I archive some of my chat logs for my own business records and they're really quite un-viewable without their style sheet, which is supposedly:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="empathy-log.xsl"?>
This question, originally posted here (apparently the poster didn't get a final answer either):

Does anyone know where this style sheet is?

why .log instead of .xml?
Also, why are the logs stored as *.log files? its cute its very .... mm, conventional? to stick to .log naming schema -- buts also an xml file -- this means that when an application like firefox tries to look at it (which is where i try to view my logs) -- it doesn't treat it as xml.

I feel like this is a wrong move on empathy's part -- though ,perhaps this can be considered a firefox bug (seeing as .php files are still read as html properly, etc -- and I could see an argument for, "well firefox should just understand html, xml, ascii, and nothing else -- it shouldn't try to determine what the file should be named")