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Thread: Beginners programming challenge #24

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24


    Edit 9 Change a lot code to get rid of globals and added -l sentences and length and average length
    Edit 8 fixed all memory leaks

    * Name        : 24challange.cpp
    * Author      : Highspider
    * Version     : 9 - sentences length
    * Description: Write a program that analyzes input from a file, essay.txt, and
    *                   compiles statistics on it. The program should output:
    *                    1. The total word count
    *                    2. The count of unique words
    *                    3. The number of sentences
    * Changes  :        Added Display mode -l
    *                   Removed -w mode (strange debug because had trouble with
    *                     step into-step out- debuging)
    *                   Got rid of all non-const globals vars
    *                   Made funcs cleaner -- had to without globals
    *                   Fixed all memory leaks
    *                   Added two more dynamic arrays for sim words and there count
    *                   Added A bubble sort for similar words order
    *                   Added Display Mode -s.
    *                   Added Display Mode -p
    *                   Use command line arg's for a cookie points.
    *                   Added Display Mode -d and -n
    #include <cstring>      //for strcmp strlen strcpy strcmp
    #include <iostream>     //for Std in out
    #include <stdlib.h>     //for atoi
    #include <fstream>      //for files
    using std::cout;        //iostream: std out
    using std::endl;        //iostream: end line + return
    using std::ifstream;    //fstream:  open read only mode
    //const globals 
    const int MAX = 256;        //MAX buffer size
    //funcs Declarations
    int GetWords(char buffer[MAX], char **&words, ifstream &wordfile, int &num_words,
                 char **&sent, int&num_sent);
    int SimWords(char ** words, int num_words, char **&simwords, int &num_simwords,
                 char **&simcount, int &num_simcount);
    void Phrases(char buffer[MAX], char ** words, char **&phrases, int &num_phrases,
                 int num_words);
    void avgslen(char ** sent, int num_sent, char ** words, int num_words);
    void DisplayWords(char ** words, int num_words, bool mode);
    void DisplaySimWords(char ** simwords,char ** simwordscount, int num_simwords);
    void sort(char **&simwordscount, char **&simwords, int num_simwordscount );
    void DynamicAllocate(char buffer[MAX], char **&temp, char **&words, int & num_words);
    void Deallocate(char **&words,  int num_words);
    //main with commandline args
    int main (int argc, char* argv[])
        char buffer[MAX];           //buffer place holder used for getline() and strcmp()
        int sentence  = 0;          //count of sentences
        int similar = 0;            //count of found similar words
        //Pointer of pointers and there count for dynamic allocating
        int num_words = 0;          //count of words listed in the array words
        char ** words = 0;          //pointer of pointers for the word list array
        int num_sent = 0;           //count number of sentences
        char ** sent = 0;           //pointer of pointers for sentences counts
        int num_simwords = 0;       //count of simwords listed in the array
        char ** simwords = 0;       //pointer of pointer for similar words
        int num_simcount = 0;       //count of counters put on similar words
        char ** simcount = 0;       //pointer of pointer for the count of similar words
        int num_phrases = 0;        //count of words listed in the array phrasewords
        char ** phrases = 0;        //pointer of pointers for the phrase list array
        //check for command line args
        if ( argc > 1 && argc < 4 )
            //open the word list
            ifstream wordfile;
            //wordfile is [1] from command line
   ( argv[1] );
            //if file is found and opened
            if (wordfile.is_open() ){
                //call func getwords and sentence count
                sentence = GetWords(buffer, words, wordfile, num_words, sent, num_sent);
                //close the word file
                //call func get similar words and the count of them
                similar = SimWords(words, num_words, simwords, num_simwords,
                                    simcount, num_simcount);
                //set bool Display modes  for DisplayWords from argv[2]
                if ( argc == 3){
                    if(!strcmp( *(argv + 2 ), "-d" ))
                       DisplayWords(words, num_words, true);
                    else if(!strcmp( *(argv + 2 ), "-n" ))
                      DisplayWords(words, num_words, false);
                    else if(!strcmp( *(argv + 2 ), "-s" )){
                        //sort list before diplaying it
                        sort(simcount, simwords, num_simcount);
                        //display list and have x for analyze
                        DisplaySimWords(simwords, simcount, num_simwords);
                    else if(!strcmp( *(argv + 2 ), "-p" )){
                        Phrases(buffer, words, phrases, num_phrases, num_words);
                        //Display the phrases
                        DisplayWords(phrases, num_phrases, true);
                        //Deallocate memory for phrases
                        Deallocate(phrases, num_phrases);
                        delete [] phrases;
                    //-l avgerage sentences length and their words
                    else if(!strcmp( *(argv + 2 ), "-l" ))
                        avgslen(sent, num_sent, words, num_words);
                 }//end if command line arguments
                //Display the words
                //display header for analyze first
                cout << "analyze\n"
                 << "Total word count: "<< num_words << endl
                 << "Unique words: " << num_words - similar << endl
                 << "Sentences: " << sentence << endl;
                //Deallocate memory for words array
                Deallocate(words, num_words);
                delete [] words;
                //Deallocate memory for similar words array
                Deallocate(simwords, num_simwords);
                delete [] simwords;
                //Deallocate memory for similar words count numbers array
                Deallocate(simcount, num_simcount);
                delete [] simcount;
                //Deallocate memory for sentences length count
                Deallocate(sent, num_sent);
                delete [] sent;
            //if their is an error opening the file
                cout << "\n!Error!\n!Error!\t" << argv[1]
                     << "\n!Error!\tFile not found or unable to open\n!"
                     << "Error!\n" << endl;;
                //Display Usage if no command line args or to many args
                cout << "\n\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " <filename> [ arg ]\n"
                << "\t\t -d:  (d)isplay words of the file\n"
                << "\t\t -n:  display words (n)ot formated\n"
                << "\t\t -s:  display (s)imilar words\n"
                << "\t\t -p:  display similar (p)hrases\n"
                << "\t\t -l:  display average (l)ength of sentences\n"
                << endl;
    }//end main
    *NAME: GetWords()
    *PURPOSE: Get words out of a text file and build array for words
    *PARAM: char **&words, ifstream the text file, num_words
    *        all by ref, bool watch, buffer by value
    *Return: int total number of sentences found
    int GetWords(char buffer[MAX], char **&words, ifstream &wordfile,
            int &num_words, char **&sent, int&num_sent)
        char ** temp  = 0;       //temp for 3-way swap dynamic allocation
        int buflen = 0;          //temp for buffer len
        int sentences = 0;       //return for sentences
        char tempbuff[MAX];
            //read from text file and use ' 'a blank space for delimator
            wordfile.getline(buffer,256,' ');
            //how many chars are in the buffer[]
            buflen = strlen(buffer);
            //loop for each char in buffer[]
            for (int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i){
                //change to upper case to lower case
                if (buffer[i] >= 65 && buffer[i] < 90)
                    buffer[i] = buffer[i] + 32;
                //get rid of commas,
                else  if ( buffer[i] == 44 )
                       buffer[i] = '\0';
                //if start "quote
                else if (buffer[i] == 34 && buflen > i + 1){
                    //push bach char the start quote ["quote/0] to be [quote/0]
                    for (int s = 0; s < buflen; ++s)
                        buffer[s] = buffer[s + 1];
                        //bufer len change
                        buflen = strlen(buffer);
                        //set back the main loop to reloop;
                        i = -1;
                //count sentence and add terminator char in place
                //46 = . 33 = ! 63 = ?
                else if ( buffer[i] == 46 || buffer[i] == 33 || buffer[i] == 63 ){
                     //copy the count of words to a temp buffer
                     sprintf(tempbuff, "%d", num_words);
                     //build array of these counts to use for sentence lengths
                     DynamicAllocate(tempbuff, temp, sent, num_sent);
                     buffer[i] = '\0';
                //NOT 13 a carriage return its 10 newline
                else if (buffer[i] == 10){
                    buffer[i] = '\0';
                    //build the extra array
                    DynamicAllocate(buffer,temp, words, num_words);
                    //there may be one two or more newlines
                    do {
                    } while ( buffer[i] == 10 );
                    //copy the new word over
                    for (int s = 0; s < buflen; ++s)
                        buffer[s] = buffer[i + s];
                        buflen = strlen(buffer);
                    //Reloop the main loop to check the new word
                    i = -1;
            }//end for loop
            //build arrays
            DynamicAllocate(buffer,temp, words, num_words);
        }while ( !wordfile.eof()); //end of do while loop end of file
        return sentences;
    *NAME: SimWords()
    *PURPOSE: Check for similar words
    *PARAM: char ** words, int num_words by value. char simwords,
    *     : char num_simwords, char simcount, int num_simcount ref
    *RETURN: int total number of simwords found
    int SimWords(char ** words, int num_words, char **&simwords, int &num_simwords,
            char **&simcount, int &num_simcount){
       char ** temp  = 0;     //temp for dynamic allocate
       int number = 0;        //temp for converting string to int back to string
       int count = 0;         //total count of similar words
       bool addnew = true;    //bool true/false flag for adding new entries
       char GE[] = "2     ";  /* OVERSIZED array default number used simcount
                              *  if not oversized program leaks memory when changing
                              *  values of char** simcount
       //loop m main for each word in the list
       for (int m = 0; m < num_words; m++ ){
           //loop s sub to compare with words left in the list
           for (int s = m + 1; s < num_words; s++){
             //if they are the same word
             if (!strcmp(words[m], words[s] )){
                //add a new entry (might change later)
                addnew = true;
                //add one to similar words found
                //check if allready in the list
                for (int ct = 0; ct < num_simwords; ct++){
                   //if same word already in simwords list
                   if(!strcmp( words[m], simwords[ct])) {
                      //update that entries count
                      //cast array to int and add one to the count
                      number = atoi( simcount[ct] ) + 1;
                      * sprintf() is used as itoa
                      * Strange Linux version of itoa
                      * itoa is windows proprietary
                      * It took a long to figure this out
                      *///update the entry with new count
                      sprintf(simcount[ct], "%d", number);
                     //set the bool flag that entry has been edited
                     addnew = false;
                     //break this CT Count Twice loop
                     ct = num_words;
                //if no odd entry was updated bool flag is true
                //and we are adding new entry
                if (addnew){
                   DynamicAllocate(words[m], temp, simwords, num_simwords);
                   DynamicAllocate(GE, temp, simcount, num_simcount);
                 //break the compare words left list loop
                //to prevent over reads
                s = num_words;
             }//end if same word
          }//end for() s
       }//end for() m
       return count;
    }//end func
    *NAME phrases()
    *PURPOSE: Find similar phrases in a list of words
    *PARAM:    char buffer, char words, int number by value, char phrase
    *     :   int num_phrase by ref
    void Phrases(char buffer[MAX], char **words, char **&phrases, 
                         int &num_phrases, int num_words){
        char buffer2[MAX];        //temp buffer for compareing words
        char ** temp;             //temp need for allocate 3-way swap
        bool addnewflag = false;  //add a new entry true or false
        cout << "phrases" << endl;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num_words - 2; ++i ){
            addnewflag = true;  // t/f for add new entry to found array
            //build a buffer of 3 words
            strcpy(buffer, words[i]);
            strcat(buffer," "); //add spaces for display reasons
            strcat(buffer, words[i + 1]);
            strcat(buffer," ");
            strcat(buffer, words[i + 2]);
            //loop a buffer of the next 3 words
            for ( int l = i + 2; l < num_words - 2; ++l ){
                //build buffer3 of the next 3 words
                strcpy(buffer2, words[l]);
                strcat(buffer2," ");
                strcat(buffer2, words[l + 1]);
                strcat(buffer2," ");
                strcat(buffer2, words[l + 2]);
                //if match of the 3 words
                if(!strcmp( buffer, buffer2 )){
                    //loop the array of phrases already found
                    for (int f = 0; f < num_phrases; f++){
                    //if phrase is already in - don't add it again
                        if(!strcmp( buffer, *(phrases + f) )){
                            addnewflag = false;
                    //if not updated entry flag is true add it
                    if (addnewflag){
                        DynamicAllocate(buffer, temp, phrases, num_phrases);
            }//end l loop
        }//end i loop
    }//end func
    *NAME: avgslen();  average sentence length
    *PURPOSE: find average length of sentences
    *PARAM: char ** sent,words, int num_sent,num_words by value
    *RETURN: none
    void avgslen(char ** sent, int num_sent, char ** words, int num_words){
        float average = 0;
        //display length of first sentence out side of the loop
        //if there is at least one
        if ( num_sent > 0 ){
          //the first count [x]
          cout << "\n\n1) [" << atoi(sent[0]) +1 << ']';
          //the sentence words inside that count
          for (int l = 0; l <= atoi(sent[0]); l++)
              cout << ' ' << words[l];
          //cleaner display
          cout << endl;
          //add to the average
          average =    atoi(sent[0]) + 1;
          //loop the remaining
          for (int i = 1; i < num_sent; i++){
            //the next counter [x]
              cout << i + 1 << ") ["
                 << atoi(sent[i]) - atoi(sent[i - 1]) << ']';
            //the words inside that count
            for (int l = (atoi(sent[i - 1]) + 1); l <= atoi(sent[i]); l++)
                      cout << ' ' << words[l];
            //cleaner display
            cout << endl;
            //calc the total for average length
            average = average + (atoi(sent[i]) - atoi(sent[i - 1]));
          //divid to find average
          average = average / num_sent;
          //display the results
          cout << "\nThe average sentence length is: ["
               << average << "] words long\n\n";
    *NAME: DisplayWords()
    *PURPOSE: cout << display words to screen
    *PARAM: char ** words, int num_words bool mode by value
    void DisplayWords(char ** words, int num_words, bool mode){
        // bool not formated display
        if (!mode){
            for ( int i = 0; i < num_words; ++i )
            cout << *(words + i);
        // else formated display
            for ( int i = 0; i < num_words; ++i )
            cout << '\t' << i + 1 << '[' << *(words + i) <<  ']' << endl;
        cout << endl;
    *NAME: DisplaySimWords()
    *PURPOSE: display similar words and corresponding count to screen
    *PARAM: char ** simwords, char ** simwordscount, num_words by value
    void DisplaySimWords(char ** simwords, char ** simwordscount, int num_simwords){
        //Display header
        cout << "\n\n\t\tDescending frequency most used words:\n\n";
        //loop and display both word and its count
        for ( int i = 0; i < num_simwords; ++i){
            cout << i + 1 << "  [" << *(simwords + i) <<"] * "
                 << *(simwordscount + i) << endl;
    *NAME sort(char **&simwordscount, char **&simwords, int num_simwordscount )
    *PURPOSE: Resort the simwords arrays by frequency
    *PARAM:   char ** simwordscount, char ** simwords by ref,
    *     :   int num_simwords by value
    *NOTE:    Bubble sort algorithm.
    void sort(char **&simwordscount, char **&simwords, int num_simwordscount )
        char * temp;  //place holder for 3-way swap
        //nested loops NOT while(FLAG)
        for ( int i = 0; i < num_simwordscount; i++)
                for ( int i = 0; i < num_simwordscount - 1; i++)
                     //if less than then swap
                     //this way back-words compared to how others do it with while flags
                    if ( atoi(simwordscount[i]) < atoi(simwordscount[i + 1])) {
                     //3-way swap
                     //sort for simwordscount count up one cell in the array
                     temp = simwordscount[i];
                     simwordscount[i] = simwordscount[i + 1];
                     simwordscount[i + 1] = temp;
                     //3-way swap
                     //sort for simwordscount the corresponding i in simwords
                     //to match cells of the array
                     temp = simwords[i];
                     simwords[i] = simwords[i + 1];
                     simwords[i + 1] = temp;
    *NAME: DynamicAllocate()
    *PURPOSE: Build arrays dynamically
    *PARAM: char buffer by value, char temp, char words,num_words by ref
    void DynamicAllocate(char buffer[MAX], char **&temp, char **&words,
            int &num_words){
        //pointer of pointers    Notice NEW char * []
        temp = new char * [num_words + 1];    //temp for word array
        //copy all previously entered words to our temp array
        //note first time loop doesn't runs i=0 < num_words=0
        //"(0<0)not true"
        for ( int i = 0; i < num_words; i++){
            temp[i] = words[i];
        //make new temp array the size of the string
        temp[num_words] = new char[strlen( buffer ) + 1];
        //copy buffer to temp
        strcpy( temp[num_words], buffer );
        //deallocate old words
        delete [] words;
        //copy address of temp to words
        words = temp;
        //add one to number entries 
    *NAME: Deallocate()
    *PURPOSE: Delete / de-allocate memory used by the program
    *PARAM: char words by ref, int num_words by value
    void Deallocate(char **&words, int num_words){
            //delete | de-allocate each array of words two star char **
            for ( int i = 0; i < num_words; ++i)
                delete [] words[i];
    Usage: ./24challange <filename> [ arg ]
             -d:  (d)isplay words of the file
             -n:  display words (n)ot formated
             -s:  display (s)imilar words
             -p:  display similar (p)hrases
             -l:  display average (l)ength of sentences

    ./24challenge /home/username/Desktop/essay.txt

    Total word count: 468
    Unique words: 223
    Sentences: 38
    ./24challenge /home/username/Desktop/essay.txt -s
    Descending frequency most used words:
    1  [cats] * 25
    2  [the] * 20
    3  [a] * 15
    Total word count: 468
    Unique words: 223
    Sentences: 38

    ./24challenge /home/username/Desktop/essay.txt -p

        1[a cat is]
        2[are civilized members]
        3[civilized members of]
    ./24challenge /home/username/Desktop/essay.txt -d
    ./24challenge /home/username/Desktop/essay.txt -l
    1) [6] a dog is man's best friend
    2) [19] that common saying ... <skip>
    3) [9] for many people a cat is their best friend
    38) [8] in many ways cats are the ideal housepet
    The average sentence length is: [12.3158] words long
    Last edited by highspider; January 6th, 2012 at 08:32 AM. Reason: I have no life; just a keyboard
    In a perfect world my college professors would allow assignment as .odt files! And code as Eclipse projects.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    This is my entry in D. I tried to make the code as easy to read as possible.

    It only finds phrases that are 3 words long, the rest is OK. It accepts the filename as a first argument.

    If you have 'dmd' installed then just use the command below to run the program.

    ./program.d file.txt

    PHP Code:
    #!/usr/bin/rdmd -w
    import std.stdio;
    import std.array;
    import std.regex;
    import std.string;
    import std.algorithm;
    import std.conv;
    import std.file;
    pragma(msg"Compiling, please wait...");

    //returns array of unique words
    string[] Unique(string[] arr)
    int count 0;
    string[] unique;

    count 0;
    //compare all entries
    if(icmp(s2s) == 0count += 1;
    //count equals 0 if the word does not yet exist in "unique"
    if(count == 0)
    unique ~= s;

    //writes a list of commonly used words
    //"amount" limits the output of function
    void List(string[] arrstring[] uniqueint amount)
    int count 0;
    string[] hits_s;
    count 0;
    //count how many times a word repeats
    if(icmp(s2s) == 0count += 1;
    //add words to array
    if(count 10hits_s ~= ("0" text(count) ~ " - " s);
    hits_s ~= (text(count) ~ " - " s);
    sort!("a > b")(hits_s);
    int i 0hits_s.lengthi++)
    == amount) break;

    void Phrases(string[] arr)
    string[] phrases;
    string tmp;
    string tmp2;
    int count 0;
    int length arr.length;
    bool exists false;
    //save phrases of 3 words into array
    foreach(int istring sarr)
    length-2//stop before reaching end of array
    tmp = (arr[i] ~ " " arr[i+1] ~ " " arr[i+2]); //make a phrase    
    else break;    
    count 0;
    exists false;
    int jstring s2arr//compare each phrase to whole text
    tmp2 = (arr[j] ~ " " arr[j+1] ~ " " arr[j+2]);
                else break;
    icmp(tmptmp2) == 0count += 1;
    count >= 3
    //if phrase already exists in array, don't add it
    icmp(s2tmp) == 0exists true;
    existsphrases ~= tmp;
    writeln(s); //write them out

    int main(string[] args)
    File file;
    //open file specified in argument
    if(args.length 1)
    exists(args[1])) file File(args[1], "r");
    writeln("Incorrect file name or file doesn't exist!");
    writeln("First argument must not be empty!");
    char[] buf;
    string[] matches;
    char[] content;
    int count_w 0;
    int count_s 0;
        while (
    file.readln(buf) != 0)
    buf tr(buf"\n"" "); //remove new lines from text and add it to array
    content ~= buf;    
    mmatch(contentregex(`[\w']+`))) //matches any word character and ' repeated one or more times
    count_w += 1;
    matches ~= cast(string)toLower(m.hit);
    mmatch(contentregex(`[.?!]`))) //matches all . and ? and ! - sentences
    count_s += 1;
    //Writing it all out
    string[] unique Unique(matches);
    writefln("Total word count: %s"count_w);
    writefln("Unique words: %s"unique.length);
    writefln("Sentences: %s"count_s);
    count_s != 0writefln("Average sentence length: %s"count_w count_s);
    writefln("Average sentence length: %s"count_w);
    writeln("Common words:");
    writeln("Common phrases:");

    Sample output from a modified text file:
    Compiling, please wait...
    Total word count: 563
    Unique words: 226
    Sentences: 38
    Average sentence length: 14
    Common words:
    35 - lala
    25 - cats
    24 - kaj
    20 - the
    15 - a
    13 - are
    12 - they
    12 - of
    10 - to
    Common phrases:
    kaj kaj kaj
    cats can be
    lala lala lala
    Your left hand is touching your face.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Land of Paranoia and Guns
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    Unless anyone asks for an extension, this challenge will be judged on January 7th.
    Don't use W3Schools as a resource! (Inconsequential foul language at the jump)
    Open Linux Forums (More foul language, but well worth it for the quality of support and good humor.)
    If you want to discuss W3Schools, please PM me instead of posting.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Land of Paranoia and Guns
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    I'm sorry, but I was hit with an unexpected schedule change today and I was unable to judge the challenge. I will attempt to do so tomorrow. If I still don't manage it, I may ask someone else to do it.
    Don't use W3Schools as a resource! (Inconsequential foul language at the jump)
    Open Linux Forums (More foul language, but well worth it for the quality of support and good humor.)
    If you want to discuss W3Schools, please PM me instead of posting.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Land of Paranoia and Guns
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    HIGHSPIDER wins for his clean code, implementation of all cookie points, excellent commenting, and that I was able to compile and run his program on Windows. That saved me a good amount of time.

    I may or may not hand out assorted extra awards later. We'll see. In the meantime, congratulations to highspider.

    Don't use W3Schools as a resource! (Inconsequential foul language at the jump)
    Open Linux Forums (More foul language, but well worth it for the quality of support and good humor.)
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Austin, TX
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    Using flex and a bit of C

    Compile and run with:
    flex lexer.lex
    gcc -c set.c
    gcc lex.yy.c set.o -lfl
    /* UFPC 24 */
    %option nodefault
    #include "set.h"
      int words = 0;
      int uwords = 0;
      int sent = 0;
    [a-zA-Z]+ {
      uwords += put(yytext);
    [\.?!] {
    .|\n {
    main(int argc, char** argv) {
      if(argc > 1) {
        if(!(yyin = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) {
          return 1;
      printf("words: %d\n", words);
      printf("uwords: %d\n", uwords);
      printf("sents: %d\n", sent);
      return 0;
    #ifndef SET_H
    #define SET_H
    #define TABLESIZE 2048
    char* table[TABLESIZE];
    void init_set();
    int put(char*);
    int contains(char*);
    int count();
    #include <string.h>
    #include "set.h"
    init_set() {
      size_t i;
      for(i=0; i<TABLESIZE; i++)
        table[i] = NULL;
    contains(char* s) {
      size_t i = 0;
      while(i<TABLESIZE && table[i]!=NULL) {
        if(strcmp(table[i], s) == 0)
          return 1;
      return 0;
    put(char* s) {
      char* dup = strdup(s);
      if(!contains(dup)) {
        size_t i=0;
        while(i<TABLESIZE) {
          if(table[i]==NULL) {
            table[i] = dup;
            return 1;
      } else
        return 0;
    count() {
      int n = 0;
      size_t i = 0;
      while(i<TABLESIZE) {
        if(table[i] != NULL)
      return n;
    Please excuse the ghetto hashset implementation

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    I have attempted to make contact with Highspider, but s/he hasn't been online for a week or so. If I haven't received a reply by the 23rd then the beginners team will take over the posting and judging of the next challenge.

    Ubuntu Beginners Team
    Linux is not windows
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    Programming is an art. Learn it, Live it, Love it!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    Well its the 23rd and im respoding. I spent along time codeing this because it was college break for xmas.

    I was away from town and no internet is why I took so long to respond.

    woohoo cool beans.

    The reason it works on both windows and linux is because I wrote it with eclipse on ubuntu and then debuged mem leaks with visual studio c++.

    I final found out that one has to manule install a new version of eclispe "indigo" and then use Valigrid for unbuntu in order to use valgrind memory leak check.
    In a perfect world my college professors would allow assignment as .odt files! And code as Eclipse projects.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Canada, Montreal QC
    Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    I really look forward to programming challenge #25.

    Hope that becomes a reality as soon as possible.
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
    Freedom is measured in Stallmans.
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  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Behind you!!
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: Beginners programming challenge #24

    highspider has asked me to post the next challenge on his behalf, so keep your RSS readers running, it will be up soon!

    Ubuntu Beginners Team
    Linux is not windows
    Fluxbox & Flux menu how to
    Programming is an art. Learn it, Live it, Love it!

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