View Full Version : Run a simple script & keep the terminal window open

December 27th, 2007, 11:22 AM
hi. i use PPPoE, and i do not want the connection to start at startup. And its a pain to type "pon dsl-provider" and "poff dsl-provider" every time so i wrote a little shell script that looks like this:

echo "start or stop PPPoE? Y=Start N=Stop (y/n)"

read answer

if [ "$answer" = "y" ]; then

pon dsl-provider


if [ "$answer" = "n" ]; then

poff dsl-provider


the "plog" command is in there so that i can make sure the connection was established (ISP is a little glitchy at times with username/password so it doesnt work sometimes)

to execute this i made a launcher with the command (script is called "PPPoE_Toggle")

sudo /home/username/PPPoE_Toggle

except it just flashes the terminal, runs the script, and closes very quickly. So fast that i cannot read the message from the "plog" command.

how do i create a launcher on my desktop that would start the script, and keep the terminal open after it finishes?

the only way i know now is to actually OPEN terminal and type in


which keeps the ternimal open but then its still a lot of typing and im lazy :P

thanks in advance. sorry for the long post.

December 27th, 2007, 11:27 AM
dont know if you have tried it or not but you might want to look at gpppon (in repos) I used it to allow my partners parents to connect easily when they were still on dialup

December 27th, 2007, 11:29 AM
thank you, i will check that out. meanwhile. any ideas to get my script to do what i want it to do?

December 27th, 2007, 11:30 AM
and keep the terminal open after it finishes?

in your script, put a "read" statement

# last command
# end of script...

then you can see what happens.

December 27th, 2007, 11:33 AM
works like a charm. thank you very much.

December 27th, 2007, 10:04 PM
Alternatively, you can use zenity to do it graphically. Something like this perhaps:

# Displays plog and asks user whether to start or stop
choice=$(zenity --list --title="PPPoE" --text="`plog`" --column="Choice" "Start" "Stop")

case $choice in
( pon dsl-provider; plog ) 2>&1 |
zenity --text-info --title="PPPoE connect"
( poff dsl-provider; plog ) 2>&1 |
zenity --text-info --title="PPPoE disconnect"
zenity --error --title="PPPoE" --text="Aborting"