OK now I feel pretty silly because it just got working again, and I have no idea how. The only thing that I changed in the last hour is starting Ubuntu One (where my configuration files are) but I was accessing them locally and even modified the files by trying to put the options at the end of the line as suggested by papibe. So that I don't get it.

I'll try to figure out if I changed anything else in between (possible as I'm reinstalling that computer). Sorry for the false problem... although I'm happy it got resolved

keeping my answers in case, and thanks redmk2 for helping me out:

Quote Originally Posted by redmk2 View Post
Are you running NIS and mounting a home directory? Did you look at the bug reports?
I am not mounting a home directory, but several networks shares. I looked quickly at the bug reports you sent but they all seem to be about autofs not starting properly. I did google and search forums etc but didn't find any relevant issue - this thread is the closest to my problem.

I don't have ypbind/nis (not installed). I guess those are related to the ypbind error of uusrs but because (s)he said "I guess ypbind problem is not necessary the reason because manual mount command works. And exactly the same autofs settings worked on Ubuntu 10.04!" I thought there was a very good chance we had the same problem, that would have nothing to do with ypbind.