Textaloud 3 TTS from nextup.com . It is excellent.
Written for Windows. I have asked them for a direct Deb app.

1. Install the new WINE from the Ubuntu Software Center..

2. Configure WINE via the graphical WINE Configuration interface. You may need to adjust the Windows API version or the audio interface.
I had no need. And all Windows APIs seemed to work.

3. Install the SAPI5 interface. SAPI5 interface is required for NeoSpeech premium voices to be used and for TextAloud on Linux. SAPI5 download is free and is available at

http://www.webaloud.com/files/Microsoft ... TTS-51.msi

* Without this Textaloud does not find the voice data.

4. Install TextAloud using the WINE application installer. I needed no special selections during the install process.

5. Install the voices you want with the WINE app. installer .

* The Mozilla plug-in select read , & the copy auto-read from other apps only work from apps installed under WINE . With those not under WINE you must manually copy & paste to Textaloud in the WINE environment .

* enjoy, Karl Schueler