Hello there.

I am looking into buying a new router.

I am staying at a university building at the campus and I am being provided with a LAN internet connection (I do NOT have a phone and I am not aware of how the whole connection thingy is set up). I am not getting any local IP, I am directly connected to the outside world (I am not behind a router, something I trust to be kind of dangerous) and ifconfig confirms my sayings.

Now, I am planning into buying a router because I like the wireless connection (I have a laptop and a smartphone), but, I don't need a router with an entry for a phone line, as I don't have one. I am a total noob as to what to buy and if it will work, but, what I need is to "divide" my external IP to local IPs for my mobile phone and my laptop. So, it's basically a router with an entry for a LAN that can share it via wireless to multiple devices. Also, it would be nice to have a LAN exit as well, so as to plug my Raspberry Pi there.

What do I need to buy? Will a classical router do the job or there are some issues that I should be aware of?

Thanks for any answers.