This short guide aims to demonstrate how to directly rip audio tracks from DVD movies and with the same commandline transcode to mp3 using Transcode v1.1.4 from the Karmic Koala Repository. It also aims to 'test the waters' to see if a more comprehensive Transcode guide will be warranted on these Forums!


First install Transcode from the Karmic Koala Repository:

sudo apt-get install transcode
and then ensure you have a copy of libdvdcss2 available for encrypted DVD support by adding the Medibuntu repository and installing the required library:

sudo wget$(lsb_release -cs).list \
 --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list &&
sudo apt-get -q update &&
sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring &&
sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2
The good news is that under Karmic Koala the standard installation of Transcode allows import from DVDs and export to mp3 with no further setup!

Transcode to mp3...

I will explain the commandline step by step so those not familiar with Transcode can see how it all fits together, and finally give the complete commandline. First you must give Transcode an indication of what import module is required and also what export module to use:

transcode -x null,dvd -y null,tcaud
The first option is -x null,dvd which tells Transcode that we will not import video but we require the dvd import module for audio. The --y null,tcaud option sets the export modules where again video will not be exported but the transcode audio module will be used for the audio. Next the commandline tells Transcode where the input file is and which title, chapter, angle and audio track to use:

-i /dev/dvd -T 1,3,1 -a 0
The first option is -i /dev/dvd and this pretty self-explanatory since we are ripping from a DVD after all. The next option -T 1,3,1 -a 0 tells Transcode to use the first title, third chapter, first angle and audio track 0 of the DVD, remember that this will change according to the DVD you are working with. If you are not sure that you have selected the appropriate section and track of the DVD you can interrogate the DVD with:

tcprobe -i /dev/dvd
to see the actual makeup of tracks on the DVD and then test your choice with tccat and MPlayer as follows:

tccat -i /dev/dvd -T 1,3,1 -a 0 | mplayer -cache 1024 -
Finally to add in some sound and lame options and give the output file location:

-E 44100,16,2 --lame_preset standard -m $HOME/Desktop/output.mp3
Transcode understands the lame presets so this is what I have used here as well as a few basic options for the sound: -E 44100,16,2 which dictates the audio output samplerate, bits per sample and number of channels. Of course the final option -m $HOME/Desktop/output.mp3 simply gives the location and name of the final file. And thus the final commandline is:

transcode -x null,dvd -y null,tcaud -i /dev/dvd -T 1,3,1 -a 0  \
-E 44100,16,2 --lame_preset standard -m $HOME/Desktop/output.mp3
How cool is that! I hope when the commandline is dissected as I have done above it is all a little more understandable and I wish you all the best with your further exploration of this great program....
