Hai ,

I'am new to ubuntu. I installed ubuntu 11.10 as host OS and I installed a windows XP sp2 as guest OS in my laptop. And I set up my network as bridged adapter with wlan0 interface in guest XP . In host I'am using wifi network . Now I want to use my host localhost apache2 server in virtual box xp , like another pc in the same network. And also I need to connect to xp with rdesktop < IP> from host ubuntu and ssh.

# Setup network as bridged adapter in guest.
# Can able to ping Host.
# Can able browse internet.
# Host IP is
# Guest IP is

# Want to browse Host ubuntu 11.10 apache2 sever ( localhost ) from guest XP.
# Want to connect guest OS from with rdesktop tool.
# Want to connect guest OS via ssh.

----------Thanks in advance-------------