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Thread: HOWTO: Install Dansguardian on a single desktop

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    HOWTO: Install Dansguardian on a single desktop AND for a network

    Dansguardian does an outstanding job of web content filtering to protect from rubbish on the internet. This howto is a synthesis of information taken from:

    ** Edit ** 25th November 2009 Please see final pages of this thread (Pages 13-14) for adaptions/updates to this howto for Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) and in particular issues with Karmic version of Dansguardian. Also a deb that is available to automate much of this.

    Setting up Dansguardian using Tinyproxy and Firehol on Ubuntu/Edubuntu

    1. Ensure "universe repository" is activated and install packages:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install dansguardian tinyproxy firehol

    Note: will probably need to reinstall dansguardian to overcome clamav config errors.

    2. Edit: sudo gedit /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf

    a) Add comment (#) to:

    b) Turn off virus checking (if not wanted):

    c) Check that the following are set:
    filterport = 8080
    proxyip =
    proxyport = 3128

    d) Save & exit.

    e) Run:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure dansguardian

    3. Edit: sudo gedit /etc/firehol/firehol.conf

    Add all of the following at the start of the document:

    iptables -t filter -I OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 3128 -m owner ! --uid-owner dansguardian -j DROP

    transparent_squid 8080 "root root"

    interface any world
    policy drop
    protection strong
    client all accept
    server cups accept
    #server webcache accept

    Note: will need to remove "interface any world . . ." further on in the document.
    Note: uncomment "server webcache accept" if this dansguardian system is going to filter others on a network BUT do not then connect directly to the internet as this is opening it wide open for anyone to access!

    4. Edit: sudo gedit /etc/default/firehol


    This is to allow restarting of the firewall.

    5. Edit sudo gedit /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf

    Change/add the following lines (by scrolling through the document):
    User root
    Group root
    Port 3128
    ViaProxyName "tinyproxy"

    6. Restart each program:

    sudo /etc/init.d/tinyproxy restart
    sudo /etc/init.d/firehol restart
    sudo /etc/init.d/dansguardian restart

    7. Dansguardian should now be operational blocking objectional sites using any browser!

    ** EDITED INFORMATION ** I have edited this to include the use of these instructions for not only a single desktop but also for other systems (including Windows boxes) to point to such a configured box on a network and be filtered. This requires the addition of the last line in firehol.conf as above "server webcache accept".

    The other systems must have their proxy settings set in the browser to point to the ip address of the dansguardian system and port 8080.

    In Firefox:
    Edit -> Preferences -> General -> Connection Settings -> Manual proxy configuration

    Check manual proxy configuration and add “your DG box ip address” in first box and “8080” in second
    Then tick “Use this proxy server for all protocols”

    These settings can be locked, instructions are available below to do this:

    Modify the file sudo gedit /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.cfg (sudo gedit /usr/share/doc/firefox-3.5/firefox.cfg) - for Firefox 3.5

    by adding the following:

    lockPref("network.proxy.http", "");
    lockPref("network.proxy.http_port", 8080);
    lockPref("network.proxy.type", 1);
    lockPref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "localhost,");

    PLEASE NOTE: The dansguardian system that is doing the filtering on your network using this configuration CANNOT be connected directly to the internet - very important!!
    Last edited by tonhou; November 24th, 2009 at 11:28 PM. Reason: Change in Dansguardian


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