I've often wondered why members take offense when their threads are moved to Recurring Discussion Section (RD)? I think, some question the motive for the move.

For example, a brief search of the T&E reveals that many threads could be construed as recurring/repetitive discussions. Yet, it's been my observation that only select threads have been moved to the RD.

I realize it's up to the staff to make these decisions and I'm not questioning their decisions. However, I wondered if there are specific guidelines as to how these decisions are made. I'm assuming, some decisions are made based on perception of the topic and perhaps to some extent, how many "recent" threads have been posted regarding said topic. I've read many threads in the T&E that appear to be repetitive with every new version release of the OS (not ready for prime time, etc.) and yet they often remain in the T&E.

I also believe some members are offended based on the fact that their threads are no longer in the main stream of the forums. I noticed that a member wishing to close their account (right now) in the Resolution Center, is questioning the move of a thread to the RD. If that has any merit, than perhaps the staff might identify why certain threads are moved and others aren't. This might go a long way in helping members to comprehend staff decisions, with respect to recurring discussions.

The RD header reads:
Some discussions seem to come up over and over. This is a place for those sorts of topics.
But it doesn't define how many times a topic can be broached before it's considered a recurring discussion. From a consistency standpoint the term recurring discussion implies little, without a definitive value placed upon the number of times a topic is discussed. Without identifying what establishes a recurring discussion, it will always appear to be an arbitrary decision.

IMHO, placing a value on what a recurring discussion represents, might resolve the frustration issue associated with having a thread moved to the RD. It may also help members understand precisely what the staff defines as a recurring discussion. Hopefully, reducing the number of recurring/repetitive threads and promoting the use of the RD by members wishing to participate in said discussions.

Just a thought.