Hi, I have this system to backup my data:

/home/user/documents <-- My Documents to backup

/home/user/backup <-- Here Documents to encrypt to rsync to a remote server

1.- Sync:

$ rsync -avu /home/user/documents /home/user/backup

2.- Encrypt and delete original files to the 3.- step:

find /home/user/backup/* ! -iname '.gpg' -type f -exec gpg -e --batch --yes --recipient "My key User" '{}' \; -exec rm -f '{}' \;

to encrypt all my dir documents (with subdirs)

The problem is:

$ find /home/user/documents/ | wc -l

$ find /home/user/backup/ | wc -l

2952 - 2930 = 22 missing files on the backuped files

I know, empty files dont be encrypted but:

$ find /home/user/documents/ -empty | wc -l

And /home/user/documents dont have any *.gpg file

Any idea about this?

Juanjo A.