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Thread: ATI HD series fan speed control script

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Tehran, Iran
    Ubuntu Development Release

    ATI HD series fan speed control script

    Hello, I had this problem with my Radeon 5870 always overheating whenever I load up a game or do anything demanding on the card on Ubuntu and Windows. For windows I was able to find a program from MSI that dynamically controls the fanspeed to keep the card cool, for Ubuntu I wrote this short script which has worked fine for me. I didn't have time to write anything proper, so don't laugh... if the temp goes above 99 it messes up, so beware.

    save the following to a file named
    import os
    import time
    minTemp = 45.00
    maxTemp = 50.00
    minSpeed = 15
    maxSpeed = 100
    updateInterval = 4
    fanSpeed = 25
    while True:
        f = os.popen('aticonfig --od-gettemperature | grep "Sensor 0" | cut -c43-47')
        currentTemp = eval(str(f.readlines())[2:7])
        if currentTemp > maxTemp:
            if fanSpeed < maxSpeed:
                fanSpeed = fanSpeed + 1
        if currentTemp < minTemp:
            if fanSpeed > minSpeed:
                fanSpeed = fanSpeed - 1
        os.system('aticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 ' + str(fanSpeed) + '"')
        print fanSpeed
        print currentTemp
    then add it to your startup programs:

    also if you use conky you can add this to your .conkyrc to see the temp:

    ${voffset 4}${font Liberation Sans:style=Bold:size=8}${execi 30 aticonfig --od-gettemperature | grep 'Sensor 0' | cut -c43-49}

    Almost forgot, I thing you need to have the proprietary ATI drivers installed for "aticonfig" not sure thought.
    Last edited by taqkavar; July 23rd, 2010 at 12:40 AM.

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