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Thread: Some scripts I wrote for tagging videos and/or moving files (with rsync)

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    Join Date
    May 2009
    Courtenay, BC, Canada

    Some scripts I wrote for tagging videos and/or moving files (with rsync)

    I just finished tweaking/writing some scripts and thought I'd share them. I didn't like the old way I did this sort of thing, so I re-wrote them to work more intelligently. included in this post are:

    • Nautilus scripts for:
      • rsync files that are selected to another folder (such as a pen drive)
      • rsync files that are selected to another folder (with rename)
      • tag video files that are selected (using ffmpeg)

    • cleaning the filenames of (and tagging, using ffmpeg):
      • Movies (assuming you follow my folder structure, see below)
      • TV Shows (assuming you follow my folder structure, see below)

    • video tagging core script

    (note: I have included these scripts in the attachments)

    as per usual, all of my scripts go to ~/Launchers. if you are unsure what that means, then open up Nautilus (Files), or whatever file manager you use, then when in your home folder, create a new folder and name it Launchers. all of my scripts will go in there. we will make links to the Nautilus scripts later, see below.

    Basic Scripts:
    (keep in mind that this is case sensitive, as it is called by my other scripts)
    this is the script that lets us tag videos. it is much simpler to give it its' own file. we won't need to make any changes to this file.
    while IFS=\| read -r f nF Title; do
    # skip the info lines
    if echo $f | grep ^#; then
    echo tagging video file "$f" >> fout.txt
    echo ffmpeg -i "$f" -metadata title="$Title" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy "$nF"
    ffmpeg -i "$f" -metadata title="$Title" \
     -acodec copy -vcodec copy -scodec copy "$nF"
    file_f=$(stat -c %s "$f")
    file_nF=$(stat -c %s "$nF")
    if [ "$file_nF" -gt "$file_f" ]; then
     echo new file "$nF" larger than old file, deleting old file >> fout.txt
     rm -f "$f"
     echo new file "$nF" not larger than old file, skipping >> fout.txt
     echo $nF >> fout.err # add filename to list of failed files
    done < <(cat $1)
    this allows us to automagically rename and tag any video files we keep in our VideosPath variable.
    you will want to change VideosPath to what ever your base TV folder is. if your base TV folder is ~/Videos/TV then you will want to change it to read
    make sure you don't delete the quotes, just in case.

    you will also want to set your editor. make sure you use the filename for your editor, and not the program name. if you're unsure of the filename, go to the 'Main Menu' program and then find your editors' launcher. select it and click on 'Properties.' the command will be everything before the first space (if there is one, usually it is filename %U, or some such thing). for instance, GVIM displays:
    gvim -f %F

    in which case, the editors' filename is gvim.
    the editor pops up when it's done creating a list, to allow you to change the output filename (although you're better off leaving this, and just renaming your folder) and the title. I did it this way because before I would have the script pop up a zenity input window, but you would have to wait for one file to complete before choosing a second name, or else you would end up with a million ffmpeg processes bogging down your CPU. this way, tagVideosCore will iterate the list file one by one, being nice to your CPU (and your patience).
    lastly, you can change the 'EditorForks' variable if your editor doesn't fork (that is, detach itself). if you are unsure, just open up a terminal (usually ctrl+alt+t) and type in the editors' filename. if once it opens (before it closes), you are returned to a prompt that looks like this:
    [ username: ~ ]$

    and you can run other commands, you want the variable to be 'yes' so that it stops the script from proceeding before your editor is done.
    if it doesn't fork, you can change it to 'no' (or anything other than 'yes')
    the script expects your folder structure to follow one of:
     VideosPath/TV Show (year)/Season #/garbage.Episode##.garbage.ext
     VideosPath/TV Show (year)/Season #/garbage.E##.garbage.ext
     VideosPath/TV Show (year)/Season #/garbage.#x##.garbage.ext
     VideosPath/TV Show (year)/Season #/garbage.###.garbage.ext

    you will need to set your folders this way, or you will need to change the script.
    I did include a filter to remove x264/h264 from the filename. you're welcome.
    I make a link to this script and place it in my base TV folder. then I can just run it from there in Nautilus. the 'clicking' way to do this is to right click on the script in ~/Launchers, and choose 'Make Link.' Nautilus will then create a file 'Link to <filename>'. move that to your TV folder and rename it to whatever you want. pro tip: it doesn't need the .sh
    tagVideosCore performs a check when it's done with a file. if the new file is the same size or smaller than the original, it will leave the new file, and the original, and write the filename of the new file to fout.err - check this file when you are done. just because the file is smaller or the same size doesn't mean that it failed, but it could have, so always double check these files.

    Editor="gnome-terminal -x vim" # your favorite editor
    EditorForks=yes # put 'yes' if the editor forks its' own process.
                   #  if you are unsure, then run a simple test. open a terminal
                   #  window and run your editor from there. if it returns to a
                   #  regular prompt, meaning you can tell the terminal to run
                   #  something else while your program runs, then your program
                   #  forks, and you need to put yes here. otherwise, it's safe
                   #  to put no.
    # create a temporary database of our videos path, to ensure all file names
    #  used by 'locate' are current
    updatedb -l 0 -o temp.db -U "$VideosPath"
    # empty our output files
    echo > out.txt # regular output of this script
    echo > fout.txt # regular output of the ffmpeg script
    echo "# the list of files that failed the ffmpeg script's \
          size check" > fout.err 
    echo '# follows the format:' > list.txt
    echo '#  old filename|new filename|title' >> list.txt
    echo '# edit the new filename and title if you want them to be different' >> list.txt
    while read -r f; do
     echo '****************' >> out.txt
     echo  >> out.txt
     echo "$f" >> out.txt
     # rename episodes according to their folder names, and format episode string
     #  as 'S##E##', according to their path and filename
     # remove 'h264' and 'x264' from filenames as they are troublesome and we are
     #  just going to remove them later anyways
     nF=$(echo "$f")
     nF2=$(echo "$nF" | sed 's|[xXhH]264||g')
     # for 'e##' type filenames
     if [[ "$nF2" =~ [sS][0-9]{1,2}[eE][0-9]{2} ]]; then
      echo matches 'e##' pattern >> out.txt
      nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})/[sS]eason \)\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)/.*[0-9][eE]\([0-9]\{2\}\)|\1\2\3\4/\2.S\4E\5|')
     # for 'episode ##' type filenames
     elif [[ "$nF2" =~ [eE]pisode[\ .]?[0-9]{1,2} ]]; then
      echo matches 'episode ##' pattern >> out.txt
      nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})/[sS]eason \)\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)/.*[eE]pisode[ .]\{0,1\}\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)|\1\2\3\4/\2.S\4E\5|')
     # for '#x##' type filenames
     elif [[ "$nF2" =~ [0-9][xX][0-9]{1,2} ]]; then
      echo matches '#x##' pattern >> out.txt
      nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})/[sS]eason \)\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)/.*[0-9][xX]\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)|\1\2\3\4/\2.S\4E\5|')
     # for '###' type filenames
     elif [[ "$nF2" =~ [^0-9][0-9]{3}[^0-9] ]]; then
      echo matches '###' pattern >> out.txt
      nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})/[sS]eason \)\([0-9]\{1,2\}\)/.*[0-9]\([0-9]\{2\}\)|\1\2\3\4/\2.S\4E\5|')
      echo did not match any pattern, continuing >> out.txt
     # ensure 'S##' and 'E##' if only either 'S#' or 'E#'
     nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|S\([0-9][^0-9]\)|S0\1|;s|E\([0-9][^0-9]\)|E0\1|')
     # make sure we are actually doing work
     if [ "$nF" = "$nF2" ]; then
      echo false match, continuing >> out.txt
      echo >> out.txt
      echo '****************' >> out.txt
     # configure 'title' metadata
     echo renaming as: >> out.txt
     echo "$nF" >> out.txt
     Title=$(echo "${Title##*/}" | sed 's|\(.*\)[ .]\([sS][0-9]\{2\}[eE][0-9]\{2\}\)|\1 \U\2: |;s|\([eE][0-9]\{2\}: \)\.|\1|')
     # strip garbage between episode number and extension,
     #  then make file extensions lowercase
     nF=$(echo $nF | sed 's|\(E[0-9]\{2\}\).*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\L\2\E|')
     # add the original filename, the new filename, and the title to our list
     echo "$f|$nF|$Title" >> list.txt
     echo  >> out.txt
     echo '****************' >> out.txt
    done < <(locate -q -d temp.db *.avi *.mkv *.mp4)
    # delete our temporary database
    rm -f temp.db
    $Editor list.txt
    if [ -n "$EditorForks" ]; then
     # halt until user is done editing
     zenity --info --title="Edit List of Files" --text="Hit OK when finished editing the file list."
    # start renaming
    gnome-terminal -x $tagVideosCore list.txt
    # notify the user that we're finished
    zenity --info --title="Filename Check Complete" --text="Finished checking filenames."
    this allows us to automagically rename and tag any video files we keep in our VideosPath variable.
    the same as the TV one
    the script expects your folder structure to follow one of:
    VideosPath/Movie (year)/garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Movie (year) [some info]/garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Movie (year)/garbage-cd#.garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Movie (year)/garbage-pt#.garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Series/# - Movie (year)/garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Series/# - Movie (year)/garbage-cd#.garbage.ext
    VideosPath/Series/# - Movie (year)/garbage-pt#.garbage.ext
    note: square bracketed info can be in any of those. I just didn't feel like typing out another one for each of them.
    you will need to set your folders this way, or you will need to change the script.
    again, I create a link to this and put it in my Movies folder. then I can just run it from there in Nautilus.

    VideosPath="/storage/Videos/Movies/(to watch)"
    Editor="gnome-terminal -x vim" # your favorite editor
    EditorForks=yes # put 'yes' if the editor forks its' own process.
                   #  if you are unsure, then run a simple test. open a terminal
                   #  window and run your editor from there. if it returns to a
                   #  regular prompt, meaning you can tell the terminal to run
                   #  something else while your program runs, then your program
                   #  forks, and you need to put yes here. otherwise, it's safe
                   #  to put no.
    # create a temporary database of our videos path, to ensure all file names
    #  used by 'locate' are current
    updatedb -l 0 -o temp.db -U "$VideosPath"
    # empty our output files
    echo > out.txt # regular output of this script
    echo > fout.txt # regular output of the ffmpeg script
    echo "# the list of files that failed the ffmpeg script's \
          size check" > fout.err 
    echo '# follows the format:' > list.txt
    echo '#  old filename|new filename|title' >> list.txt
    echo '# edit the new filename and title if you want them to be different' >> list.txt
    while read -r f; do
     echo '****************' >> out.txt
     echo  >> out.txt
     echo "$f" >> out.txt
     # rename movies according to their folder structure
     nF=$(echo "$f")
     echo 'checking for multi-file pattern' >> out.txt
     # for 'cd#' type filenames
     if [[ "$nF2" =~ [cC][dD][0-9] ]]; then
      echo matches 'cd#' pattern >> out.txt
      # folders that end with square-bracketed info, i.e.:
      #   /path/to/folder/title (year) [some info]/file-CD1.ext
      if [[ "$nF2" =~ [\)][\ ][[].*[]] ]]; then # full square bracketed expression
                                    # so that it doesn't break syntax highlighting
       echo square brackets follow year >> out.txt
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\}) \[.*\]\)/.*[cC][dD]\([0-9]\).*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2-Pt\4\L\5\E|')
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})\)/.*[cC][dD]\([0-9]\).*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2-Pt\4\L\5\E|')
     # for 'pt#' type filenames
     elif [[ "$nF2" =~ [pP][tT][0-9] ]]; then
      echo matches 'pt#' pattern >> out.txt
      # square brackets
      if [[ "$nF2" =~ [\)][\ ][[].*[]] ]]; then
       echo square brackets follow year >> out.txt
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\}) \[.*\]\)/.*[pP][tT]\([0-9]\).*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2-Pt\4\L\5\E|')
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})\)/.*[pP][tT]\([0-9]\).*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2-Pt\4\L\5\E|')
     # for all others
      echo did not match any multi-file pattern >> out.txt
      # square brackets
      if [[ "$nF2" =~ [\)][\ ][[].*[]] ]]; then
       echo quare brackets follow year >> out.txt
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\}) \[.*\]\)/.*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2\L\4\E|')
       nF2=$(echo "$nF2" | sed 's|\(.*/\)\(.*\)\( ([0-9]\{4\})\)/.*\(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*\)$|\1\2\3/\2\L\4\E|')
     # make sure we are actually doing work
     if [ "$nF" = "$nF2" ]; then
      echo no work, continuing >> out.txt
      echo >> out.txt
      echo '****************' >> out.txt
     # configure 'title' metadata
     echo renaming as: >> out.txt
     echo "$nF" >> out.txt
     Year=$(echo "$nF" | grep -o '([0-9]\{4\})')
     Title=$(echo "${Title##*/}" | sed 's|-Pt[0-9]||;s|[0-9] - ||')
     Title=$(echo $Title $Year)
     # add the original filename, the new filename, and the title to our list
     echo "$f|$nF|$Title" >> list.txt
     echo  >> out.txt
     echo '****************' >> out.txt
    done < <(locate -q -d temp.db *.avi *.mkv *.mp4)
    # delete our temporary database
    rm -f temp.db
    $Editor list.txt
    if [ -n "$EditorForks" ]; then
     # halt until user is done editing
     zenity --info --title="Edit List of Files" --text="Hit OK when finished editing the file list."
    # start renaming
    gnome-terminal -x $tagVideosCore list.txt
    # notify the user that we're finished
    zenity --info --title="Filename Check Complete" --text="Finished checking filenames.\nffmpeg may still be doing work."

    Nautilus Scripts
    put these in ~/Launchers and then make links to them. place the links in '~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts' for pre-12.10 versions of Ubuntu, and in '~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts' for 12.10 and higher versions. rename the links to whatever you want them to say in the Nautilus menu (in other words, don't leave the .sh on them, or they will have the .sh in the menu)

    nautilus-rsync (no rename).sh
    this script pops up a zenity folder selection window, then copies the files that you have selected in Nautilus to the folder you selected in the zenity window. it copies using rsync in its' own Gnome-Terminal window.
    you might want to change the 'defaultfolder' variable. it is set to the folder 'storage' in the default folder that pendrives are mounted into in 12.10. this is different for versions before 12.10, so if you are using one of those versions, remove $USER/ from this path. you will obviously want to change the actual folder name to that of the pen drive you use the most, as well.
    just right click once you have a file or several files selected. choose scripts>scriptname, where scriptname is whatever you called the link.
    F=$(zenity --file-selection --directory --text="select destination" --filename=$defaultfolder)
    mkdir "$tmpfolder"
    while read -r f; do
    ln -s "$f" "$tmpfolder"
    done < <(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | grep [\da-zA-Z])
    gnome-terminal -x rsync -PL "$tmpfolder"/* "$F"
    rm -Rf "$tmpfolder"

    nautilus-rsync (rename).sh
    the same as the version that doesn't rename, except like the tagging scripts, it opens up an editor afterwards to let you change the filenames.
    the same as the tagging scripts, and the non-renaming script.
    select files, right click, scripts>scriptname, editor opens up, change filenames, save the file, close, viola.
    Editor="gnome-terminal -x vim" # your favorite editor
    EditorForks=yes # put 'yes' if the editor forks its' own process.
                   #  if you are unsure, then run a simple test. open a terminal
                   #  window and run your editor from there. if it returns to a
                   #  regular prompt, meaning you can tell the terminal to run
                   #  something else while your program runs, then your program
                   #  forks, and you need to put yes here. otherwise, it's safe
                   #  to put no.
    # clear our list
    echo '# follows the format:' > list.txt
    echo '#  old filename|new filename' >> list.txt
    echo '# edit the new filename and title if you want them to be different' >> list.txt
    F=$(zenity --file-selection --directory --text="select destination" --filename=$defaultfolder)
    mkdir $tmpfolder
    while read -r f; do
    # strip the folder from the new filename
    nF=$(echo "$f" | sed 's|.*/\(.*\)$|\1|')
    # add it to our list
    echo "$f|$nF" >> list.txt
    done < <(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | grep [\da-zA-Z])
    $Editor list.txt
    if [ -n "$EditorForks" ]; then
     # halt until user is done editing
     zenity --info --title="Edit List of Files" --text="Hit OK when finished editing the file list."
    # make links to simplify the rsync line
    while IFS=\| read f nF; do
    # skip the info lines
    if echo $f | grep ^#; then
    ln -s "$f" "$tmpfolder/$nF"
    done < <(cat list.txt)
    # perform the rsync
    gnome-terminal -x rsync -PL "$tmpfolder"/* "$F"
    rm -Rf "$tmpfolder"

    lets you manually tag video files.
    the same as the other tagging scripts.
    select files in Nautilus, right click, scripts>scriptname, editor opens up, check filenames and titles, save file, close editor, viola.
    Editor="gnome-terminal -x vim" # your favorite editor
    EditorForks=yes # put 'yes' if the editor forks its' own process.
                   #  if you are unsure, then run a simple test. open a terminal
                   #  window and run your editor from there. if it returns to a
                   #  regular prompt, meaning you can tell the terminal to run
                   #  something else while your program runs, then your program
                   #  forks, and you need to put yes here. otherwise, it's safe
                   #  to put no.
    # empty our output files
    echo > fout.txt # regular output of the ffmpeg script
    echo "# the list of files that failed the ffmpeg script's \
          size check" > fout.err 
    echo '# follows the format:' > list.txt
    echo '#  old filename|new filename|title' >> list.txt
    echo '# edit the new filename and title if you want them to be different' >> list.txt
    while read -r f; do
     # the file path of our hidden temporary file.
     # create title suggestion for this file.
     # strip the file extension and folder path
     Title=${f%.*}; Title=${Title##*/}
     # auto populate 'Show Title S##E##: Episode Title' for filenames using that
      # structure. the episode title will be missing if it is not present in the file
      # name. also, there is no filtering of either the show title or the episode title
      # so that will need to be done in advance.
     if [[ "$Title" =~ [sS][0-9]{1,2}[eE][0-9]{2} ]]; then
     Title=$(echo "$Title" | sed 's|\(.*\)[ .]\([sS][0-9]\{2\}[eE][0-9]\{2\}\)|\1 \U\2: |')
      # check if there is an episode name following the episode number.
      if [[ ! "$Title" =~ [eE][0-9]{2}$ ]]; then
       # if there is, filter out a separating '.' if one exists.
       Title=$(echo "$Title" | sed 's|\([eE][0-9]\{2\}: \)\.|\1|')
     # add the original filename, the new filename, and the title to our list
     echo "$f|$nF|$Title" >> list.txt
    done < <(echo "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | grep -iE '.avi$|.mp4$|.mkv$' | sed 's|%20| |g')
    $Editor list.txt
    if [ -n "$EditorForks" ]; then
     # halt until user is done editing
     zenity --info --title="Edit List of Files" --text="Hit OK when finished editing the file list."
    # start renaming
    gnome-terminal -x $tagVideosCore list.txt
    # notify the user that we're finished
    zenity --info --title="Rename Script Complete" --text="Rename Script Complete.\nffmpeg may still be doing work."
    # if old file doesn't exist (because the ffmpeg script deleted it), then
    #  rename the new file to the old filename
    while IFS=\| read -r f nF Title; do
    # skip the info lines
    if echo $f | grep ^#; then
     mv -n "$nF" "$f"
    done < <(cat list.txt)
    edit: fixed the location for 12.10+ nautilus scripts
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by HiImTye; January 27th, 2013 at 09:54 PM.

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