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Thread: Issue with Conky and Ubuntu dash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Issue with Conky and Ubuntu dash

    I've recently started having an issue between conky and Ubuntu dash. When the dash is opened the area where my conky is set up will continue to show conky. If I move my mouse around, the area of the dash displaying conky will flicker between; the dash that's supposed to be displayed and the conky.

    If there's a window covering up conky and the dash is opened, I get the same behavior, except rather than conky showing up in the dash, there is a section of the covering window the size of my conky.

    This started all of the sudden, no changes other than usual updates, I had noticed some xorg updates around the time the problem started.

    I'm using the only driver I can to get 3D acceleration (FGLRX), as I have one of the ati/ati hybrid chipsets. I've tried 4 different versions of the driver, but they changed nothing.

    Maybe I have something in my .conkyrc file set up wrong, I'm certainly no expert. I've tried a few small changes, and the only thing that got rid of the issue in the dash, was to comment out "own_window yes" but that causes other issues, mainly conky blinking when the desktop is clicked on. So here's my .conkyrc.

    draw_borders no
    draw_shades yes
    double_buffer yes
    default_color 000000
    own_window yes
    own_window_type desktop
    own_window_class conky
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    use_xft true
    xftfont sans$:size=10
    xftalpha 1
    update_interval  1
    temperature_unit fahrenheit
    use_spacer right
    no_buffers true
    # Strictness of if_up. One of: up, link, or address. The later ones imply the further ones, defaults to up.
    if_up_strictness address
    format_human_readable true
    alignment top_right
    gap_x 10
    gap_y 40
    ${color FFFFFF}${font :size=12}Processor ${shadecolor FFFFFF}$color${hr 3, }$font
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}CPU:${offset 25}${execi 30 cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor}${offset 75}$acpitemp ̊ $alignr${freq_g cpu0}Ghz
    ${color FFFFFF}Core 1:  ${cpu cpu1}%${color 555555}${alignr}${cpubar cpu1 10,270 }
    ${color FFFFFF}Core 2:  ${cpu cpu2}%${color 555555}${alignr}${cpubar cpu2 10,270 }$color
    ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -6}${cpugraph 30,375 000000 777777}
    ${voffset -8}${font :size=8}${shadecolor FFFFFF} Name $alignr PID              CPU%           MEM%  ${font}
    ${voffset -14}${hr}
    ${voffset -6}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}${top name 1} $alignr ${top pid 1}     ${top cpu 1}%    ${top mem 1}%
    ${top name 2} $alignr ${top pid 2}     ${top cpu 2}%    ${top mem 2}%
    ${top name 3} $alignr ${top pid 3}     ${top cpu 3}%    ${top mem 3}%$color
    ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -4}${loadgraph 30,375 000000 777777}
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}${font :size=12}Memory $color ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${hr 3, }$font
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}RAM:$alignr${mem} / ${memmax}
    ${memperc}%${color 555555}${alignr}${membar 10,320 }
    ${color FFFFFF}Swap:$alignr${swap} / ${swapmax}$color
    #Mem usage
    #${voffset }${font :size=8}${shadecolor FFFFFF} Name $alignr PID              MEM%           CPU%   ${font}
    #${voffset -14}${hr}
    #${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}${top_mem name 1} $alignr ${top_mem pid 1}     ${top_mem mem 1}%    ${top_mem cpu 1}%
    #${top_mem name 2} $alignr ${top_mem pid 2}     ${top_mem mem 2}%    ${top_mem cpu 2}%
    #${top_mem name 3} $alignr ${top_mem pid 3}     ${top_mem mem 3}%    ${top_mem cpu 3}%$color
    ${color FFFFFF}${font :size=12}Power$color ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${hr 3, }$font
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}Battery:${offset 75}${battery_time BAT0}${alignr 5}${battery BAT0}
    ${color 555555}${battery_bar 10,375 BAT0}${color}${color}
    ${color FFFFFF}${font :size=11}HDD$color ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${hr 3, }$font
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}Drive  Read/Write:$alignr${diskio_read  /dev/sda}/   ${diskio_write  /dev/sda}${color}
    ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${diskiograph /dev/sda 30,375 000000 888888}
    ${if_mounted /}${shadecolor 000000}${color FFFFFF}Root:${alignr}${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}   ${fs_used_perc /}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /}${color}${endif}
    ${if_mounted /home}${color FFFFFF}Home:${alignr}${fs_free /home} / ${fs_size /home}  ${fs_used_perc /home}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /home}${color}${endif}
    ${if_mounted /media/Windows_7}${color FFFFFF}Windows:${alignr}${fs_free /media/Windows_7} / ${fs_size /media/Windows_7}  ${fs_used_perc /media/Windows_7}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/Windows_7}${color}${else}${color }${shadecolor FFFFFF}Windows:${alignr}Not Mounted    ${shadecolor 000000}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/Windows_7}$color${endif}
    ${if_mounted /media/Secondary_Distro}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}Mint:${alignr}${fs_free /media/Secondary_Distro} / ${fs_size /media/Secondary_Distro}  ${fs_used_perc /media/Secondary_Distro}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/Secondary_Distro}${color}${else}${color }${shadecolor FFFFFF}Mint:${alignr}Not Mounted    ${shadecolor 000000}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/Secondary_Distro}$color${endif}
    ${if_mounted /media/SDcard}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}SD:$alignr${fs_free /media/SDcard} / ${fs_size /media/SDcard}   ${fs_used_perc /media/SDcard}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/SDcard}${color}$else${color }${shadecolor FFFFFF}SD:${alignr}Not Mounted    ${shadecolor 000000}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/SDcard/*}$color${endif}
    ${if_mounted /media/USBdrive}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}USB:${alignr}${fs_free /media/USBdrive} / ${fs_size /media/USBdrive} ${fs_used_perc /media/USBdrive}% ${color 555555}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/USBdrive}${color}${else}${color }${shadecolor FFFFFF}USB:${alignr}Not Mounted    ${shadecolor 000000}${fs_bar 10,150 /media/USBdrive/*}$color${endif}
    ${color FFFFFF}${font :size=12}Net$color ${shadecolor FFFFFF}${hr 3, }$font
    ${if_up eth0}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}LAN Up:$alignr${upspeed eth0}      ${color}${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -7}${upspeedgraph eth0 20,180 000000 555555 -l }
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}LAN Down:$alignr${downspeed eth0}      ${color}${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph eth0 20,180  555555 000000 -l }${endif}
    ${if_up eth1}${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}WLAN Up:$alignr${upspeed eth1}      ${color}${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -9}${upspeedgraph eth1 20,180 000000 555555 -l }
    ${color FFFFFF}${shadecolor 000000}WLAN Down:$alignr${downspeed eth1}      ${color}${shadecolor FFFFFF}${voffset -10}${downspeedgraph eth1 20,180 555555 000000  -l }${endif}
    I'd really appreciate some help here as I've run out of things to try. My only other option is to not run conky, but that would really bum me out as I wrote the .conkyrc myself and spent a lot of time on it, but ultimately it makes the dash unusable. Any help or suggestions are as always appreciated.
    What I'm dealin' with:
    HP Pavilion G6-1D60US, dual booted: Ubuntu 16.04 64bit, & Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, 640 gig HDD, 4 gig RAM

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Issue with Conky and Ubuntu dash

    Your config works here with the dash.Using nvidia.
    Conky disappears when I click the desktop though.
    Probably already tried but could use...
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_type override
    instead of
    own_window_type desktop
    and also test, using own_window_type normal with...
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_argb_value 180
    Here is a basic config that just prints "TEST" you can run.
    Save as testconkyrc to your home folder and run with...
    conky -c ~/testconkyrc
    Uncomment these to test argb_visual
    #own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_argb_value 180
    ## Use XFT? Required to Force UTF8 (see below).
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Droid Sans:size=8
    xftalpha 0.8
    text_buffer_size 512
    ## Force UTF8? Requires XFT (see above).
    ## Displays degree symbol, instead of °, etc.
    override_utf8_locale yes
    ## Daemonize Conky, aka 'fork to background'.
    background no
    ## Update interval in seconds.
    update_interval 1.0
    ## This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    ## Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0
    ## Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)?
    own_window yes
    own_window_colour 182547
    own_window_title conkytest
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    default_color white
    #own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_argb_value 180
    ## Use double buffering? Reduces flicker.
    double_buffer yes
    ## Draw shades?
    draw_shades yes
    ## Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no
    ## Draw borders around text?
    draw_borders no
    default_outline_color 000000
    ## Draw borders around graphs?
    draw_graph_borders no
    ## Print text to stdout?
    ## Print text in console?
    out_to_ncurses no
    out_to_console no
    ## Text alignment.
    alignment tl
    ## Minimum size of text area.
    minimum_size 200 200
    maximum_width 200
    ## Gap between text and screen borders.
    gap_x 100
    gap_y 100
    ## Shorten MiB/GiB to M/G in stats.
    short_units yes
    ## Pad % symbol spacing after numbers.
    pad_percents 0
    ## Pad spacing between text and borders.
    border_inner_margin 1
    border_outer_margin 1
    border_width 1
    ## Limit the length of names in "Top Processes".
    top_name_width 10
    ## Subtract file system -/+buffers/cache from used memory?
    ## Set to yes, to produce meaningful physical memory stats.
    no_buffers yes
    ## Set to yes, if you want all text to be in UPPERCASE.
    uppercase no
    ## Number of cpu samples to average.
    ## Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    cpu_avg_samples 2
    ## Number of net samples to average.
    ## Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    net_avg_samples 2
    ## Add spaces to keep things from moving around?
    ## Only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer right
    ## My colors (suit yourself).
    color0 White
    color1 Ivory
    color2 Ivory2
    color3 Ivory3
    color4 FF4040
    color5 B5BEC5
    color6 Gray
    color7 AntiqueWhite4
    color8 F9A41E
    #color9 red
    color9 6A90EF #icon
    ${font Droid Sans:size=48}TEST
    Last edited by stinkeye; October 15th, 2012 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Issue with Conky and Ubuntu dash

    Thanks for the tips after some experimenting the issue went away but I can't figure what change or combo of changes fixed the issue, as I can no longer duplicate the problem by un-doing changes.

    I can get the mouse cursor to act buggy when in the dash by changing "own_window_type" back to desktop from normal.
    What I'm dealin' with:
    HP Pavilion G6-1D60US, dual booted: Ubuntu 16.04 64bit, & Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, 640 gig HDD, 4 gig RAM


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