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Thread: Postfix GeoIP filtering

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New Mills, UK

    Postfix GeoIP filtering

    I've been looking for a way to filter out emails on my postfix server by GeoIP data.
    I couldn't find anything that fitted the bill so wrote my own in Python as a postfix policy.
    Thought I'd post it here to see if it's of any use to anyone else.
    I've attached a tar of the files as the Python formatting will get mucked up by the forum code.

    Comments/improvements are welcome (be kind )

    First file is : policyd-geoip which is owned by root:root and placed in /usr/bin with 755 perms
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Check GeoIP country_codes and provide recommended action back to Postfix.
    # policyd-geoip
    # Copyright 2010 Malac <>
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published 
    by the Free Software Foundation.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.'''
    __version__ = "1.00: DEC 09, 2010"
    import syslog, sys, os, string #, time, atexit
    import GeoIP
    import re
    # Function to Query IP against GeoIP database
    def query(data, instance_dict, path_to_data):
    IP = data.get('client_address')
    if IP == None:
    syslog.syslog('geoip/query: No client address, exiting')
    return(( None, instance_dict ))
    instance = data.get('instance')
    # The following if is only needed for testing. Postfix 
    # will always provide instance.
    if not instance:
    import random
    instance = str(int(random.random()*100000))
    # This is to prevent multiple headers being prepended
    # for multi-recipient mail.
    if instance_dict.has_key(instance):
    found_instance = instance_dict[instance]
    found_instance = []
    # If this is not the first recipient for the message, we need to know if
    # there is a previous prepend to make sure we don't prepend more than once.
    if found_instance:
    if found_instance[6] != 'prepend':
    last_action = found_instance[3]
    last_action = found_instance[6]
    # This is the actual query "gi" is defined later in the code.
    return(( retval, instance_dict ))
    return(( 'None', instance_dict ))
    # Function to check for exceptions to the BADLIST so they can be passed even if their country is unacceptable
    def check_bad_exceptions(data, saved_result, bad_exceptions, IP, revlookup):
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('exceptions_to_badlist: %s' % (bad_exceptions))
    syslog.syslog('IP: %s' % (IP))
    syslog.syslog('Reverse DNS Lookup: %s' % (revlookup))
    # If "BADEXCEPT" or "GOODEXCEPT" or "SENDEREXCEPT" already then just return that
    if (saved_result == "GOODEXCEPT" or saved_result == "SENDEREXCEPT" or saved_result == "RECIPIENTEXCEPT"):
    return ( saved_result )
    # Check each entry in bad_exceptions against the IP then the revlookup
    for server in bad_exceptions:
    if (server in IP) and (server != ''):
    return ( "BADEXCEPT" )
    if (server in revlookup.upper()) and (server != ''):
    return ( "BADEXCEPT" )
    return ( saved_result )
    # Function to check for exceptions to the GOODLIST so they can be rejected even if their country is acceptable
    def check_good_exceptions(data, saved_result, good_exceptions, IP, revlookup):
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('exceptions_to_goodlist: %s' % (good_exceptions))
    syslog.syslog('IP: %s' % (IP))
    syslog.syslog('Reverse DNS Lookup: %s' % (revlookup))
    # If "BADEXCEPT" or "GOODEXCEPT" or "SENDEREXCEPT" already then just return that
    if (saved_result == "BADEXCEPT" or saved_result == "SENDEREXCEPT" or saved_result == "RECIPIENTEXCEPT"):
    return ( saved_result )
    # Check each entry in good_exceptions against the IP then the revlookup
    for server in good_exceptions:
    if (server in IP) and (server != ''):
    return ( "GOODEXCEPT" )
    if (server in revlookup.upper()) and (server != ''):
    return ( "GOODEXCEPT" )
    return ( saved_result )
    # Function to check for sender_exceptions so checking is bypassed
    def check_sender_exceptions(data, saved_result, sender_exceptions, sender_address):
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('sender_exceptions: %s' % (sender_exceptions))
    syslog.syslog('Sender Address: %s' % (sender_address))
    # If "BADEXCEPT" or "GOODEXCEPT" or "SENDEREXCEPT" already then just return that
    if (saved_result == "BADEXCEPT" or saved_result == "GOODEXCEPT" or saved_result == "RECIPIENTEXCEPT"):
    return ( saved_result )
    # Check each entry in sender_exceptions against the IP then the revlookup
    for address in sender_exceptions:
    if (address in sender_address.upper()) and (address != ''):
    return ( "SENDEREXCEPT" )
    return ( saved_result )
    # Function to check for recipient exceptions so checking is bypassed
    def check_recipient_exceptions(data, saved_result, recipient_exceptions, recipient_address):
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('recipient_exceptions: %s' % (recipient_exceptions))
    syslog.syslog('Recipient Address: %s' % (recipient_address))
    # If "BADEXCEPT" or "GOODEXCEPT" or "SENDEREXCEPT" already then just return that
    if (saved_result == "BADEXCEPT" or saved_result == "GOODEXCEPT" or saved_result == "SENDEREXCEPT"):
    return ( saved_result )
    # Check each entry in sender_exceptions against the IP then the revlookup
    for address in recipient_exceptions:
    if (address in recipient_address.upper()) and (address != ''):
    return ( "RECIPIENTEXCEPT" )
    return ( saved_result )
    # Load Mail Log for output messages
    passed = ""
    debugmode = ""
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    #debug stuff
    passed = sys.argv[1]
    passed = passed.upper()
    if passed == "-D":
    debugmode = "in Debug Mode"
    syslog.openlog(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), syslog.LOG_PID, syslog.LOG_MAIL)
    syslog.syslog('Running GeoIP Policy Check %s' % (debugmode))
    # Load and Read config file
    conf_file = open( '/etc/postfix-policyd-geoip/policyd-geoip.conf', 'r')
    config = conf_file.readlines()
    # Setup some variables
    whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+')
    path_to_data = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"
    # Now Read through the config array and assign values
    for i in range( len( config ) ):
    data_file=config[i] # needs to be saved as normal case as other values are uppercased later.
    value = whitespace.sub('',config[i])
    value = value.upper()
    value = value.split('=')
    if value[0][0:12] == "PATH_TO_DATA":
    codes = data_file.strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    data_file = codes.split('=')
    path_to_data = data_file[1].strip(' ')
    path_to_data = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"
    elif value[0][0:7] == "BADLIST":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    badlist = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:8] == "GOODLIST":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    goodlist = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:21] == "EXCEPTIONS_TO_BADLIST":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    codes = codes.strip('*')
    bad_exceptions = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:22] == "EXCEPTIONS_TO_GOODLIST":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    codes = codes.strip('*')
    good_exceptions = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:17] == "SENDER_EXCEPTIONS":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    codes = codes.strip('*')
    sender_exceptions = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:20] == "RECIPIENT_EXCEPTIONS":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    codes = codes.strip('*')
    recipient_exceptions = codes.split(',')
    elif value[0][0:20] == "PERMIT_GOODLIST_ONLY":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    if codes == "TRUE" or codes == "1" or codes == "on":
    permit_goodlist_only = True
    permit_goodlist_only = False
    elif value[0][0:11] == "SOFT_BOUNCE":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    if codes == "TRUE" or codes == "1" or codes == "on":
    soft_bounce = True
    soft_bounce = False
    elif value[0][0:9] == "TEST_MODE":
    codes = value[1].strip('\n')
    codes = codes.strip('\r')
    if codes == "TRUE" or codes == "1" or codes == "on":
    test_mode = True
    test_mode = False
    # Set Reject Code '450' soft bounce temporarily unavailable, '550' permanently unavailable.
    if (soft_bounce):
    reject_code = '450'
    reject_code = '550'
    if permit_goodlist_only:
    PGO_message = "permit_goodlist_only is TRUE"
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('reject_code set to: %s' % (reject_code))
    syslog.syslog('permit_goodlist_only is: %s' % (permit_goodlist_only))
    syslog.syslog('test_mode set to: %s' % (test_mode))
    # Open the GeoIP database.
    instance_dict = {'0':'init',}
    data = {}
    lineRx = re.compile(r'^\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=(.*)$')
    while 1:
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    if not line: break
    line = string.rstrip(line)
    if not line:
    # Perform Check of IP
    result, instance_dict = query(data, instance_dict, path_to_data)
    # Save country_code for later use.
    saved_result = result
    IP = data.get('client_address')
    sender_address = data.get('sender')
    recipient_address = data.get('recipient')
    revlookup = data.get('reverse_client_name')
    syslog.syslog( 'E-Mail Sender <%s> to Recipient <%s>' % (sender_address, recipient_address) )
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('Postfix Reverse Lookup of %s returned %s' % (IP, revlookup) )
    # Check for Exceptions
    result = check_good_exceptions(data, result, good_exceptions, IP, revlookup)
    result = check_bad_exceptions(data, result, bad_exceptions, IP, revlookup)
    result = check_sender_exceptions(data, result, sender_exceptions, sender_address )
    result = check_recipient_exceptions(data, result, recipient_exceptions, recipient_address )
    if passed == "-D":
    syslog.syslog('Result of Checks: %s' % (result))
    # Check result - "action=dunno" is used instead of "action=ok" as this lets other checks happen.
    if (result == "SENDEREXCEPT"):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=Pass - No Processing <%s> in SENDER_EXCEPTIONS %s' % (sender_address, PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno No Processing <%s> in SENDER_EXCEPTIONS\n\n' % (sender_address) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=Pass - No Processing <%s> in SENDER_EXCEPTIONS ' % (sender_address) )
    elif (result == "RECIPIENTEXCEPT"):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=Pass - No Processing <%s> in RECIPIENT_EXCEPTIONS %s' % (recipient_address,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno No Processing <%s> in RECIPIENT_EXCEPTIONS\n\n' % (recipient_address) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=Pass - No Processing <%s> in RECIPIENT_EXCEPTIONS ' % (recipient_address) )
    elif (result == "BADEXCEPT"):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=Pass - Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in EXCEPTIONS_TO_BADLIST returns :- %s %s' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in EXCEPTIONS returns :- %s\n\n' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=Pass - Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in EXCEPTIONS_TO_BADLIST returns :- %s ' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    elif (result == "GOODEXCEPT"):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=%s - Rejected Server [IP:%s / LOOKUP:%s] in EXCEPTIONS_TO_GOODLIST returns :- %s %s' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=%s Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in EXCEPTIONS returns :- %s\n\n' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=%s - Rejected Server [IP:%s / LOOKUP:%s] in EXCEPTIONS_TO_GOODLIST returns :- %s ' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    elif (result in badlist):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=%s - Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in BADLIST as %s %s' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=%s Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in BADLIST as %s\n\n' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=%s - Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in BADLIST as %s ' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    elif (result in goodlist):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=Pass - Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in GOODLIST as %s %s' % (IP,revlookup,result,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in GOODLIST as %s\n\n' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=Pass - Accepted Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] in GOODLIST as %s ' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    if( permit_goodlist_only ):
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=%s - Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s %s' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result,PGO_message) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=%s Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s\n\n' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=%s - Rejected Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s ' % (reject_code,IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    if test_mode:
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno TEST_MODE\n\n' )
    syslog.syslog( '[TEST_MODE active, result would be] action=warn Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s ' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=warn Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s\n\n' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    syslog.syslog( 'action=warn - Server [IP: %s / LOOKUP: %s] not in GOODLIST or BADLIST returns :- %s ' % (IP,revlookup,saved_result) )
    except Exception, cause :
    sys.stdout.write( 'action=dunno An error occured, %s failed with error %s\n\n' % (IP,str(cause)) )
    syslog.syslog('An Error Occured, %s failed with error %s' % (IP, str(cause)) )
    data = {}
    m = lineRx.match(line)
    if not m: 
    syslog.syslog('ERROR: Could not match line "%s"' % line)
    key =
    value =
    if key not in [ 'protocol_state', 'protocol_name', 'queue_id' ]:
    value = string.lower(value)
    data[key] = value
    Second File is policyd-geoip.conf file which is owned by root:root and placed in /etc/postfix-policyd-geoip with 644 perms
    path_to_data = /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat
    badlist = CN,CZ,NL,IT,IN,TW,VE,VN,ZA
    goodlist = GB,US,CA,IE
    exceptions_to_badlist =, okaysite,,,
    exceptions_to_goodlist =
    sender_exceptions =
    recipient_exceptions =
    permit_goodlist_only = false
    soft_bounce = true
    path_to_data is set to the location of the GeoIP database.
    badlist is a comma separated list of the GeoIP country_codes you want to reject.
    goodlist is a comma separated list of the GeoIP country_codes you want to accept if permit_goodlist_only is set to true.
    exceptions_to_badlist these are a comma separated list of exceptions and must be in the server revlookup entries of connections. NOT email addresses.
    exceptions_to_goodlist these are a comma separated list of exceptions and must be in the server revlookup entries of connections. NOT email addresses.
    sender_exceptions these are a comma separated list of incoming email exceptions and can be in the form of single emails ( or all (* or partial ( no filtering is done for these senders.
    recipient_exceptions these are a comma separated list of your receiving email exceptions and can be in the form of single emails ( or all (* or partial ( no filtering is done for these recipients.
    permit_goodlist_only is to only allow country_codes on goodlist to be accepted.
    soft_bounce if set to true a 450 temporarily unavailable will be returned instead of a 550 permanent.
    test_mode if set to true no action is taken on the e-mail but an entry is placed in mail.log of what action would have been taken. This is handy for testing purposes.

    Next we need to alter in /etc/postfix and add:
    policy-geoip unix - n n - 0 spawn
      user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/policyd-geoip
    You can add a -d option on the end of argv to display debug messages in the mail.log.

    Then add the policy to end of smtpd_recipient_restrictions in like so:
    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
                          .........<other restrictions you have in place>........ ,
                          check_policy_service unix:private/policy-geoip
    Not forgetting to postmap

    Then: sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart and you should start seeing messages in your mail.log.

    Thanks to the postfix-policy-spf coders for tips.
    That's it, hope this helps someone.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Malac; December 15th, 2010 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Updated today
    Malac - "Time Is Precious, Waste It Wisely"
    Registered Linux User 416897
    Registered Ubuntu User 7567

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Postfix GeoIP filtering

    Nice !! I'll test that soon as possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New Mills, UK

    Re: Postfix GeoIP filtering

    Just updated the post and files.
    The exceptions weren't working as planned. Sorry.
    Malac - "Time Is Precious, Waste It Wisely"
    Registered Linux User 416897
    Registered Ubuntu User 7567

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    New Mills, UK

    Re: Postfix GeoIP filtering

    Updated the post with new email exceptions and debug and test mode settings
    Malac - "Time Is Precious, Waste It Wisely"
    Registered Linux User 416897
    Registered Ubuntu User 7567


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