Sorry if this has already been posted, I've been searching for a long while and unable to find anything on this particular issue.

My internet connection is provided through my building as free wireless, and they only allow us to have one connection.

I've currently got an ubuntu box that I have been using this with, but wish to add other devices.

So, what I want to do is have my connection come in via the wireless and then run through my ethernet card to a router or hub to provide connections to other devices. I have found a lot of resources explaining how to do this with 2 ethernet cards and they seem rather simple.

However, the problem that I am running into, is that as soon as I plug any kind of ethernet into my ubuntu box, it ceases to use the wireless connection and reverts back to trying to use ethernet for my outside internet connection.

Is there a way to change priorities on this so that it will still use the wireless for my outside internet and then have my ethernet card serve for the internal network I've created?

Also a little side issue, if anyone has any ideas, one thing I've found great is that somehow ubuntu seems to get around a cap they have in place for the network. In Windows XP the connection seems to max out at 50-60k/s, but in Ubuntu I can pull up to 500-600k/s regularly. I've used the machine on other wireless networks in XP and it works fine. Any ideas?

Thanks so much,
