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Thread: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    I did not get much help from Zimbra forum so I'm trying my luck here:

    1. I downloaded
    2. Under terminal I typed "sudo install /"
    3. I am requested and enter administrator password and get reply "install: missing destination file operand after `/'"

    I'm lost. What do I do now?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by badaveil View Post
    I did not get much help from Zimbra forum so I'm trying my luck here:

    1. I downloaded
    2. Under terminal I typed "sudo install /"
    3. I am requested and enter administrator password and get reply "install: missing destination file operand after `/'"

    I'm lost. What do I do now?
    assuming that is an install shell script, try this:

    sudo ./zdesktop-etc-etc-press-TAB-key to avoid typing all this
    note the ".". dot slash means current directory, where as what you typed, slash, refers to the root.
    Last edited by P4man; May 3rd, 2010 at 07:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by P4man View Post
    assuming that is an install shell script, try this:

    sudo ./zdesktop-etc-etc-press-TAB-key to avoid typing all this
    note the ".". dot slash means current directory, where as what you typed, slash, refers to the root.
    Well, I got this:

    user@pc:~$ sudo ./
    [sudo] password for user:
    sudo: ./ command not found

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    That command only works in the directory where you put that file in. If you downloaded it to, say, /home/yourname/Downloads then you have to change directoty there first

    cd Downloads
    you can list the files in your current directory by typing

    Also note everything in linux is case sensitive. If that file, or the folder you downloaded it to has an UPPERCASE somewehere, you must type it as such

  5. #5
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    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by P4man View Post
    That command only works in the directory where you put that file in. If you downloaded it to, say, /home/yourname/Downloads then you have to change directoty there first

    cd Downloads
    you can list the files in your current directory by typing

    Also note everything in linux is case sensitive. If that file, or the folder you downloaded it to has an UPPERCASE somewehere, you must type it as such
    I don't understand something and understand something:

    1. The file is at /home/user/downloads/

    But to change the directory from there to where? I'm confused here.

    2. I terminal-ed the "ls" and got the following:

    user@pc:~$ ls
    Administraton examples.desktop macgdi Templates
    Desktop googleearth Music ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
    Documents google-earth Pictures Videos
    Downloads GoogleEarthLinux.bin Public

    Right, next step please.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    The little squiggle tells you that you are in your home (/home/yourusername/) so all you have to do is:

    cd Downloads
    Please note that Linux considers "d" and "D" two different letters.
    Hope this helps a bit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    1. The file is at /home/user/downloads/

    But to change the directory from there to where? I'm confused here.
    When you open a terminal, your current directory is your home directory. The full path of that is


    (since your username seems to be "user" that is /home/user)

    Since this is quite an often used directory, there is a shorthand for it, the tilde (~).

    You see that in the prompt:

    The installer you downloaded is in a subfolder of your homefolder called Downloads. As mentioned above, its case sensitive.

    So either you change the current directory and then execute the command, or you give the instruction with the full path. BTW, I think I forgot to mention you need to add "sh" to execute the script in a (root) shell.

    So first change the current directory:

    cd Downloads
    You should see the prompt change to


    then execute the script in a shell as root (administrator)

    sudo sh ./zdesktop-etc-etc
    Please note you dont have to type all that. Type the first few characters of a file name or directory name, and hit the TAB key to complete the namee. If there are more than one matches for the letters you typed, hit tab again and you will see a list of matching file and directory names. That also ensures you make no typing error.

    Note two. The "./" in front of the filename may make you wonder why its needed. dot slash (./) denotes the current directory. Strange as it may seem, if you run a command in the shell, the interpreter will look in all directories in your path (you remember that from Dos?) but it will not look in the currect directory unless you specify it. The current directory is not in the search path. took me a while before I figured that out, so I thought Id mention
    Last edited by P4man; May 4th, 2010 at 09:37 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop


    Firstly, thank you very much for your help. I have never done this cd Downloads thing before in my life and my own errors were staring me in the face for some time. I must have been mentally blind but after doing a fresh terminal, got the results below. A new problem has arisen is that the Zimbra icon surprisingly does not appear anyway under the Main menu,sub-folders or sub-sub folders but that is a different issue I ought not to bother you with. Thanking you again for your help.

    user@pc:~/Downloads$ sudo sh ./
    [sudo] password for user:
    Unpacking JRE ...
    Preparing JRE ...
    Starting Installer ...
    ij version 10.3
    ij> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby:/root/zimbra/zdesktop/derby;create=true';
    ij> RUN '/root/zimbra/zdesktop/db/db.sql';
    ij> --
    -- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
    -- Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
    -- Copyright (C) 2007 Zimbra, Inc.
    -- The contents of this file are subject to the Yahoo! Public License
    -- Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
    -- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    -- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
    -- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    -- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

    CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.stor age.pageSize', '16384');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.stor age.pageCacheSize', '1000');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.lang uage.logQueryPlan', 'true');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_DATABASE_PROPERTY('derby.lang uage.logStatementText', 'true');
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE SCHEMA zimbra;
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> SET SCHEMA zimbra;
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- volumes
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    -- list of known volumes
    CREATE TABLE volume (
    type SMALLINT NOT NULL, -- 1 = primary msg, 2 = secondary msg, 10 = index
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    path VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,
    file_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    file_group_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    mailbox_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    mailbox_group_bits SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    compress_blobs SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    compression_threshold BIGINT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_volume PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_volume_name UNIQUE (name),
    CONSTRAINT ui_volume_path UNIQUE (path)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- This table has only one row. It points to message and index volumes
    -- to use for newly provisioned mailboxes.
    CREATE TABLE current_volumes (
    message_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    secondary_message_volume_id SMALLINT,
    index_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    next_mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_current_volumes_message_volume_id PRIMARY KEY (message_volume_id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_message_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (message_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_secondary_message_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (secondary_message_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_current_volumes_index_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (index_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_message_volume_id ON current_volumes(message_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504174157750.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_secondary_message_volume_id ON current_volumes(secondary_message_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504174157752.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_index_volume_id ON current_volumes(index_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504174157753.
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- mailbox info
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE mailbox (
    group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, -- mailbox group
    account_id VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL, -- e.g. "d94e42c4-1636-11d9-b904-4dd689d02402"
    index_volume_id SMALLINT NOT NULL,
    item_id_checkpoint INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    contact_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
    size_checkpoint BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    change_checkpoint INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    tracking_sync INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    tracking_imap SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    last_backup_at INTEGER, -- last full backup time, UNIX-style timestamp
    comment VARCHAR(255), -- usually the main email address originally associated with the mailbox
    last_soap_access INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    new_messages INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    idx_deferred_count INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    CONSTRAINT pk_mailbox PRIMARY KEY (id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_mailbox_account_id UNIQUE (account_id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_mailbox_index_volume_id FOREIGN KEY (index_volume_id) REFERENCES volume(id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_mailbox_index_volume_id ON mailbox(index_volume_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504174158192.
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_last_backup_at ON mailbox(last_backup_at, id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- deleted accounts
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE deleted_account (
    email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    account_id VARCHAR(127) NOT NULL,
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    deleted_at INTEGER NOT NULL, -- UNIX-style timestamp

    CONSTRAINT pk_deleted_account PRIMARY KEY (email)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- mailbox metadata info
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE mailbox_metadata (
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    section VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, -- e.g. "imap"
    metadata CLOB,

    CONSTRAINT pk_metadata PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_id, section),
    CONSTRAINT fk_metadata_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id) REFERENCES mailbox(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- out-of-office reply history
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE out_of_office (
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    sent_to VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_out_of_office PRIMARY KEY (mailbox_id, sent_to),
    CONSTRAINT fk_out_of_office_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id) REFERENCES mailbox(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_out_of_office_sent_on ON out_of_office(sent_on);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- etc.
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    -- table for global config params
    CREATE TABLE config (
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value CLOB,
    description CLOB,
    modified TIMESTAMP,

    CONSTRAINT pk_config PRIMARY KEY (name)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> -- Tracks scheduled tasks
    CREATE TABLE scheduled_task (
    class_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    mailbox_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    exec_time TIMESTAMP,
    interval_millis INTEGER,
    metadata CLOB,

    CONSTRAINT pk_scheduled_task PRIMARY KEY (name, mailbox_id, class_name),
    CONSTRAINT fk_st_mailbox_id FOREIGN KEY (mailbox_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_scheduled_task_mailbox_id ON scheduled_task(mailbox_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    WARNING 01504: The new index is a duplicate of an existing index: SQL100504174159611.
    ij> RUN '/root/zimbra/zdesktop/db/directory.sql';
    ij> --
    -- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
    -- Zimbra Collaboration Suite Server
    -- Copyright (C) 2007 Zimbra, Inc.
    -- The contents of this file are subject to the Yahoo! Public License
    -- Version 1.0 ("License"); you may not use this file except in
    -- compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    -- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
    -- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    -- ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- directory
    -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    CREATE TABLE directory (
    entry_type CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    entry_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    zimbra_id CHAR(36),
    modified SMALLINT NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_directory PRIMARY KEY (entry_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_directory_entry_type_name UNIQUE(entry_type, entry_name)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ui_directory_zimbra_id ON directory(zimbra_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_attrs (
    entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT fk_dattr_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES directory(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dattr_entry_id_name ON directory_attrs(entry_id, name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dattr_name ON directory_attrs(name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_leaf (
    parent_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    entry_type CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
    entry_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    zimbra_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_dleaf PRIMARY KEY (entry_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_dleaf_zimbra_id UNIQUE (zimbra_id),
    CONSTRAINT ui_dleaf_parent_entry_type_name UNIQUE (parent_id, entry_type, entry_name),
    CONSTRAINT fk_dleaf_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES directory(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_leaf_attrs (
    entry_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value VARCHAR(32672) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT fk_dleafattr_entry_id FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES directory_leaf(entry_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dleafattr_entry_id_name ON directory_leaf_attrs(entry_id, name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dleafattr_name ON directory_leaf_attrs(name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE TABLE directory_granter (
    granter_name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
    granter_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
    grantee_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,

    CONSTRAINT pk_dgranter PRIMARY KEY (granter_name, grantee_id)
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gter_name ON directory_granter(granter_name);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gter_id ON directory_granter(granter_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> CREATE INDEX i_dgranter_gtee_id ON directory_granter(grantee_id);
    0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> RUN '/root/zimbra/zdesktop/db/versions-init.sql';
    ij> -- AUTO-GENERATED .SQL FILE - Generated by the Derby versions tool
    INSERT INTO zimbra.config(name, value, description) VALUES
    ('db.version', '53', 'db schema version'),
    ('index.version', '2', 'index version'),
    ('redolog.version', '1.24', 'redolog version'),
    ('offline.db.version', '3', 'offline db schema version');
    4 rows inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO volume (id, type, name, path, file_bits, file_group_bits,
    mailbox_bits, mailbox_group_bits, compress_blobs, compression_threshold)
    VALUES (1, 1, 'message1', '/root/zimbra/zdesktop/store', 12, 8, 12, 8, 0, 4096);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO volume (id, type, name, path, file_bits, file_group_bits,
    mailbox_bits, mailbox_group_bits, compress_blobs, compression_threshold)
    VALUES (2, 10, 'index1', '/root/zimbra/zdesktop/index', 12, 8, 12, 8, 0, 4096);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> INSERT INTO current_volumes (message_volume_id, index_volume_id, next_mailbox_id) VALUES (1, 2, 1);
    1 row inserted/updated/deleted
    ij> EXIT;

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    Well, if no icon is created, its because the install script doesnt do it. Have to keep in mind the primary way to install software in ubuntu is the software center. unfortunately, zimbra isnt available there, and nor can I find an ubuntu package for it, so you are left with a generic installer that requires a command line and might not even work becuase of dependency issues..

    assuming the app actually works when you launch it from the command line (does it?), you can create your own launcher easily though. Just right click the main menu, edit menu's and create a new item. Or create a launcher on your desktop or panel, whereever you want it. Do feel free to ask, we're here to help

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and Zimbra desktop

    btw, it seems to setup the app for user "root", not for your user. Are you sure you need to run the install script as root (using sudo?). You may try running it again without sudo. It looks like a java app, it may not need root privileges to install.

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