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Thread: Nead help to create a shortcut with Xlib in C ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Nead help to create a shortcut with Xlib in C ...

    I am creating a sort of window manager in bash and in C and I would like to create shortcuts for my application with the Xlib, but I have some troubles to do it ...

    I need to make 2 different shortcuts :

    SUPER + ALT_L + letter
    SUPER + letter

    The first one functions when I type SUPER, then Alt and finally the letter. But it doesn't functions when I begin by typing ALT_L ....
    And the 2° doesn't functions ...

    I don't really know what to do ...
    Could you help me ?
    (please, sorry for the possible mistakes in English, I am french)

    Here is what I have done :
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <X11/Xlib.h>
    GC gc; // Contexte graphique
    Display* display;
    int screen;
    Window root;
    void swallow_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev)
      XAllowEvents(dpy, AsyncKeyboard, ev->xkey.time);
    void passthru_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev)
      /* pass it through to the app, as if we never intercepted it */
      XAllowEvents(dpy, ReplayKeyboard, ev->xkey.time);
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
      char cwd[1024];
      getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
      // Connexion à un serveur X
      display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
        printf("Can not open display.\n");
      // Récupère la valeur par default des différentes variables.
      screen = DefaultScreen(display);
      gc = DefaultGC (display, screen);
      root = RootWindow (display, screen);
      // Gestion des évènements
        XEvent ev;
        char c;
        KeyCode SUPER= XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Super_L"));
        KeyCode ALT_L = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Alt_L"));
        KeyCode Z_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("z"));
        KeyCode S_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("s"));
        KeyCode Q_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("q"));
        KeyCode D_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("d"));
        KeyCode O_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("o"));
        KeyCode T_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("t"));
        // TAB
        KeyCode RIGHT = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Right"));
        KeyCode DOWN = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Down"));
        KeyCode LEFT = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Left"));
        KeyCode UP = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Up"));
        XGrabKey(display, SUPER, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(display), 1, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync);
       XGrabKey(display, ALT_L, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(display), 1, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync);
            XNextEvent(display, &ev);
            if(ev.type == KeyPress ){ 
          if(ev.xkey.keycode == SUPER){
            fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER ALT_L S\n");
            while(ev.type != KeyRelease){
              if(ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY)
            fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER ALT_L S\n");
          if (ev.xkey.state & Mod1Mask && ev.xkey.state & Mod4Mask){
            if(ev.xkey.keycode == S_KEY){
            fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER ALT_L S\n");
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER ALT_L S\n");
              //system(strcat(cwd,"twmpowa cmd_relative_move x -70"));
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == S_KEY){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == D_KEY){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == Z_KEY){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == UP){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == DOWN){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == LEFT){
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == RIGHT)
          else if(ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY && ev.xkey.state & Mod4Mask)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Super+g\n");
          else if(ev.xkey.state & Mod4Mask){
            fprintf(stderr, "super pressed \n");
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY)
              //                   fprintf(stderr, "got Super+g\n");
              if(ev.type == KeyPress)
            fprintf(stderr, "got Super+g\n");
            swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == S_KEY)
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == D_KEY)
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == Z_KEY)
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == O_KEY)
            if (ev.xkey.keycode == T_KEY)
          else if(ev.xkey.keycode == ALT_L){
            if(ev.type == KeyPress)
              fprintf(stderr, "got Alt\n");
            swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            fprintf(stderr, "got (something else)+F1, passing through\n");
            passthru_keystroke(display, &ev);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      void buttonPressed(){

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Nead help to create a shortcut with Xlib in C ...

    Ok, I tried something that functions !
    My program does differents shortcuts : SUPER + ALT_L + letter or SUPER + letter
    Here is the solution I found (if some one else would want to do the same thing ) :

    #include <X11/Xlib.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    static GC gc; // Contexte graphique                                                                                                                  
    static Display* display;
    static int screen;
    static Window root;
    void swallow_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev);
    void passthru_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev);
    #include "events.h"
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
      char cwd[1024];
      char callFunction[2048];
      getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd));
      // Connexion à un serveur X
      display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
        printf("Can not open display.\n");
      // Récupère la valeur par default des différentes variables.
      screen = DefaultScreen(display);
      gc = DefaultGC (display, screen);
      root = RootWindow (display, screen);
      // Gestion des évènements
        XEvent ev;
        char c;
        KeyCode SUPER= XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Super_L"));
        KeyCode ALT_L = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Alt_L"));
        KeyCode Z_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("z"));
        KeyCode S_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("s"));
        KeyCode Q_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("q"));
        KeyCode D_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("d"));
        KeyCode F_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("f"));
        KeyCode O_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("o"));
        KeyCode T_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("t"));
        KeyCode M_KEY = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("m"));
        // TAB
        KeyCode RIGHT = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Right"));
        KeyCode DOWN = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Down"));
        KeyCode LEFT = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Left"));
        KeyCode UP = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("Up"));
        KeyCode KEY_1 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("ampersand"));
        KeyCode KEY_2 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("eacute"));
        KeyCode KEY_3 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("quotedbl"));
        KeyCode KEY_4 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("apostrophe"));
        KeyCode KEY_5 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("parenleft"));
        KeyCode KEY_6 = XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym("minus"));
        /* grab our key combo -- we use AnyModifier because of caps lock/num lock
         * complexity.  just grab every F1 press.
        XGrabKey(display, ALT_L, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(display), 1, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync);
        XGrabKey(display, SUPER, AnyModifier, DefaultRootWindow(display), 1, GrabModeSync, GrabModeSync);
        int alt_pressed=0;
        int super_pressed=0;
            XNextEvent(display, &ev);
        if(ev.type == KeyPress){
          // We change the state of boolean variables to know if ALT or SUPER are pressed.
          if(ev.xkey.keycode == ALT_L){
            fprintf(stderr, "ALT_L pressed\n");
            swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
          else if(ev.xkey.keycode == SUPER){
            fprintf(stderr, "SUPER pressed\n");
            swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
          // Here are the SUPER + ALT_L + letter keybindings
          else if(alt_pressed == 1 && super_pressed == 1){
            if(ev.xkey.keycode == S_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + S\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize_all height +40", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + Q\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize_all width -40", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == D_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + D\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize_all width +40", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Z_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + Z\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize_all height -40", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
                  else if (ev.xkey.keycode == UP){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER +  ALT_L + UP\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize height bottom -70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == DOWN){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER +  ALT_L + DOWN\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize height bottom +70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == LEFT){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + LEFT\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize width right -70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == RIGHT){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + ALT_L + LEFT\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_resize width right +70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            /*        else{
              fprintf(stderr, "got (something else)+F1, passing through\n");
              passthru_keystroke(display, &ev);
          // Here are the SUPER + letter keybindings
          else if(super_pressed == 1){
            if(ev.xkey.keycode == S_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + S\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_half_manage bottom", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + Q\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_half_manage left", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == D_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + D\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_half_manage right", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Z_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + Z\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_half_manage top", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == F_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + F\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_half_manage full", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
                  else if (ev.xkey.keycode == UP){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + UP\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_move y -70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == DOWN){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + DOWN\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_move y +70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == LEFT){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + LEFT\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_move x -70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == RIGHT){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + LEFT\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_move x +70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            /*        else if (ev.xkey.keycode == O_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + O\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_relative_move x +70", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == T_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + T\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_killing_feature", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_1){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + &\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise square", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_2){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + é\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise specialSquare", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_3){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + \"\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise horizontal", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_4){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + '\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise vertical", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_5){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + (\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise spec1", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == KEY_6){
              fprintf(stderr, "got SUPER + -\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_organise spec2", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == M_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              sprintf(callFunction,"%s/ cmd_minimize", cwd);
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
            else if (ev.xkey.keycode == Q_KEY){
              fprintf(stderr, "got Alt+g\n");
              swallow_keystroke(display, &ev);
              fprintf(stderr, "got (something else)+F1, passing through\n");
              passthru_keystroke(display, &ev);
          // If any other key are pressed : 
            fprintf(stderr, "got (something else)+F1, passing through\n");
            passthru_keystroke(display, &ev);
        else if(ev.type == KeyRelease){
          if(ev.xkey.keycode == ALT_L){
            fprintf(stderr, "ALT_L released\n");
          else if(ev.xkey.keycode == SUPER){
            fprintf(stderr, "SUPER released\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "got (something else)+F1, passing through\n");
          passthru_keystroke(display, &ev);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    void swallow_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev)
      XAllowEvents(dpy, AsyncKeyboard, ev->xkey.time);
      /* burp */
    void passthru_keystroke(Display * dpy, XEvent * ev)
      /* pass it through to the app, as if we never intercepted it */
      XAllowEvents(dpy, ReplayKeyboard, ev->xkey.time);
      XFlush(dpy); /* don't forget! */

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