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Thread: Conky not aligning text grab since upgrade to 14.04

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Minneapolis, Minnesota US
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Conky not aligning text grab since upgrade to 14.04


    I have a weather display in Conky that grabs forecast text from Prior to 14.04 the following line would display a chunk of text in a block starting at 52 with subsequent lines wrapping back to 52.

    ${goto 52}${exec sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}

    Now, subsequent lines wrap to 0 or the left edge of the box. It seems that the /n that comes from fold is now interpreted in a different way than it used to be. Before rearranging my display to account for this, I am wondering if anyone has encountered and resolved this problem.

    Here is an image of what is happening. The text blocks under 'forecast' should be aligned at 52 pixels in and the '100%' should be centered under the moon. (BTW I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Also, I delayed the upgrade until last month.)

    Script that grabs data:
    # by mjjohanson
    # ugly but it works
    wget -O ~/.conky/weather/weather_data "" #saved as HTML file
    grep -E "ay:|night:|noon:" <~/.conky/weather/weather_data >~/.conky/weather/forecast #put forecast lines in new file
    sed -i 's/<br>/\n/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #change code to linefeed
    sed -i '/warn">/d' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #delete line
    sed -i 's/<[^>]\+>//g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #delete tags
    sed -i '/^$/d' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #delete blank lines
    sed -i 's/\.  /\. /g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #change double space to single
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\) percent/\1%/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #change percent to symbol
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)\./\1°\. /g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #add degree symbol after numbers at end of sentences
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\) /\1° /g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #add degree symbol after numbers in lines
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)° to/\1 to/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #remove degree symbol before 'to'
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)° mph/\1 mph/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #remove degree symbol before 'mph'
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)° inches/\1 inches/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #remove degree symbol before 'inches'
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)° of/\1 of/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #remove degree symbol before 'of'
    sed -i 's/\([0-9]\)° and/\1 and/g' ~/.conky/weather/forecast #remove degree symbol before 'of'
    Conky script:
    #                                 conkyrc_weather
    # by mjjohanson based on work by TeoBigusGeekus
    background yes
    update_interval 2000
    double_buffer yes
    no_buffers yes
    text_buffer_size 2048
    alignment tr
    gap_x 224
    gap_y 700
    minimum_size 180 500
    maximum_width 180
    own_window yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_argb_value 200
    own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
    border_inner_margin 1
    border_outer_margin 1
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders no
    override_utf8_locale yes
    use_xft yes
    xftfont ubuntu:size=7
    xftalpha 0.5
    uppercase 20
    default_color cccccc #text
    color1 999999 #lines
    color2 aaaaaa #icons
    color3 888888 #footer
    color4 404040 #moon phase
    color5 444444 #
    lua_load ~/.conky/weather/set_icon.lua
    lua_load ~/.conky/weather/set_icon_current.lua
    lua_load ~/.conky/weather/set_icon_wind.lua
    ${exec sh ~/.conky/weather/}
    ${exec sh ~/.conky/weather/}
    ${exec sh ~/.conky/weather/}
    ${goto 4}${voffset -28}${font Ubuntu:size=7,weight:bold}${color ffffff}current
    ${voffset -4}${color1}${hr 1}${color}
    ${voffset -8}${alignc 76}${font Ubuntu:size=32}${exec sed -n '2p' ~/.conky/weather/current}${voffset -18}${font Ubuntu:size=11}F
    ${voffset 16}${alignc 60}${font Ubuntu:size=11,weight:bold}${exec sed -n '3p' ~/.conky/weather/current}${voffset -4}${font Ubuntu:size=6}C${font}${color}
    ${voffset -48}${goto 82}RH${goto 100}${exec sed -n '4p' ~/.conky/weather/current}
    ${goto 82}BP${goto 100}${exec sed -n '6p' ~/.conky/weather/current}
    ${goto 82}DP${goto 100}${exec sed -n '7p' ~/.conky/weather/current}
    ${goto 82}FL${goto 100}${exec sed -n '8p' ~/.conky/weather/current}
    ${voffset 8}${font conkyweather:size=32}${color}${lua_parse conky_set_icon_current 1}${font conkywindnesw:size=32}${color}${voffset -6}${goto 64}${lua_parse conky_set_icon_wind 5}${image ~/.conky/weather/moon.gif -p 120,68 -s 50x50 -n}${font}
    ${voffset 4}${alignc 10}${exec sed -n '5p' ~/.conky/weather/current}
    ${voffset -11}${alignc -60}${exec sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/moonphase | fold -s -w 9}
    ${voffset -22}${alignc 62}${exec sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/current | fold -s -w 9}
    ${voffset 6}${goto 4}${font Ubuntu:size=7,weight:bold}${color ffffff}forecast
    ${voffset -4}${color1}${hr 1}${color2}
    ${font conkyweather:size=32}${lua_parse conky_set_icon 1}${color}${font}
    ${voffset -42}${goto 52}${if_match "Hazardous Weather Conditions" == "${exec sed -n '9p' ~/.conky/weather/current}"}${color 01bef3}${font Ubuntu:size=7,weight:bold}Hazardous Weather${color}${font}${voffset 12}${endif}#
    ${goto 52}${exec sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}
    ${voffset 2}#
    ${color1}${hr 1}${color2}
    ${font conkyweather:size=32}${lua_parse conky_set_icon 2}${color}${font}
    ${voffset -42}${goto 52}${exec sed -n '2p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}
    ${voffset 2}#
    ${color1}${hr 1}${color2}
    ${font conkyweather:size=32}${lua_parse conky_set_icon 3}${color}${font}
    ${voffset -42}${goto 52}${exec sed -n '3p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}
    ${voffset 2}#
    ${color1}${hr 1}${color2}
    ${font conkyweather:size=32}${lua_parse conky_set_icon 4}${color}${font}
    ${voffset -42}${goto 52}${exec sed -n '4p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}
    ${voffset 2}#
    ${color1}${hr 1}${color2}
    ${font conkyweather:size=32}${lua_parse conky_set_icon 5}${color}${font}
    ${voffset -42}${goto 52}${exec sed -n '5p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28}
    ${voffset 2}#
    ${color1}${hr 1}${color3}
    ${font ubuntu:size=6}last update ${time %e %B %Y %H:%M}
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by mjjohanson; January 5th, 2015 at 04:37 PM. Reason: image didn't stick, post conky files

  2. #2

    Re: Conky not aligning text grab since upgrade to 14.04

    post your conky config file.
    Windows assumes the user is an idiot.
    Linux demands proof.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Conky not aligning text grab since upgrade to 14.04

    Wouldn't you need to use execp and then replace every instance of a "\n"
    created by fold with a "\n${goto 52}"?
    ${goto 52}${execp sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\n${goto 52}/g'}
    Terminal output showing what conky would now parse...
    glen@Trusty:~$ sed -n '1p' ~/.conky/weather/forecast | fold -s -w 28 | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\n${goto 52}/g'
    This Afternoon: Occasional 
    ${goto 52}light snow after 5pm. 
    ${goto 52}Cloudy and cold, with a 
    ${goto 52}high near 4°.  Wind chill 
    ${goto 52}values as low as -13°.  
    ${goto 52}South wind 5 to 10 mph. 
    ${goto 52}Chance of precipitation is 
    ${goto 52}40%.
    I don't ever recall fold working in conky as you describe.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by CantankRus; January 5th, 2015 at 09:46 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Minneapolis, Minnesota US
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Re: Conky not aligning text grab since upgrade to 14.04

    Thank you, CantankRus, for a way to make it work. Before 14.04 I ran 12.04 and before that a 10.? and until now it has worked. Maybe it wasn't supposed to, but there ya go. Thanks, again, for the insight.

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