I like to think I'm decent with JavaScript. That said, the Google's APIs for Chrome extensions are awful! They're less helpful than chewing sand in a dentist office.

My first extension is a page action, and it's supposed to appear when the active tab navigates to a certain domain. When the user clicks the page action's icon, a popup is supposed to appear which shows the URL of the tab (useless, I know, but it's for learning purposes).

I can get the page action to show up (and not show up) when it's supposed to. I can't get the popup to show the tab's URL. Can someone please point out the flaw in my code and why it's wrong?

	"manifest_version": 2,

	"name": "SFC Helper",
	"version": "0.1",
	"description": "This extension searches for debris in surrounding systems.",

	"background": {"scripts": ["background.js"]},
	"page_action": {
		"default_icon": "SFClogo19.png",
		"default_title": "Find resources.",
		"default_popup": "SFChelper.html"
	"permissions": [
	"icons": {
		"38": "SFClogo38.png",
		"128": "SFClogo128.png"
SFChelper.html (popup)
<!doctype html>

<style type="text/css">
	body {
		background: #999999;
		color: #FF0000;

<div id="test">Something here.</div>
<script src="SFChelper.js"></script>

chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {var address = tab.url});
The output in the popup says "Something here." like the script is being ignored (Chrome doesn't allow screenshots while extension popups are open).