Hi everyone,

I am about to configure a atmospheric model, however I need to install some libraries before I move on to the next level. Thus, I have been strugling to configure zlib, because I need to configure it using prefix /opt/intel. However, this is not happening and it keep me showing this error:

Compiler error reporting is too harsh for ./configure (perhaps remove -Werror).
** ./configure aborting.

I was doing these steps:
e x p o r t C C = g c c
e x p o r t C F L A G S = ' O 3 x H o s t i p '
tar -xf zlib-1.2.8.tar
c d zlib-1.2.8
. / c o n f i g u r e --p r e f i x = / o p t / i n t e l

Does anybody know what is going on?

thanks a lot