Let me apologize for my poor English, I`m not a native speaker.

I`m using 12.04 in my intel n2800 target board, and got a problem that the dbus not runing.

I checked the /etc/init/dbus.conf:

/******************************dbus.conf*********** ***************************/
# dbus - D-Bus system message bus
# The D-Bus system message bus allows system daemons and user applications
# to communicate.

description "D-Bus system message bus"

start on local-filesystems
stop on deconfiguring-networking

expect fork

pre-start script
mkdir -p /var/run/dbus
chown messagebus:messagebus /var/run/dbus

exec dbus-uuidgen --ensure
end script

exec dbus-daemon --system --fork --activation=upstart

post-start exec kill -USR1 1

post-stop exec rm -f /var/run/dbus/pid
/************************************************** *********************************************/

it`s looks like dbus will run after I get my file system working.

but it`s not working until I create a file named /etc/rc2.d/S12dbus,

and the following is the content:

/etc/init.d/dbus start

Could someone please tell me why?