Hi Gurus,

I was wondering how I could use sed. or another command if it is better suited for the task, to delete a range of characters from each line in a file.

Specifically I am using todo.txt to keep a list of todo items that I display in conky.
I have a script that will take an item from my todo.txt file and copy it in remind format into my reminders file, so I get a popup reminding me to do the task.

Right now the todo2remind script is grabbing the entire todo item.

1 2014-06-01* (E) +conputer Fix Mutt's spell check
What I would like is to have only the actual message grabbed. Since I need to know the line number, in this case 1, I'd like to remove the 2014-06-01* (E) (this is different in every line, but the position is the same)
which would leave:
+conputer Fix Mutt's spell check
Even better would be to get rid of the plus sign and the word that comes directly after it as well (+computer, in this case).