Hi guys,

I'm pretty puzzled here. I've installed monodevelop, which runs quite nice I must say.

However, the problem is that I can't get the "run tests" button enabled.

I've google-d the issue, but apparently I am the only person with this issue. I also gave the monodevelop-list a try, but no response.

Does anybody has a clue what to do to get this working?

I have:
- created a new solution
- created a test project
- added the nunit.Core & nunit.Framework references to the test project
- switched to the unit test view
- wrote Test class skeletons with [TestFixture]'s and [Test]'s.
Result: disabled "run tests" button.

Installed packages:
- monodevelop
- monodevelop-nunit

Hope somebody can get me further.

Thanks in advance.
