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Thread: Ubuntu 13.04 Will Allow Instant Purchasing, Right From the Dash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Kubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Ubuntu 13.04 Will Allow Instant Purchasing, Right From the Dash

    From Slashdot:

    Ubuntu is becoming a shopping center. Instead of addressing the queries raised by Stallman and the EFF, Canonical is now pushing for making Ubuntu a shopping cart. With Ubuntu 13.04 Canonical is going one step forward, and soon you will be able to purchase software and music right from the Dash without opening the software center or web browser.This is intended to make the whole experience even more interactive and useful for the end user."
    So far, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 (Gnome 2D fallback on a netbook), Kubuntu 12.04 (desktop) and Lubuntu 12.10 (netbook), Mint KDE 13 (gf's laptop). I don't care much for Unity, don't like the concept of a shopping lens in search and like turning my PC in a shopping centre even less. Looks like Ubuntu 13.04 will never enter this household. What about you guys?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Ubuntu spywere?

    It is very difficult not to be involved in *politics* when we try to understand such a subject, if we are going to consider just the 'tech'-side, (i hope the moderators at this forum will define "politic" only in a very narrow sense of 'democrat vs republicans', etc) we are missing the whole thing. The point here is that we (the whole community) are not organized as a free association where members can take decisions about the subjects ... For more analysis about the whole subject, read this:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Nutley, NJ
    Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

    Re: Ubuntu 13.04 Will Allow Instant Purchasing, Right From the Dash

    I'm looking forward to this new feature. It will make it easier and more convenient for me to do my online shopping especially with Amazon within the Ubuntu Unity Dash. I plan to do a lot of my shopping this way in the future.

    Ubuntu is shaping up to be a nice alternative to Apple Macintosh products and Microsoft Windows PCs. This is precisely what is needed to be done in order to grow the number of Ubuntu users worldwide.

    I used to have strong opinions against the commercialization of Ubuntu, but I decided to drop those opinions in favor of supporting Canonical and Ubuntu in particular because I realized that I use a lot of closed source and proprietary software applications and code in Ubuntu. I want to find the best tools for each job. I really don't care much about FLOSS except to pay it lip service in conversations with average people that don't care about this stuff.

    I find it difficult to use FLOSS software applications exclusively. It will put a damper on my preferences and habits. I have learned that life is full of compromises and choices.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Ubuntu 13.04 Will Allow Instant Purchasing, Right From the Dash

    discussed discussed talked about ......and closed
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