View Full Version : segmentation fault during a linked list in C

April 7th, 2007, 01:06 PM
I'm having trouble with a linked list in C. The program reads a list of names and makes two linked lists out of the data, The program compiles, links, and runs but I keep getting a segmentation fault error at run tiime. I think it is from the function walkNode.

What am I missing? :confused:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>

struct link
struct link *next;
char word[25];
int numTimesAppear;

typedef struct link Link;

int CreateAllNodes(Link *, Link *, int *, int *);
void WalkNode(Link *);
int DestroyAllNodes(Link *);
void Compare();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

struct link *Dhead = NULL;
struct link *Compare;
struct link *Ahead = NULL;
int Atotal = 0;
int Dtotal = 0;
int total;

//call function to creat linked list nodes
total = CreateAllNodes(Dhead, Ahead, &Atotal, &Dtotal);

printf("\nAtotal is: %d", Atotal);
printf("\nDtotal is: %d", Dtotal);
printf("\ntotal is: %d\n", total);


//Sort lists alphabetically using compare call

//Delete lists using DestroyAllNodes call; call twice, once for each list

return 0;

int CreateAllNodes(Link *Dhead, Link *Ahead, int *pAtotal, int *pDtotal)
int total = 0;
int x, y, z;
char NameBuffer[50];
char WordBuffer[25];
char a, b, c;
long iEndFile, iFSize, iBegFile;
Link *DnewNode = NULL;
Link *DtmpNode = NULL;
Link *AnewNode = NULL;
Link *AtmpNode = NULL;
Link *tmpNodePtr = NULL;
FILE *MyFile;
iFSize = 0;

//request what file to open
printf("What File would you like to open?");
scanf("%s", NameBuffer );

//check for file, open file
if ((MyFile = fopen( NameBuffer, "r+")) == NULL)
printf ("\ncould not open the file '%s'\n", NameBuffer);
printf ("I have failed you... I'm sorry.\n\n");
return 0;

//get file size
fseek(MyFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
iEndFile = ftell(MyFile); // the end of the file is the size of the file
iFSize = iEndFile;

//read file
while (ftell(MyFile) < iEndFile)
//read data from file
fscanf (MyFile,"%s",WordBuffer);
printf("Loading nodes %d\n", ftell(MyFile));

//load nodes
//Compare characters to load in proper node using an if-else statement
if (WordBuffer[0] == 'd' || WordBuffer[0] == 'D')
if (*pDtotal == 0)
//create head node
Dhead = (Link *)malloc(sizeof(Link));
memcpy(Dhead->word, WordBuffer,25);
Dhead->numTimesAppear = 0;
Dhead->next = NULL;
//create nodes following head node
DnewNode = (Link *)malloc(sizeof(Link));
memcpy(DnewNode->word, WordBuffer,25);
DnewNode->numTimesAppear = 0;
DnewNode->next = (Link *) Dhead;
Dhead = DnewNode;
*pDtotal = *pDtotal + 1;
*pAtotal = *pAtotal + 1;

total = *pAtotal + *pDtotal;
printf("\nAtotal function is: %d", *pDtotal);
printf("\nDtotal function is: %d", *pAtotal);
printf("\ntotal function is: %d", total);

return total;

void WalkNode(Link *headNode)
Link *currentNode = headNode;

printf("\n%d == zero\n", headNode->numTimesAppear); /* what is going on here??? */

//loop through nodes and print out the info
while (currentNode->next != NULL)
printf("\n%s, %d", (char*)headNode->word, headNode->numTimesAppear);
currentNode = (Link *)currentNode->next;

//testing to make sure I am out of the loop
printf("\nOut of the loop now.\n");

void compare()
printf("I am able to compare two words\n");

int DestroyAllNodes(Link *headNode)
Link *currentNode;
currentNode = headNode;
Link *tmpNodePtr = NULL;

while (currentNode->next != NULL)
//Delete the nodes
tmpNodePtr = (Link *)currentNode->next;
currentNode = tmpNodePtr;

return 0;

April 7th, 2007, 01:32 PM
I suggest you use a debugger to step through the program.

I have already used ddd (available in apt) and visual studio (not available in apt) :p
KDevelop has a debugger too.

A segmentation fault means you have tried to access memory that is not yours.
Most probably you try to access a nullpointer or a pointer you have already freed.

April 7th, 2007, 01:52 PM
I think the problem is that after this line

total = CreateAllNodes(Dhead, Ahead, &Atotal, &Dtotal);

Dhead and Ahead are still both NULL. C passes arguments using "call by value", so unless you pass pointers to Dhead and Ahead, they will not be changed when the function returns.

Then, when you call WalkNode(Dhead), you get a segfault, because WalkNode doesn't check if its argument is NULL.

By the way, something looks fishy in the WalkNode function. In the printf statement in the while loop, shouldn't that be currentNode, not headNode? It looks like this function is just printing the contents of the linked list. I would expect something more like this:

void WalkNode(Link *headNode)
Link *currentNode = headNode;

//loop through nodes and print out the info
while (currentNode != NULL)
printf("\n%s, %d", (char*)currentNode->word, currentNode->numTimesAppear);
currentNode = (Link *)currentNode->next;

(I removed the mysterious first printf statement.) But maybe the first entry in your linked list is somehow "special", and shouldn't be printed the same as the others?

April 9th, 2007, 10:52 PM
In addition to the post above, you should get into the habit of using some of GCC's very useful warnings, as the bare minimum, I always compile with:

-g -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic -O3
Change '-ansi' to '-std=c99' if you're using C99. (-ansi chokes on // comments, as it should)

But in any serious project I always use this in my makefiles:

CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast \
-Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion \
-Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \
-Wpadded -Wredundant-decls -Wunreachable-code -Wformat-nonliteral \
-Wnested-externs -g -pedantic -ansi -O3

Also don't cast the return value of malloc(), this can mask errors, such as not having #include'd <stdlib.h>, by putting a cast in front of malloc() you prevent the compiler from warning you about missing prototypes.

This for example:

DnewNode = (Link *)malloc(sizeof(Link));
can be written as:

DnewNode = malloc(sizeof *DnewNode);
This will allow gcc to warn you about missing <stdio.h> and also allows you to change the type of DnewNode without having to worry about changing the argument of malloc().

Another thing I always use is 'valgrind', a very handy tool that can track al sorts of errors when dealing with memory (especially when using malloc and friends). Using valgrind I immediately saw you were dereferencing a NULL-pointer in the printf statement of WalkNode.

Sorry if I sound a bit pedantic, but these sort of things will make your life a lot easier when coding. :)

April 16th, 2007, 09:01 PM
Thanks for all the help. :popcorn:

This is the final source and it works! :D

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>

typedef struct link
struct link *next;
char word[24];
int numTimesAppear;

int CreateAllNodes(Link **, Link **);
void WalkNode(Link *);
int DestroyAllNodes(Link *);
int AddToList(Link **pTheHead, char *Word);

This program is designed to read in a file, and sort the data into
two linked lists aplhabetically and display it a screen at a time.


Dhead pointer to struct
Ahead pointer to struct

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

Link *Dhead = NULL; // caps on struct and deleted struct key word
Link *Ahead = NULL;

//call function to creat linked list nodes
CreateAllNodes(&Dhead, &Ahead); // used the &


//Delete lists using DestroyAllNodes call; call twice, once for each list

printf("\n\tdone with the program\n\n");

return 0;
This function reads in the file and determines which link list the word should be
added to based on the beginning letter


NameBuffer char array
WordBuffer char array
myFile File name
Dhead Dhead in main
Ahead Ahead in main

int CreateAllNodes(Link **Dhead, Link **Ahead)
char NameBuffer[50];
char WordBuffer[24];
long iEndFile, iFSize;
FILE *MyFile;

//request what file to open
printf("What File would you like to open?");
scanf("%s", NameBuffer );

//check for file, open file
if ((MyFile = fopen( NameBuffer, "r+")) == NULL)
printf ("\ncould not open the file '%s'\n", NameBuffer);
printf ("I have failed you... I'm sorry.\n\n");
return 0;

//get file size
fseek(MyFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
iEndFile = ftell(MyFile); // the end of the file is the size of the file
iFSize = iEndFile;

//read file
while (ftell(MyFile) < iEndFile)
//read data from file
fscanf (MyFile,"%s",WordBuffer);

//load nodes
//Compare characters to load in proper node using an if-else statement
if (WordBuffer[0] == 'd' || WordBuffer[0] == 'D')
AddToList(Dhead, WordBuffer);
AddToList(Ahead, WordBuffer);


return 1;
This function is designed to walk along the nodes and output the data as it is stored
in the link list. It prints the data to the screen a screen size at a time (assuming
screen size to be 20 lines)


headNode Ahead or Dhead in main
currentNode equal to headNode
lines int

void WalkNode(Link *headNode)
Link *currentNode = headNode;
int lines = 0;

//loop through nodes and print out the info
while (currentNode != NULL)
printf("%-24s %5d\n", currentNode->word, currentNode->numTimesAppear);
if (lines %20 == 19)
printf("Press enter for more data\n");
currentNode = (Link *)currentNode->next;

//testing to make sure I am out of the loop
printf("\nEnd of list. Press Enter\n");
This function deletes all the nodes at the conclusion of the program


headNode Ahead or Dhead in main
CurrentNode pointer to head node
tmpNodePtr temporary pointer for nodes
int DestroyAllNodes(Link *headNode)
Link *tmpNodePtr = NULL;
Link *currentNode;
currentNode = headNode;

printf("\nClearing out the memory");

while (currentNode->next != NULL)
//Delete the nodes
tmpNodePtr = (Link *)currentNode->next;
currentNode = tmpNodePtr;


return 0;

This function creates the nodes in the linked list and sorts them alphabetically


pTheHead head in Link
Word word in Link
newNode new node in List
previousNode points to previous node
theHead points to pTheHead
int AddToList(Link **pTheHead, char *Word)
Link *newNode = NULL;
Link *previousNode = NULL;
Link *theHead = *pTheHead;

switch(theHead==NULL?-1:strcmp(Word, theHead->word))
case 0:
//equal value, add to count
return 0;
case 1:
//greater value, goto next node
previousNode = theHead;
theHead = theHead->next;
case -1:
//lesser value, add node here
newNode = (Link *)malloc(sizeof(Link));
newNode->numTimesAppear = 1;
newNode->next = theHead;
if (previousNode == 0)
*pTheHead = newNode;
return 0;
previousNode->next = newNode;
return -1;
printf("Sorry I'm dumb...");

return 2;