Hi, i'm trying to connect to my windows machine at home by tunneling RDP traffic through a SSH tunnel from a remote network, but it doesn't work. In my home network i also have a Raspberry Pi (with dynDNS) running and I'm trying to use the PI to reach my windows machine. My router is configured to forward all incoming SSH request to the PI.

I've been googling a lot, but i cannot see why the following commands fails:

from a remote network with my laptop, open terminal window #1: ssh <my dyndns address> -p 22 -L 3392:

after logged in to the PI, open terminal window #2 from laptop: rdesktop -u <my user name>

where is the IP address to my windows machine.

Output from terminal window #2:

Autoselected keyboard map en-us
ERROR: unable to connect

I'm not sure why this is failing as i can telnet to on port 3389 FROM my PI (which is located in the same network as my windows machine).

Please advice.
