
I'am new to python, gtk, glade. I want to build an simple app. With it I want to feed a database with values entered via a GUI. The GUI is designed in glade.

The program works in that way:

1. load the the UI definition file
2. connect the signal with the event handlers
3. use the gtk.builder to create the window

> 4. get the liststore object
> 5. append the data

I did not get it work. Maybe you can help me. Thanks!


now the code:
builder = gtk.Builder()
builder.add_from_file('{0}UI.glade'.format(gladeFi lePath))
"destroy" : gtk.main_quit,
#main wnd
"on_bClose_wAPDmain_clicked" : self.wAPDmain_Close,
"on_bHALManager_wAPDmain_clicked" : self.wAPDmain_HALmanager,
self.wAPDmain = builder.get_object("wAPDmain")
self.table = gtk.ListStore (builder.get_object ("liststore_HALComponent"))
self.table.append((123, 'bar', 'dsg'))
>>> when calling the append function the code fails

I think ge_object returns only a GOject and I need the liststore object. I have no idea how to manage it.