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Thread: [Java] enter data into arrays of Textfields

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    [Java] enter data into arrays of Textfields

    I am making a Java program that creates an XSPF file. I know that I can already make one via VLC, but I want to see if I can create a valid XSPF file anyway. I looked up the specs and typed out the basics of what an example in the specs looked like, but I'm stuck. I want to use JFilechooser to have it be as easy as possible to select a file to add it in the apporiate textfield. However, this is where things get difficult. I setup an array of JtextFields to put in the data, which works fine for manually inputting the file's location, but my original code had a flaw that would not work out in the program, so I moved the Action Listener class inside of the method, so I could try and specify the array element, but the compiler says that there is an error and wants the variable "count" to be a final datatype instead of an integer, but since "count" is used for the for loop, that would render my loop useless. The button, which I labelled "Browse..", and also an array in of itself, is supposed to open up and put it in the textfield that it resides next to. For example, browse[0] is supposed to set the text in file[0] and browse[1] is supposed to set the text in file[1]. How can I get this to compile and work? This is the first time I attempted a program like this, but not my first time using loops or arrays.

    This is my source code:

    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Playlist extends JFrame
    	String name, filename[];
    	JTextField playname, file[];
    	JLabel messname, messfile[];
    	JButton create, browse[];
    	String items = JOptionPane.showInputeDialog(null, "Enter number of items in the playlist", "playlist items", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
    	int files = Integer.parseInt(items);
    	String path = File.separator+"tmp";
    	JFileChooser window = new JFileChooser(new File(path));
    	JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    	public Playlist()
    		super("XSPF Generator");
    		setSize(700, 450);
    		file = new JTextField[files];
    		messfile = new JLabel[files];
    		browse = new JButton[files];
    		messname = new JLabel("Enter name for playlist:");
    		playname = new JTextField(10);
    		for (int count = 0; count <= files -1; count++)
    			messfile[count] = new JLabel("Enter file path:");
    			file[count] = new JTextField(10);
    			browse[count] = new JButton("Browse...");
    			browse.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
    				public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    					File input = window.getSelectedFile();
    					String con = String.valueOf(input);
    		create = new JButton("Create");
    		create.addActionListener(new CreateListener());
    		for (int display = 0; display <= files -1; display++)
    	private class CreateListener implements ActionListener
    		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a)
    			for (int collect = 0; collect <= files -1; collect++)
    				filename[collect] = file[collect].getText();
    			name = playname.getText() +".xspf";
    				FileWriter xspf = new FileWriter(name, true);
    				xspf.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
    				xspf.write("<playlist version=\"1\"  xmlns=\"\">");
    				for (int output = 0; output <= files -1; output++)
    					xspf.write("<track>\n<location>" + filename[output] + "</location>\n</track>");
    			catch (IOException ioe)
    				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "file creation failed", "Failed to generated", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    	public static void main(String[] args)
    		new Playlist();

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
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    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: [Java] enter data into arrays of Textfields

    Instead of using arrays maybe a map (HashMap) is more suitable for this kind of problem. A HashMap is a class that stores a collections of objects in pairs. Each objects has a 1-1 relationships with their corresponding objects. For example (in your case) :

    browseButton1 - textField1
    browseButton2 - textField2
    browseButton3 - textField3

    So you'll only need to bind each button with a textfield.
    [ In progress... | Check out my blog ]


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