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Thread: Height component of terminal geometry limited

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Height component of terminal geometry limited


    I like to have my terminal opened with a specific geometry already, but I am not being able to do this in the release candidate for ubuntu 10.04, which I just installed.

    Using the command
    gnome-terminal --geometry=80x38-80
    everything works fine, but increasing the height over this value (or doing so plus changing the Y displacement) has no effect.

    For instance, the following commands have the same effect as the previous command:
    gnome-terminal --geometry=80x39-80
    gnome-terminal --geometry=80x200-80+500
    Still, if I do
    gnome-terminal --geometry=80x38-80+100
    the result is the expected again, because the didn't exceed the 38 character limit for the height

    It seems like something is limiting the height of the window. This used to work fine on my previous versions of ubuntu. Anyone has a clue what is going or and how to fix it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Height component of terminal geometry limited

    I think that I am getting the same thing. The behaviour has definately changed from 9.10. Reading the command line documentation is says "sets the geometry, if this comes before the --window, sets the default". The practical upshot of this is that my script which opens three terminals, setting their profiles and locations runs fine but the X+Y locations are totally ignored.

    Confusing eh?



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