This script will automatically install and configure Mendeley Desktop for you on Ubuntu 9.10 and 9.04. You will still need to go to and register an account.

Copy and paste the code below into a new file. For example

Make the file executable
# sudo chmod +x
Finally execute the file.
# sudo ./
Full code below.

# Name: mendeley_v2
# Author: darkog
# Date: Nov 19, 2009
# Purpose:
# This script will automatically install and
# configure the Mendeley academic desktop software.
# Notes:
# This script was tested to run on Ubuntu 9.10 x86.
# Return codes:
# None

# --------------------------------------------
# Backup your apt sources.list file.
# --------------------------------------------
today=$(date '+%m-%d-%Y')
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_$today

# --------------------------------------------
# Add the Mendeley Ubuntu 9.04 repositories.
# If you use a different distro, you can go to
# and change the section as needed. Follow the
# format below.
# --------------------------------------------
echo "deb /" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

# --------------------------------------------
# Update & refresh your apt sources
# --------------------------------------------
apt-get update

# --------------------------------------------
# Install and auto configure the Mendeley
# software. Unfortunately the Mendeley team
# did not have an easily available .asc file
# which i could use with gpg for SecureApt.
# If they ever put one up, please contact me
# and perhaps I can add the functionality to
# import the keys into this script. For now
# I just have to force the install and trust
# that their files are not compromised.
# --------------------------------------------
apt-get install mendeleydesktop -y --force-yes

exit 0