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Thread: No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

    No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

    Després d'instal·lar l'Ubuntu a l'HP DV6 que faig servir habitualment, he provat d'instal·lar-lo a un ASUS F3JR que el pobre esta bastant matxacat (antigament, ja hi havia instal·lat l'Ubuntu 8.04 i funcionava bé). Doncs bé, l'hi he dit que volia que em compartís l'ordinador amb el Güindous XP que ja hi tinc instal·lat, i he re-dimensionat el disc amb l'espai que volia per a l'Ubuntu, però al fer això, m'ha dit que hi havia un error i no ho ha pogut fer. Al tornar-ho a provar després de reiniciar l'ordinador, només em surten les opcions de carregar-me el Güindous XP o bé "Altres opcions", és a dir, ja no tinc la possibilitat de fer un sistema dual...
    També dir que quan he intentat arrancar l'XP, m'ha sortit una pantalleta blava i ha fet unes comprovacions al disc dur, i acte seguit ha arrancat amb normalitat...
    Perquè no es vol instal·lar amb l'XP?
    No sabia que fos tan antipàtic l'Ubuntu... xD.
    Joan Marc Gamisans

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

    Most posts here are in English, I believe. I am unable to read your post.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

    Re: No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

    Quote Originally Posted by buchs View Post
    Most posts here are in English, I believe. I am unable to read your post.
    This post is in the Catalan Team from Ubuntu forums, so I posted it in Catalan. Anyway, here is the English version:

    After installing Ubuntu in my HP DVD which I normally use, I've tried to install it in an ASUS F3JR (Ubuntu 8.04 was installed in ti some time ago and worked fine). So, I've told to the installer to share the PC with WinXP (already installed), an resize the hard drive as I wanted, but while doing that, an error occurred and didn't allow me to do that. After restarting the Pc and trying again, only two options appear to be available, which are to kill XP and install only Ubuntu, or do "Other acctions", ie, now I can't make a dual system.
    Also, when I've tried to start WinXp, a blue screen went on and some checks on the hard drive were done, after that, XP started as usual.
    Why Ubuntu do not want to be installed next to XP?
    I didn't know Ubuntu was so unfriendly...LOL.
    Regards! "
    Joan Marc Gamisans

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

    Excuse me for not replying in Catalan. I just noticed your posting among the list of new posts and didn't notice which forum. I was only looking for posts which had no replies, so I could pitch in and help.

    Have you had a look at this page? It gives hints on getting dual boot (Ubuntu and WinXP) working.

    If you can post the error message you received from the partitioner operation, further suggestions might be generated. I can think of one possibility: you have used up so much disk space that there is not room for an Ubuntu partition of the needed size. How large is your disk and how much have you used? Another operation you might try is to defragment your drive in Windows XP. I am not sure if the Ubuntu partitioner does that.

    Can you boot from a Live CD?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

    Re: No em deixa instal·lar a ASUS F3JR

    You don't hace to apologise, you've been the only one who's tried to help me, and you managed to.
    I've defragmented the drive in Windows as you recomended me, and after that, tried to install Ubuntu again. This time, with no errors while making the dual system.
    Joan Marc Gamisans


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