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Thread: Conky python calendar -- how to run it???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Conky python calendar -- how to run it???

    Simple Q nevertheless....

    I'm trying to make an instance of conky run a python script calendar (I found it here)

    So I have normally a bash script that runs .conkyrc and .conkycal at start up

    .conkycal used to have

    # Clock
    ${color blue}${font ubuntu:size=25}${time %H:%M}$font$color
    ${font :size=12}${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal | sed '1d' | sed '/./!d' | sed 's/$/ /' | fold -w 21 | sed -n '/^.\{21\}/p' | sed 's/^/ /' | sed /" $DJS "/s/" $DJS "/" "'${color orange}'"$DJS"'${color}'" "/}
    #${font DejaVu Sans Mono :size=10}${exec cal}

    but it has always failed to display properly, today's date was always between two boxes rather than highlighted.

    so I was looking for a better one, and I replaced the stuff under "#Clock" with the command to run the python script from that page above:


    -which I put in a file (executable)

    {execp python /conky/}
    also tried {exec python /conky/}

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import time, calendar, re

    localtime = time.localtime(time.time())
    cal = calendar.month(localtime[0], localtime[1])

    parts = cal.split('\n')
    cal = '${alignc}${offset -8}' + '\n${offset 37}'.join(parts)

    regex = '(?<= )%s(?= )|(?<=\n)%s(?= )|(?<= )%s(?=\n)' % (localtime[2], localtime[2], localtime[2])
    replace = '${color1}%s${color white}' % localtime[2]
    newCal = re.sub(regex, replace, cal)
    print newCal

    but on start up the conky shows that text on the desktop ie {exec python /conky/}

    what am i doing wrong?? I have very little idea about python!

    thanks anyone
    Last edited by ppqq; February 3rd, 2012 at 04:24 PM.

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