
I am running Xubuntu 13.04 on my laptop but there is one thing I cannot work out regarding the audio setup:

I use mixxx to play music on the machine. I have G19 installed for a logitech keyboard with LCD that runs a port of Impulse ot give a specturm analysier type display when music is playing. The only way I can get the impulse port to actually work is have the pavucontrol running and then I can select within the recording tab the "BUILT IN AUDIO ANALOGUE STEREO" input. If i close pavucontrol then the impulse feed doesnt work correctly, likewise if i reboot and just start playing music then i get no repsonce at all from impulse.

Is there a way I can configure the recording device to always be built in analogue steroe? Or is there a way i could create a virtual device that is tired to the one I am interest in? I guess i could redirect impulse then to the virtual device?

Thanks for any help that can be offered.
