-1){    
                res1.c ='f';
                printf("Fail to create/open file\n");
            else if(cksum == men1.checksum){
                res1.c = 'g';               // Checksum good
                res1.c = 'b';               // Checksum bad
            sprintf(prebuffer, "\n[ID %d|size %d|checksum %f|answer %c]\n", men1.Id, men1.Tam, men1.checksum,res1.c);
            write(fd1, prebuffer, strlen(prebuffer));
            write(fd1, men1.Mensaje, men1.Tam);
            gettimeofday(&t_act, NULL);
            if(t_ant.tv_sec!=0 && t_ant.tv_usec!=0){
            sprintf(prebuffer,"\n[Time between msg = %f]\n",
                write(fd1, prebuffer, strlen(prebuffer));
        // Close file descriptor & exit
        return 0;
    Last edited by mazab.mzb; July 28th, 2015 at 11:29 AM.

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