View Full Version : Redirect output-stream from command in Python

July 24th, 2012, 11:14 AM

Building a GUI / Quickly project manager.. Trying to read the output of a sub-process (in real-time). I've manage sort of, but the output doesn't show until after the process has been terminated.

How can I manage this but in real-time? This is my code, I've shorten it down to the essential parts...


def run_and_get(self, *args):


# spawn a new process, connect to its output and error pipes
pipe = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)

# print the output lines as they happen
while True:

self.enditer = self.textbuffer.get_end_iter()

stdout = pipe.stdout.readline()
stderr = pipe.stderr.readline()

if not stdout and not stderr:
if stdout:
self.textbuffer.insert(self.enditer, stdout)
if stderr:
self.textbuffer.insert(self.enditer, stderr)

except OSError as e:
print "Popen OSError: " + str(e) + ", arguments: " + str(args)
except ValueError as e:
print "POpen ValueError: " + str(e) + ", arguments: " + str(args)


def __init__(self):
self.appoutput = Output()
self.appoutput.set_textview_destination(self.tvout put)
self.x = self.appoutput.run_and_get

# run command
def on_brun_clicked(self, widget):
self.x('quickly', 'run')

July 24th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Output to a pipe is buffered by default. You need to force the program you are calling to unbuffer its output. Since 'quickly' is a python script, you can use 'python -u' - but check the man page because this flag has other implications.

So instead of calling 'quickly run', you need 'python -u /usr/bin/quickly run'.

August 3rd, 2012, 02:50 PM
Output to a pipe is buffered by default. You need to force the program you are calling to unbuffer its output. Since 'quickly' is a python script, you can use 'python -u' - but check the man page because this flag has other implications.

So instead of calling 'quickly run', you need 'python -u /usr/bin/quickly run'.

Hiya! Thanks for you response, and sorry for the time taken to reply, been busy lately.

I've tried your suggestion calling "python -u /usr/bin/quickly run". I'm sorry to say it made no difference.. been trying some new ways today to solve this... all with the same result, ie. output comes after main-app closes... no matter if it's within a console or to some textview-buffer.

Read up some on multithreading... been trying my way forth.. this is what I got so far. The class Processor creates 2 new threads, Writer and Reader. Writer read lines from the subprocess's stdout and put it in a queue, Reader reads the Queue and discard the job/item/line (if i got it right?). Might point out that I'm not sure I got everything right.. Don't quite understand threading w/ conditions just yet. So I would be thrilled if I could get a pointer or two! :)

In mainfile i call this:

self.processor = Processor(self.tvbuffer) # provide buf to print too
self.processor.run(['python', '-u', '/usr/bin/quickly', 'run'])

And this is the Processor-file and it's 3 classes. The Processorclass is furthest down:

EDIT: I've split up the classes into 3 codeblocks over here so it will be easier to read.


#!/usr/bin/env python -u

class Writer(threading.Thread):
Stacks the queue

def __init__(self, condition, output, queue):

@param condition condition synchronization object
@param output stdout from subprocess invoked in Processor
@param queue thread stacks queue with lines read from output

self.condition = condition
self.output = output
self.queue = queue

def run(self):
"""Thread run method"""

while True:

for line in self.output:

if self.queue.qsize() > 0:
print 'condition acquired by %s' % self.name
print 'condition notified by %s' % self.name
print 'condition released by %s' % self.name
print "queue is empty"



class Reader(threading.Thread):
"""Read from queue"""

def __init__(self, condition, queue, textbuf):

@param condition condition synchronization object
@queue the output-queue
@textbuf textview's buffer, will print output to this
self.condition = condition
self.queue = queue
self.textbuf = textbuf

def run(self):
"""Thread run method"""

while True:
print 'condition acquired by %s' % self.name
while True:

line = self.queue.get(timeout=.2) # timeout in seconds on get
except Queue.Empty:
#line = self.queue.get_nowait() # same as .get(False)

# test-print the current line...
print "line is " + line

#self.textbuf.insert(self.textbuf.get_end_iter(), line)


print 'condition wait by %s' % self.name

print 'condition released by %s' % self.name


class Processor:

def __init__(self, textbuffer):

@textbuffer the buffer where the output will get to in time..
self.buf = textbuffer

def run(self, cmd):
invoking this then a subprocess is initiated using the provided cmd

@cmd a tuple with the command to be called via a freshly baked subprocess

p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, # merge
bufsize = 1, # I see no different between 0 or 1
close_fds = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names)

con = threading.Condition()
que = Queue.Queue()

t1 = Writer(con, p.stdout, que)
t2 = Reader(con, que, self.buf)

t1.name = "Writer"
t2.name = "Reader"

t1.daemon = True
t2.daemon = True


# by using join the main-app freeze...
# by not using join, output show after main-app is finished, hmm

del t1, t2

If you check furthest down in the provided code.. the t1/t2.join calls.. I'm not sure what they mean entirely. Ive commented on what happens when i Use them vs not using them.