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Thread: noob php/mysql array question

  1. #1

    noob php/mysql array question

    i'm going thru the o'reilly php & mysql book (2nd ed). all's well til example on page 186.

    i'm not sure where the numbers in the array index come from.

    // Fetch and display the results
    while ($result_row = mysql_fetch_row(($result))){
           echo 'Title: '.$result_row[1] . '<br />';
           echo 'Author: '.$result_row[4] . '<br /> ';
           echo 'Pages: '.$result_row[2] . '<br /><br />';
    it runs ok but i think i'm missing where the [1],[4],[2] come from.

    i logged into the mysql command line & ran the same query from the book:

    SELECT * FROM books NATURAL JOIN authors;
    and it showed:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM books NATURAL JOIN authors;
    | title_id | title                   | pages | author_id | author      
    |        1 | Linux in a Nutshell     |   112 |         1 | Ellen 
    Siever   |
    |        1 | Linux in a Nutshell     |   112 |         2 | Aaron Weber 
    |        2 | Classic Shell Scripting |   256 |         3 | Arnold 
    Robbins |
    |        2 | Classic Shell Scripting |   256 |         4 | Nelson 
    Beebe   |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    maybe coming back to linux soon! need new computer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: noob php/mysql array question

    There are typically 2 ways to access fields returned for each row in a query. The standard array index with integers (your example) and associative arrays.

    In your example, the fields correlate to index:

    title_id => 0
    title => 1
    pages => 2
    author_id => 3
    author => 4

    so, when you call something like:
    $result_row[4] you are returning the author in each tuple selected.

    This works fine, but im a fan (and i think most developers) of associative arrays. Makes reading the code a lot easier... ESPECIALLY if you are debugging someone elses code.

    Alternatively, to access the same thing, you could go:


    hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: noob php/mysql array question

    Just a note, mysql_fetch_row() will not return an associative array, you need to use mysql_fetch_assoc() for that.

  4. #4

    Re: noob php/mysql array question

    sweet, that makes sense, thanks for the replies
    maybe coming back to linux soon! need new computer


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