View Full Version : Juju “RegionOne” does not allow access to all required services

December 19th, 2013, 01:52 PM
Hi i am trying to configure juju over openstack under Ubuntu. Successfully configure the basic authentication stuff on juju enviroment.yalm but when i try to bootstrap juju this errors stop me. Anyone can give me a tip ?


ERROR failed to GET object provider-state from container juju-ed085dd894094e7997f2e285ed52ca28
caused by: cannot create service URLs
caused by: the configured region "RegionOne" does not allow access to all required services, namely: compute, object-store
access to these services is missing: object-store


type: openstack
admin-secret: xxxx
control-bucket: juju-ed085dd894094e7997f2e285ed52ca28
auth-url: http://xxxx.11:5000/v2.0
auth-mode: userpass
username: xxx
password: xxx
tenant-name: admin
region: RegionOne