View Full Version : LoCo Collaboration - Ohio

May 16th, 2007, 07:37 PM
I spoke with Vorian last week, team lead of the Ohio Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam), and he was more than happy to allow us in sharing their ideas on their wiki. Their format looks very nice and well thought out, straight to the point, and provides the necessary links for each area. Here are some other interesting points I found:

The team's Resume (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/Resume), something I found very impressive. This lists all of the team accomplishments, from when the team was founded to the experience the team provides and has brought to others.
The Marketing Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/MarketingTeam), which looks to distribute Ubuntu CD's, as well as finding and placing them in physical locations. Here is the thread Vorian posted on marketing:

http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320182 (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=320182)

There is also some good information on CD distribution (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/CDdistribution).
Face to Face Support (F2F). I highly urge everyone to check this out. This can be found on the New User Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/NewUserTeam).
The have an upcoming Ohio Linux Fest (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam/OLF) on Sept. 29.
All subpage links are listed on the bottom of the main wiki page.

I recommend everyone to visit this site. After viewing these pages, it may be in our best interests to develop a Marketing Team, which can solely focus on the distribution and promotion of Ubuntu. Then maybe we can start our own Linux/Ubuntu fest later this year!

Please post your thoughts on any of these ideas.

May 17th, 2007, 01:01 AM
Resume seems awesome. Sometime when I find the time, I'll make a preliminary one on the wiki for us.

Marketing team == Membership team, in our LoCo... now, we just need to get Membership going. I'll look at that thread for some ideas :)

F2F sounds brilliant. We should probably figure out some team to put that under, or create a new team; plus, we can incorporate that with other support-based proposals.

Linux Fest: Well, we're already talking to several of the LUGs in AZ... I'm sure we could get something like this going.

That was the original plan for subpages... might be a good idea. Talk to john, says me :)

Anyway, sweet.

May 17th, 2007, 03:33 AM
When I first saw and read their Marketing Team, the first thing I thought of was our Membership Team. However, there may come a time, and hopefully soon, to where we should divide the tasks Membership has right now and allow this team to focus on new members of the AZ Team. The Marketing Team can then focus on finding new ways on promoting Ubuntu and getting new members for the Membership Team to work with.

This is just my opinion.