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Thread: tweaked pm-utils networking script

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Ubuntu Development Release

    tweaked pm-utils networking script

    Basically, I am trying to do the todo found in the top of /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/55NetworkManager:

    # TODO: Make NetworkManager smarter about how to handle sleep/resume
    #       If we are asleep for less time than it takes for TCP to reset a
    #       connection, and we are assigned the same IP on resume, we should
    #       not break established connections.  Apple can do this, and it is
    #       rather nifty.
    I am looking for some constructive criticism
    This is what I have come out with so far. It can't handle multiple networks (yet...), so if someone moves the computer to another wireless connection it's going to mess things up. Also, I am working around this bug: which is why I am using dhclient instead of using the dbus calls -- putting network-manager to sleep triggers the bug.

    I don't know how long it takes for a tcp connection to reset, I have it set to 30 mins, but maybe that is too long.

    I haven't scripted much, so beware of messy bashing

    # If we are running NetworkManager, tell it we are going to sleep.
    # TODO: Make NetworkManager smarter about how to handle sleep/resume
    #       If we are asleep for less time than it takes for TCP to reset a
    #       connection, and we are assigned the same IP on resume, we should
    #       not break established connections.  Apple can do this, and it is
    #       rather nifty.
    . "${PM_FUNCTIONS}"
    	# Tell NetworkManager to shut down networking
            echo "This is a customized script"
    	echo "Saving $TIME_FILE"
    	date +%m%d%y%H%M > $TIME_FILE
    	if [ -f $TIME_FILE ]
    	then echo "$TIME_FILE saved"
    	else echo "$TIME_FILE NOT saved"
    	    echo Done. || echo Failed.
    	# Wake up NetworkManager and make it do a new connection
    	echo "This is a customized script"
    	echo "Checking $TIME_FILE"
    	if [ -f $TIME_FILE ]
            then SAVED_TIME=$(cat $TIME_FILE)
    		if ! [ $(date +%m%d%y%H%M) -lt $(echo $SAVED_TIME+30 | bc) ]
    		then echo "running dhclient"
    			dhclient &
    		else echo "reusing old connection"
    	 else echo "ERROR, $TIME_FILE not found, refreshing IP address..."
    		dhclient &
    	    echo Done. || echo Failed.
    case "$1" in
    	*) exit $NA
    Last edited by nerdy_kid; March 18th, 2011 at 12:48 AM.
    "Microsoft Windows: A collection of 32bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16bit patch to an 8bit O.S. originally coded for a 4bit microprocessor written by a 2bit company who cant stand 1 bit of competition." Jargon File 4.4.7


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