Hello all,

I have a few aliases set up for dict corresponding to which dictionaries I would like to use:
alias define='dict -d gcide'
alias engfr='dict -d fd-eng-fra'
alias freng='dict -d fd-fra-eng'
alias thsrus='dict -d moby-thesaurus'
I'd like to be able to autocomplete the words that I search as if I typed out the actual commands. I used code based on this forum post on autocompleting bash aliases. I am just testing the define function right now; here's a copy of my .bash_aliases file:
alias define='dict -d gcide'
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/dict
# make-completion-wrapper _dict _definition dict -d gcide
function _definition {
    COMP_WORDS=( dict -d gcide ${COMP_WORDS[@]:1} )
    return 0

complete -o default -F _definition define
However, when I try to autocomplete the word, the complete function strips the last argument to the last letter. For instance,
$ define fa<tab>
changes to
$ define a
Using a one-letter argument works correctly, but returns 3,000+ words which is unhelpful. Can anyone shed some light on how to make this function not delete the last characters?
