I have googled the heck out of this, and read dozens of examples, but cant quite figure it out...

I understand how the yes/no buttons work, and can catch those no problem, but I want to give several options to the user, and catch the output in my script, and do something with it.

#! /bin/bash

whiptail --title "Test" --checklist "Choose:" 20 78 15 \
"John" "" on \
"Glen" "" off \
"Adam" "" off \

# If "John" is selected, run this function:
function john {
echo "You chose John"

# If "Glen" is selected, run this function:
function glen {
echo "You chose Glen"

# If "Adam" is selected, run this function:
function adam {
echo "You chose Glen"

I can see the output at the command line when the above script ends, but how can I use it inside the script?

Also, using the option "--seperate-output" seems to totally suppress the output, rather than seperate it on different lines like it is meant to.

I would appreciate any help