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Thread: Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

    I'm not a programmer at all, but I'm trying to write a bash script that will download a file, check it's md5sum, compare to the online md5sum and then continue. I am trying to figure this out myself so I can learn, but I am stuck at echoing a value from a file that contains a version number:
    $version = 'bar'
    The bar is often in the format of 1.2 or 1.2.5 for example. How do I echo just the bar? Simple stuff, but over my head so far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeOutdoorsman View Post
    I'm not a programmer at all, but I'm trying to write a bash script that will download a file, check it's md5sum, compare to the online md5sum and then continue. I am trying to figure this out myself so I can learn, but I am stuck at echoing a value from a file that contains a version number:
    $version = 'bar'
    The bar is often in the format of 1.2 or 1.2.5 for example. How do I echo just the bar? Simple stuff, but over my head so far.
    The version number is kept in a file? or is it hard-coded as a string?

    If bar is an actual string, you should be doing it like this:
    and then use $version to reference the value.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

    Thanks for the reply. The version number is kept in a php file located in the archive that the script downloads, specifically wordpress/wp-includes/version.php. It's the Wordpress version number and an example can be seen here: version.php. Eventually, my script will download latest.tar.gz and then compare it's md5sum to the md5sum shown online for the corresponding version. Here is what I have so far:

    md5sumlocal= `md5sum latest.tar.gz | cut -c1-32`
    if [ -e "latest.tar.gz" ]; then
            rm -rf latest.tar.gz
    if [ "$md5sumlocal" != "$md5sumonline" ]; then
            echo "md5sum failed!"
    I can't figure out how to get the 2.8.5 from $wp_version = '2.8.5'; so I can apply it to the curl command.

    Also, a few more questions. Should I be using != or -ne? What is the difference between ${foo} and "$foo"?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

    Quote Originally Posted by FakeOutdoorsman View Post
    I can't figure out how to get the 2.8.5 from $wp_version = '2.8.5'; so I can apply it to the curl command.
    How about something like this to get the version:
    PHP Code:
    version=$(curl -s | awk -F\' '/^\$wp_version/{print $2}') 
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeOutdoorsman View Post
    Also, a few more questions. Should I be using != or -ne?
    != is for comparing strings so it's what you should be using in this particular instance. -ne is for comparing integers.
    Quote Originally Posted by FakeOutdoorsman View Post
    What is the difference between ${foo} and "$foo"?
    ${foo} is used when you want to clearly delineate variables. Let's say that foo=123, and you want to echo the value of foo plus the word "bar". You might do something like "echo $foobar". Bash will interpret that as the variable foobar and either return the value of $foobar if it's set or nothing at all if it's not. "echo ${foo}bar" will actually echo 123bar. Note that if you use the braces syntax, you still have to quote a variable to maintain spaces. See this example:
    PHP Code:
    foo="bar baz"
    $ echo $foobar

    $ echo ${foo}bar
    bar bazbar
    $ if [ ${foo} == "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi
    : [: too many arguments
    $ if [ "${foo}== "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi

    #Just to demonstrate different comparison operators:
    $ if [ "${foo}-eq "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi
    : [: bar bazinteger expression expected 
    ruby -ne '$_.gsub(/<[^>]*>|\([^)]*\)|\[[^\]]*\]/,"").each_char{|i|STDOUT.flush.print(i);sleep(0.03)}if/(<\/li>|<ul>)<li>/' <(wget -qO-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Echo bar in $version = 'bar'

    Quote Originally Posted by eightmillion View Post
    How about something like this to get the version:
    PHP Code:
    version=$(curl -s | awk -F\' '/^\$wp_version/{print $2}') 
    This works great. I thought awk was the tool to use, but I just could not figure it out. I just modified it slightly to get the version from the local version.php instead:

    PHP Code:
    version=$(awk -F\' '/^\$wp_version/{print $2}' wordpress/wp-includes/version.php) 
    != is for comparing strings so it's what you should be using in this particular instance. -ne is for comparing integers.

    ${foo} is used when you want to clearly delineate variables. Let's say that foo=123, and you want to echo the value of foo plus the word "bar". You might do something like "echo $foobar". Bash will interpret that as the variable foobar and either return the value of $foobar if it's set or nothing at all if it's not. "echo ${foo}bar" will actually echo 123bar. Note that if you use the braces syntax, you still have to quote a variable to maintain spaces. See this example:
    PHP Code:
    foo="bar baz"
    $ echo $foobar

    $ echo ${foo}bar
    bar bazbar
    $ if [ ${foo} == "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi
    : [: too many arguments
    $ if [ "${foo}== "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi

    #Just to demonstrate different comparison operators:
    $ if [ "${foo}-eq "bar baz" ];then echo Truefi
    : [: bar bazinteger expression expected 
    Thanks for the excellent examples describing how this works. It's very helpful.


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