I am here to report the abuse of thread deletion & movement of valid on topic postings from their respected threads to "new" threads elsewhere in the forum by moderator "lisati" and administrator "overdrank"...

I was trying to follow the "how to guide" located here:

When I came to a point of confusion & seeked some clarification; at the bottom of this "how to guide" is a link to this thread:

Where I posted a concern/question as follows:
"So I have installed ver 12.x on my machine I actually like the interface except for the complicated command line gibberish found in this "guide": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/In...nectionSharing

For the most part I figured out how to edit files using the terminal, which for a newbie it would have been nice if in the "guide" it mentioned editing files this way...

So I get to the point of "ubuntu Internet Gateway Method (iptables)" gateway setup & well basically the example code makes no sense and doesnt work at all & now im getting crash reports that I dont know what have to do with what anymore now....

Here is my setup & im sure for many others its a common setup that seems to be complicated by a simple "disabled" settings area in the GUI portion of "network settings" panel...

After trying to follow the above links "guide" it seems to me that IF when the "share connection" is selected in the ipv4 tab of the network card to bey shared that IF there in the GUI I could simply input my IP, sub-net, & gateway info there none of this other confusing command line giberish would be needed... But its all shaded out & not accessible...

I have 2 NICs one wifi which works fine & is my internet connection to my ISP router the other is the onboard wired NIC to feed a second router...

All I need for is the wired/onboard nic (eth0) to be "shared" & to have the following settings: IP Subnet Gateway 92.168.10.x

Its my understanding from the "guide" this has to be set/done from a terminal command line, but the guides references dont work or set the "eth0" to anything..."

Shortly after Moderator "lisati" took it upon themselves and the abuse of their power to what seems not even read my posting and moved it to some "new" thread in a completely unrelated section of the site/forum...

I reposted my concern to the related thread and was then contacted by Administrator "overdrank" that i was supposedly "thread jacking" and that it would not be tolerated; again failure on the admins part in NOT READING POSTINGS PRIOR TO THEIR MOVEMENT/DELETION...

I was then told to post my feelings and position here on this matter; I seek these Moderators/Admins be reminded of the role they play & that by committing such acts as these upon users whom have valid questions/concerns and that are posting in the venue that the public how to guide references to; that they are inevitably the down fall of the purpose of such forums as these there by defeating the purpose of gather information or results for that matter under the same umbrella...

I wish in the future these moderators/admins to be more considerate and take the extra time to determine when a posting is not properly placed... In this case and im sure as in many others their moving of posts by new users to unventured areas of the forum by avid users or for that matter "on topic" postings are being overlooked or not answered at all and written off as "newbie" questions... This is not a mindset to "help support" people of the community but is actually a discouraging factor making many new what could be great future programs go else where...
