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Thread: how to make a (desktop) shortcut for java application

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    how to make a (desktop) shortcut for java application

    I would like to have a shortcut/launcher for one aplication. I use this aplication almost everyday! I know how to make shortcut for standard applications.
    I get this app from local authority and instruction how to start it.
    App is located in directory: /home/quina/Pulpit/eUPO (Pulpit=Desktop in polish).
    To start this app from terminal I use this command:
    quina@quina-PC:~/Pulpit/eUPO$ sudo java -classpath .:lib/bcmail.jar:lib/bcprov.jar:lib/bctsp.jar com.coig.esp.upo.Main
    Can anyone could help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: how to make a (desktop) shortcut for java application

    I make no promises here, but I *think* you could do the following:

    open an editor and put the following text in:

    cd /home/quina/Pulpit/eUPO
    java -classpath .:lib/bcmail.jar:lib/bcprov.jar:lib/bctsp.jar com.coig.esp.upo.Main
    read -p "Press enter to close this window" nothing

    save that file as (for example) ~/

    then in a terminal:

    cd ~
    chmod +x

    Now try to execute it in the terminal:

    sudo ./
    - it should ask for your password since you are using "sudo"

    What I couldn't do is make it an actual desktop launcher as it appears it opens a new shell or something such that it doesn't interact with the screen. What I was able to make work was putting the shell file itself in the Desktop folder - as an example: cp ~/ ~/Desktop, then just clicking on the on the desktop. But then I also had to select "run in terminal" when the question pops up when I click on the file.

    So, I'm not sure exactly what you need. Someone can probably help you more as I'm at the end my knowledge right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: how to make a (desktop) shortcut for java application

    It's works!
    thank You very much!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: how to make a (desktop) shortcut for java application

    I'm glad it worked for you.

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