Quote Originally Posted by aquarius18 View Post
BTW, what's your current max width of the whole conky display?
Here are my Monitor properties...

vindsl@Zuul:~$ echo && echo "Display Properties:" && echo -n " lcd monitor:    Dell UltraSharp 1907FP (analog input)" && echo  && xdpyinfo | grep -E '(resolution|dimensions)' && echo

Display Properties:
 lcd monitor:    Dell UltraSharp 1907FP (analog input)
  dimensions:    1280x1024 pixels (339x271 millimeters)
  resolution:    96x96 dots per inch

Here are my Conky properties...

## Minimum size of the text area.
## Syntax: minimum_size [width] [height]
minimum_size 245 1394

## Maximum width of the text area.
## Syntax: maximum_width [width]
maximum_width 245

## Gap between text and screen borders.
gap_x 6	  # Left/Right
gap_y 32  # Top/Bottom
Soooo, while the text area is 245 pixels wide, the whole Conky display is 251 pixels wide, with the 6 pixel gap.