View Full Version : most friendly pkg system, to make packages in?

November 28th, 2006, 12:30 AM
I was wondering, as i've begun to make some packages the debian way; what package system has the most user friendly way of making packages. both kernel / source / binary?
I use arch linux most of the time, so i'm kind of spoiled in that regard. Making a PKGBUILD and compiling with makepkg is really a dream come true. Can't really say the same thing about making debs... (checkinstall doesn't count, stupid ;) )
Even hosting a repo, using gensynch to make a database over packages, is rather easy in arch.
What other distros have you made packages in?

December 2nd, 2006, 05:01 AM
Yes, as a former Arch user I am finding building debian packages a vastly more complicated experience. However a couple of days of trying/learning and I finally got a package finished, where as in Arch it took me an hour or two at most to figure it out. Anyway I am pretty happy with my pbuilder & debarchiver setup I suppose, it is a nice way of working. Now to work on a few more packages..